Scamming Memorialized As Reparations :but No One Bothers To Count The Cost…

The more I see the direc­tion our coun­try is head­ing the more I am con­vinced that the prob­lem of seri­ous crime is not get­ting bet­ter and for all intents and pur­pos­es will get expo­nen­tial­ly worse until some­thing real­ly cat­a­clysmic bring things to a head.

As some­one who opines about crime and the harm, it does to the social fab­ric of soci­eties , I do from time to time research polic­ing pro­to­cols as well as look at best prac­tices of police depart­ments which have been able to deal effec­tive­ly with the prob­lem of crime.
In doing so I am mind­ful that Geography, pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty, pover­ty, and oth­er defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics do play a part in crime and deter­mines whether it metas­ta­size or shriv­els up.

I hap­pened upon a video in which Former Commissioner of Police Carl Williams vowed to an American Journalist that the JCF would stamp out the Lotto scam scourge from the Island, “not a mat­ter of if” William asserts, “a mat­ter of when”.
The Journalists were on the Island as part of a greater aware­ness by American author­i­ties of the tens and maybe hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars being bilked from elder­ly Americans through the Lotto scam.

At the time Willaims was brag­ging to the Journalist he was­n’t yet Commissioner of Police.
Since then, Williams has been appoint­ed to the top cop posi­tion, done his stint and is long gone.
Needless to say, not only has the lot­to scam not gone away, it has grown leaps and bounds and so has every oth­er cat­e­go­ry of crime includ­ing vio­lent crimes.

Entire fam­i­lies wiped out while the gov­ern­ment looks at ways to fur­ther pre­vent law enforce­ment from dointg it’s job..

In fact, the lot­to scam has been infa­mous­ly cred­it­ed with being the dri­ver of the homi­cide rate par­tic­u­lar­ly in the west­er­ly parish­es of St James, Westmoreland and Hanover .
In the ensu­ing peri­od since that infa­mous inter­view, dozens of lot­to scam­mers have been extra­dit­ed to the United States to stand tri­al for their crimes.
The Americans have pledged to extra­dite dozens more to stand tri­al as well.

It’s impor­tant to rec­og­nize that despite the boasts of Jamaican author­i­ties it has been the efforts of American law enforce­ment and their exper­tise which has large­ly been respon­si­ble for the extra­di­tions and sub­se­quent con­vic­tions in American courts where all offi­cers of the court are focused on deal­ing effec­tive­ly with the issue of crime.


It took the Americans to focus on the Lotto scam in order for peo­ple to begin to be held account­able for their crimes.
I am ful­ly con­ver­sant that many Jamaicans attuned to the issue of the scam has devel­oped a twist­ed and con­vo­lut­ed jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for scam­ming argu­ing that it is repa­ra­tions of sorts.
Jailed mur­der­er Addijah Palmeer o/​c Vybes Kartel has memo­ri­al­ized scam­ming as a legit­i­mate act unwor­thy of ridicule.

(feat. Gaza Slim)

[Gaza Slim:]
As long as dem
Nah buy no gun, Nah sup­port no war
Big up di man dem star from near and far
Dem call it scam
Mi call it reparation
Every ghet­to yute is a star
Yow Yow (vybz kartel)
So dem wah live like one, one
[Vybz Kartel:]
Big up every scamma
Weh mek U.S Dolla
Build up di house fi yuh mama
Western union peo­ple fi gi wi more honor
Slah, full-stop, comma
Every ghet­to yute fi a live like Tony Mantana
Presidental like bar­ruk obama
Pool inna house and plane inna hanger
Who say di scam­ma dem wrong
No, Hungry, pover­ty dat more wronger
Better dem dweet dan tek up the bomber
Memba di yute dem nah squeeze trigger
A just tru dem a nigger
You misa big mista you a di prime minister
College mi wah send mi sista
You say edu­ca­tion a di key
Mi a beg yuh nuh tek mi ting sah.….
A twist­ed con­vo­lut­ed attempt at jus­ti­fy­ing steal­ing from elder­ly and some­times men­tal­ly and intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged people.
Never mind that the very same Vybes Kartel was reg­u­lar­ized at the Universit of the West Indies (Intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to) by one Professor Caroline Cooper to give a lec­ture on con­tem­po­rary music.
Don’ t ask me why, this is the way things get done in Jamaica, dys­func­tion is cel­e­brat­ed and revered on the Island.
Which brings me to my point.
I recent­ly wrote that I know of no coun­try in which tax pay­ers funds are used to fund oth­er agen­cies which active­ly mil­i­tates against that same coun­try’s law enforce­ment agen­cies except Jamaica.
I asked my read­ers to edu­cate me if they know of any such coun­try. Thus far I have not heard from anyone.
It is a shock­ing yet telling indi­ca­tion that the tiny Island of 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple has no inten­tion of deal­ing with the spi­ral­ing crime wave which has inun­dat­ed the Island.
Andrew Holness
Seem dead set on destroy­ing the police depart­ment with his cronies…
Instead of strength­en­ing the insti­tu­tions of law enforce­ment and Justice ‚Administrations of both polit­i­cal par­ties have embarked on a path which spe­cial­izes in secur­ing the best inter­est of gang­sters, rapists child moles­ters, and ter­ror­ists who mas­sacre entire families.
There is an argu­ment to be made for police over­sight, though not INDECOM in its present form but I am yet to ful­ly grasp the need for a Public Defender’s Department when we have a Justice Department and a Director of Public Prosecution?
Arlene Harrison Henry
In addi­tion to the litany of so-called Human Rights agen­cies which have sprung up across the Island over the years, there are now these Government agen­cies which active­ly antag­o­nize the police there­by offer­ing aid and com­fort to the scam­mers, rapist, child- moles­ters, and murderers.
Arlene Harrison Henry has been a vocif­er­ous and stri­dent voice for crim­i­nals. Add Terrence Williams of INDECOM , Horace Levy of the PMI, Cliff Hughes of Nation wide Radio and the rule of law has no chance of suc­cess on the tiny bit of land of 4411 square miles.
It is a shame what is being done to our coun­try and well-mean­ing Jamaicans must take action if ever we are to wrest back con­trol of our coun­try from this cav­al­cade of mad­ness which has tak­en her over.
The meth­ods we must employ may not always be palat­able to many but what must be done has to be done because the Government can­not be trust­ed to do whats right for the Jamaican people.
In Rockfort St Andrew swarms of heav­i­ly armed gun­men barged into homes took what they want­ed and slaugh­tered residents.
Don’t gasp it’s just anoth­er day in Jamaica.
In St James and Hanover, entire fam­i­lies are wiped out as if they nev­er existed,
This is ter­ror­ism no ques­tion. The mur­der num­bers exceed civ­il war sta­tis­tics but there is no sense of urgency from the Jamaican Government
The focus of the gov­ern­ment is not on the erad­i­ca­tion of the ter­ror­is­tic scourge sweep­ing the country.
Its focus is on dis­man­tling the Police Department, putting in its place a bunch of social work­ers while those cit­i­zens alive step over the dead bod­ies until it’s their turn to die.