Kill Them All”: Colorado Cop Suspended, Not Fired After His Posts Aimed At Black Lives Matter Protesters

By Zack Linly

Can police depart­ments real­ly say they’re mak­ing an earnest effort to weed out the vio­lent, cor­rupt, and racist police offi­cers in their units if they aren’t will­ing to imme­di­ate­ly fire those who say or post things online that indi­cate that they are extra­ju­di­cial exe­cu­tion cas­es wait­ing to hap­pen?
A Colorado Springs police offi­cer thought he was mask­ing his iden­ti­ty when he used a pseu­do­nym to post — on more than one occa­sion — the words “KILL THEM ALL” in response to sto­ries about Black Lives Matter pro­test­ers. After an inves­ti­ga­tion iden­ti­fied the offi­cer behind the posts, he was suspended…but not fired.

CBS Denver reports that Sergeant Keith Wrede made the com­ments on June 30. The first com­ment was made in response to a live stream of a Black Lives Matter protest where demon­stra­tors blocked an inter­state for over an hour. Most of the pro­test­ers report­ed­ly had already left by the time police arrived, so it’s unclear what prompt­ed an alleged­ly sta­ble and pro­fes­sion­al law enforce­ment offi­cer to respond to the sto­ry by vir­tu­al­ly shout­ing, “KILL THEM ALL.” On a relat­ed post, Wrede repeat­ed the sen­ti­ment by com­ment­ing “KILL EM ALL” while using a Facebook pro­file under the name Steven Eric. An inter­nal affairs inves­ti­ga­tion found that Wrede was behind both posts and he was lat­er sus­pend­ed for five days, made to give up more than $2,000 in wages, and reas­signed from his spe­cial­ized unit to a dif­fer­ent posi­tion in the department.

CSPD Chief Vince Niski wrote a let­ter to the pub­lic Monday express­ing his sol­i­dar­i­ty with those out­raged by Wrede’s online behav­ior — call­ing his com­ments “unpro­fes­sion­al, dis­taste­ful, and not reflec­tive of our depart­ment” — but also defend­ing his deci­sion not to fire him.
“It was deter­mined,” Niski wrote, “that the com­ments were made off-duty out of frus­tra­tion and there was no indi­ca­tion of any phys­i­cal action or intent to cause harm. I am in no way min­i­miz­ing Sergeant Wrede’s words. His com­ments were unac­cept­able, have dam­aged our rela­tion­ship with mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty, and fell short of our standards.”

While his state­ments were harm­ful and rep­re­hen­si­ble, I can­not deprive the com­mu­ni­ty of a good police offi­cer and his ser­vices because of an iso­lat­ed inci­dent of an error in judg­ment,” he con­tin­ued. “We hope that you can accept our apol­o­gy and be assured that the CSPD and Sgt. Wrede will con­tin­ue to faith­ful­ly serve the public.”

Note: If you’re going to apol­o­gize to peo­ple con­cerned about police vio­lence, maybe don’t refer to a cop who prob­a­bly fan­ta­sizes about going full Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on any­one in a BLM shirt as a “good police offi­cer” you’re unwill­ing to “deprive” the peo­ple of.

Niski should have fol­lowed what one North Carolina police depart­ment did after catch­ing a few of their cops fan­ta­siz­ing about killing Black peo­ple. About a week before Wrede was caught express­ing his will­ing­ness to re-enact the cli­max scenes from Smoking Aces on pro­test­ers block­ing high­ways, a Wilmington, N.C., sergeant dis­cov­ered a near­ly two-hour-long record­ing from a patrol car cre­at­ed by an “acci­den­tal acti­va­tion” where three offi­cers were caught con­vers­ing at length about how they “can’t wait” for a civ­il war to break out so they can “slaugh­ter” Black peo­ple. Those offi­cers were imme­di­ate­ly fired because bruh, what if they stayed on the job and lat­er actu­al­ly did the shit they were wet dream­ing about?

How sil­ly will the CSPD look if Sgt. Wrede ends up star­ring in the next viral video where an unarmed Black per­son is killed by a cop turned exe­cu­tion­er?
I’m going to go ahead and para­phrase Maya Angelou and say, “When a cop shows you who they are, you damn sure bet­ter believe them the first time because them moth­er fuck­ers got guns and badges and will ‘KILL THEM ALL.’”

I’m just say­ing, there are some cops the streets need to be “deprived” of.
Originated @ the root
