Rhode Island Man Handcuffed By Police Dies

Providence, Rhode Island, police released body cam­era video after a man who was hand­cuffed by offi­cers died.

The footage is from one of sev­er­al offi­cers who respond­ed to a call around 12:30 a.m. ET Friday about a man, iden­ti­fied as Joseph Ventre, 34, scream­ing in the mid­dle of the street.

When the video begins, Ventre is heard yelling. Two oth­er offi­cers are already on the scene.

The three police offi­cers walk around a chain-link fence to a grassy field, where Ventre is seen rolling around on the ground.

Several min­utes pass before offi­cers approach Ventre and try to calm him down. Paramedics and sev­er­al oth­er offi­cers have just arrived at this point in the video.

Buddy, relax your body,” one offi­cer says. “Relax your body, you’re OK.”

Ventre yells out indis­cernible words and at one point tells the offi­cer his name is David.

One of the offi­cers sug­gests they hand­cuff Ventre in the front. Instead, they try to direct him toward the para­medics but Ventre is still rolling on the ground.

Eventually, sev­er­al offi­cers attempt to hand­cuff him. After a short strug­gle, Ventre is placed in cuffs and lift­ed onto a stretcher.

The Providence Police Department said that Ventre was pro­nounced dead at the hos­pi­tal just before 2 a.m.

According to a police press release, Ventre was “pos­si­bly under the influ­ence of nar­cotics.” He was placed in hand­cuffs “to pre­vent injuries and for the safe­ty of res­cue per­son­nel,” the depart­ment said, not­ing his “errat­ic behavior.”

The sub­ject con­tin­ued to refuse to com­ply with police com­mands and after a minor strug­gle, the sub­ject was placed on a stretch­er and into the Providence Fire Department res­cue where PFD per­son­nel began to per­form CPR,” police said.

The iden­ti­ties of the offi­cers involved have not been released. The case remains under investigation.