Scenes From Ferguson Missouri

scenes fro Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson

Police in Ferguson Missouri have revealed new bomb­shell infor­ma­tion that Michael Brown was a Robbery sus­pect when he was shot and killed on August 9th.

scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson

This new infor­ma­tion sur­faced almost a full week lat­er and after sev­er­al nights of unrest and clash­es between Police and angry res­i­dents who are demand­ing jus­tice for the 18 year old.

The new Information comes to light after President Obama who is vaca­tion­ing in Martha’s Vineyard addressed the Nation on the sub­ject. Missouri’s US Senator, Claire McCaskill speak­ing at a Church said ‚” This kind of response by the police has become the prob­lem instead of the solu­tion”, . Senator McCaskill was respond­ing to the heavy hand­ed approach adopt­ed my Ferguson Police in response to the demon­stra­tions. Senator McCaskill also said the Ferguson Police should be demilitarized .

The Ferguson Police released the infor­ma­tion along with footage from a con­ve­nience store video, alleg­ing that Brown is the per­son in the video rough­ing up a clerk and walk­ing out with a box of sweet cig­ars val­ued at just under $50.00. They also acqui­esced to res­i­dents demand by reveal­ing the iden­ti­ty of the offi­cer who shot and killed Brown . He is iden­ti­fied as 6 year vet­er­an Darren Wilson.

scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson

Why did it take 5 days for Ferguson Police to reveal this new infor­ma­tion? Even if true, does the police real­ize doing it this way cre­ates more ques­tions than answers. Ferguson Police also stat­ed that Officer Wilson had no pri­or com­plaints against him. What the Chief did not reveal is that his Department had a pol­i­cy of allow­ing Officers to com­plete those reports and that they nev­er get placed into Officers per­son­nel files. This Daily Beast sto­ry by Columnist Michael Daly speaks to this issue. http://​www​.thedai​ly​beast​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​/​2​0​1​4​/​0​8​/​1​5​/​t​h​e​-​d​a​y​-​f​e​r​g​u​s​o​n​-​c​o​p​s​-​w​e​r​e​-​c​a​u​g​h​t​-​i​n​-​a​-​b​l​o​o​d​y​-​l​i​e​.​h​tml.

In these Blogs we speak fre­quent­ly to the issue of the Militarization of local police forces. It is refresh­ing to see Claire McCaskill speak out against this fright­en­ing phe­nom­e­non. Ferguson like most oth­er Police Departments ben­e­fits from a Pentagon’s Excess Property Program, known as 1033, which distributes

scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson
scenes from Ferguson

sur­plus mil­i­tary equip­ment to police. The pro­gram began in the ear­ly 1990s to assist anti-drug efforts and grew after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

When Police Departments gets equipped with Military hard­ware and manned by peo­ple many of whom have recent­ly returned from war, you end up with these kinds of situations.

Here we talk a lot about the grow­ing trend of Cops to be rude, aggres­sive, abra­sive, and dis­re­spect­ful. This bla­tant­ly dis­re­spect tends to esca­late rather quick­ly into vio­lence when police deal with cer­tain sec­tor of the soci­ety some of them have scant respect for. This kind of behav­ior does noth­ing to fos­ter bet­ter rela­tion­ships between police depart­ments and the com­mu­ni­ties they serve.

It also jeop­ar­dizes the safe­ty and hard work of good offi­cers as they jeop­ar­dize their own.