Robbery At Sovereign Plaza Portmore Results In 3 Security Guards Shot…

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This was the wild west scene at the Sovereign Plaza in Portmore St Catherine on Sunday that result­ed in three secu­ri­ty offi­cers being shot.

These aban­doned vehi­cles are believed to be the ones used by the gun­men in the dar­ing day­light attack on the secu­ri­ty team.
It is impor­tant to rec­on­cile that while these events are unfold­ing in our coun­try, there are politi­cians seek­ing high office and high­ly placed Judges who oppose stiff penal­ties for these mon­sters who con­tin­ue to prey on the innocent.
These are the killers that the nation’s chief jus­tice and the oppo­si­tion par­ty care about.

The con­di­tion of the injured secu­ri­ty offi­cers is not known at this time.