Republicans File Motion To Remove Black Prosecutor From Office…

Republicans are try­ing to remove a Black pros­e­cu­tor because she refus­es to do their bid­ding, per­pet­u­at­ing peo­ple’s lock­ing up for minor offens­es and feed­ing the prison indus­tri­al complex.
Their prob­lem with Ms. Gardner is that she dared to indict their crim­i­nal Governor Eric Greitens in 2018.
Be remind­ed that it is up to a judge to deter­mine bail, not the pros­e­cu­tor. So it mat­ters lit­tle whether a pros­e­cu­tor asks that an accused be allowed out on bail; the deci­sion rests sole­ly with the judge. But again, this is a red her­ring by the lying, bul­ly­ing, racist Republicans who are mad that a black woman holds a posi­tion of power.
Kim Gardner is an out­spo­ken advo­cate for police reform. That is the rea­son they want her removed.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner

On Thursday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed a legal motion to remove St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner from office. The action comes after a cho­rus of elect­ed offi­cials called on Gardner to resign after a dri­ver who repeat­ed­ly vio­lat­ed his bond alleged­ly injured a 16-year-old vol­ley­ball play­er from Tennessee, result­ing in both of her legs being ampu­tat­ed. Bailey, a Republican, and oth­ers have accused Gardner, a Democrat, of neglect­ing her duties because the dri­ver had vio­lat­ed his bond. Gardner, in response, has accused the judge in the driver’s case of deny­ing pros­e­cu­tors’ requests for a high­er bond.
Bailey’s motion, which accus­es Gardner of neglect, rep­re­sents the lat­est bat­tle over Gardner’s han­dling of the office. Gardner, the first Black woman to be elect­ed as St. Louis’ top pros­e­cu­tor, has repeat­ed­ly clashed with Republican law­mak­ers in Jefferson City dur­ing her tenure. While law­mak­ers of both par­ties have crit­i­cized Gardner’s han­dling of the case, some view Bailey’s motion as anoth­er exam­ple of Republicans tar­get­ing a pro­gres­sive, Black official.

Here’s what you need to know about Bailey’s action against Gardner.

Kim Gardner, an out­spo­ken advo­cate for police reform, was elect­ed as St. Louis’ top pros­e­cu­tor in 2016. She won reelec­tion to a sec­ond term in 2020. During her time in office, Gardner has repeat­ed­ly faced back­lash from Republicans over how she’s run the office. Much of that crit­i­cism stems from Gardner’s pros­e­cu­tion of for­mer Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens in 2018.
Last year, Gardner was rep­ri­mand­ed by the Missouri Supreme Court for her han­dling of the inva­sion of pri­va­cy case against Greitens. As part of an agree­ment with the court, she admit­ted to fail­ing to dis­close evi­dence — hand­writ­ten notes — to attor­neys rep­re­sent­ing Greitens. Greitens was indict­ed for felony inva­sion of pri­va­cy in the 2018 case, but Gardner dropped the case a day before it was set to go to tri­al. She agreed to drop an addi­tion­al com­put­er tam­per­ing charge against Greitens as part of an agree­ment that coin­cid­ed with Greitens’ vol­un­tary res­ig­na­tion from office. Republican law­mak­ers are also tar­get­ing Gardner’s han­dling of crime in St. Louis. A bill filed this year would allow Republican Gov. Mike Parson to appoint a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor to any cir­cuit or pros­e­cut­ing attorney’s juris­dic­tion for five years if he deems there is a threat to pub­lic safety.

Andrew Bailey. Don’t these F***** all seem to look alike?


Bailey and oth­er offi­cials, includ­ing Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, want Gardner removed after a motorist who had repeat­ed­ly vio­lat­ed his bond struck and injured a teenag­er in St. Louis this week. Police say Daniel Riley, 21, was speed­ing and failed to yield at an inter­sec­tion when his vehi­cle hit anoth­er car that then struck 16-year-old Janae Edmondson. Riley, who was out on bond for a 2020 rob­bery charge that was dis­missed and refiled last year, had vio­lat­ed the con­di­tions of his bond sev­er­al times, includ­ing by let­ting his GPS mon­i­tor die. Bailey has crit­i­cized Gardner for not fil­ing a motion to revoke Riley’s bond. On Thursday, Bailey said Gardner illus­trat­ed a “con­tin­ued pat­tern of fail­ure” to “dis­charge her moral and legal duties.”
Read more here: https://​www​.kansasc​i​ty​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​p​o​l​i​t​i​c​s​-​g​o​v​e​r​n​m​e​n​t​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​2​7​2​5​8​4​1​0​9​.​h​tml