Republicans Cannot Now Deny The Monster They Created..


In less than twen­ty four hours Republican pri­ma­ry vot­ers will go to the polls in sev­er­al states in a crit­i­cal Super Tuesdayshowdown: 

This is the first day that states may begin to award del­e­gates on a win­ner-take-all basis. It is also a crit­i­cal day of reck­on­ing in Florida for Marco Rubio one of that state’s US Senator and John Kasich the sit­ting Governor of Ohio. It’s also the date at which a major­i­ty (56%) of del­e­gates will have been already bound — an impor­tant mile­stone that was reached near­ly a month lat­er in 2012.

  • Florida Primary (99) — Winner take all
  • Illinois Primary (69) — Statewide del­e­gates are win­ner take all, con­gres­sion­al dis­trict del­e­gates elect­ed direct­ly on bal­lot and bound as they declare
  • Missouri Primary (52÷49) – Winner take all above 50%, oth­er­wise win­ter take all by con­gres­sion­al district
  • North Carolina Primary (72÷69) – Proportional
  • Northern Mariana Islands Caucuses (9) – Winner take all
  • Ohio Primary (66) –Winner take all.
This Tuesday should be the Waterloo of the Rubio campaign...
This Tuesday should be the Waterloo of the Rubio campaign…

John Kasich said if he los­es Ohio he would be hard pressed to con­tin­ue his long-shot cam­paign for the pres­i­den­cy. Thus far today Kasich brought out Mitt Romney the last repub­li­can to lose to pres­i­dent Barack Obama to cam­paign on his behalf. Marco Rubio won rough­ly four states and my have accu­mu­lat­ed just over a hun­dred del­e­gates still con­tin­ue to cam­paign on some myth­i­cal notion that he still has a shot at win­ning his par­ty’s nomination.
It has become clear that Tuesday March 15th will be Marco Rubio’s Waterloo. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly pleased that Marco Rubio’s cam­paign for the pres­i­den­cy may have floun­dered and ran aground. Rubio the polit­i­cal can­di­date is a far right tool of the most stri­dent forces in this country.
Normal peo­ple should shed no tear to see the dis­in­te­gra­tion of the Rubio campaign .
If for noth­ing else this writer will be par­tic­u­lar­ly thrilled to see Marco Rabio beat­en in his home state of Florida.
This should give lit­tle Marco a real­i­ty-check and a dose of respect.
Here’s my take regard­ing lit­tle Marco . Before you assume pow­er you must learn to sub­ject your­self to power.
Before you lead you must sub­ject your­self to be led. You dis­re­spect­ed the sit­ting pres­i­dent in the most despi­ca­ble and dis-respectable man­ner and by doing so you dimin­ished the office you yearn to occupy.
On that basis you are unwor­thy to occu­py that office.

Donald Trump is the hate which the Republican hate machine created....
Donald Trump is the hate which the Republican hate machine created.…

Ted Cruz a modern day Joe McCarthy...
Ted Cruz a mod­ern day Joe McCarthy…

I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe the far right wing zealotry of Ted Cruz and the dis­re­spect­ful Marco Rubio are just as destruc­tive as Donald Trump’s out­right Fascism.
I have a per­son­al stake in see­ing Donald Trump con­tin­ue on as the lead­ing can­di­date for the repub­li­can party.
It opens up to the world the true nature of what that par­ty has always rep­re­sent­ed and what it rep­re­sents after almost two terms of Barack Obama’s presidency.
The Republican Party is total­ly respon­si­ble for the lev­el of hatred and uncer­tain­ty in the coun­try today.
The Republican par­ty cre­at­ed Donald Trump and it cer­tain­ly must take respon­si­bil­i­ty for the lev­el of Fascist rhetoric com­ing out of Trump’s campaign>
As pres­i­dent Obama stat­ed recent­ly , why are they shocked ?
For the entire­ty of the Obama pres­i­den­cy AM-talk radio and the FOX Television Network has been ver­i­ta­ble twen­ty-four-hour organs of the far right belt­ing out hatred against Barack Obama.

Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh

Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent

Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent , Laura Ingram, Glen Beck, and a pletho­ra of oth­ers get out of bed each day and use the pub­lic’s air­waves to do pre­cious lit­tle but spread hate and white suprema­cy . No one should be sur­prised that these Trump sup­port­ers, many of whose lives have nev­er been bet­ter are con­vinced their lives are in sham­bles because of Barack Obama.
Trump is the hate which hate produces.

2 thoughts on “Republicans Cannot Now Deny The Monster They Created..

  1. Well writ­ten! I myself am hap­py to see that Marcorubio@​senate.​gov or Little Rubio been destroyed by Donald Trump! On two occa­sions I was at the Miami VA and sit­ting in the depart­ment wait­ing area lis­ten­ing to some old vet­er­an’s talk­ing with each oth­er. I was par­tic­u­lar­ly keen to lis­ten to what these men are say­ing about the can­di­dates, because they are real old white men. 

    The first thing that one of them start­ed the con­ver­sa­tion “who these two Spaniards, think­ing is going to give them the nom­i­na­tion for the Republican par­ty. Don’t they know that they are black men?” One said. ” Rubio and Cruz por­tray­ing them­selves as white Hispanic, these Spaniards, don’t want to stay in their lanes. It’s nice when they are point­ing out the flaws and laws bro­ken by their own peo­ple (Spaniards) to come into the coun­try. Then the lib­er­als can’t shout racism because both guys are Spaniards too!” Another old white man said. 

    Listening to the men and from what I have gath­ered from their con­ver­sa­tion, as long as they live “no wet back, Spaniard or black can­not get the nom­i­na­tion for the GOP par­ty. So, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are liv­ing in a dream! They will not let it happen!

    Donald Trump is say­ing and doing every­thing that they would like to do, but the reper­cus­sions would be swift and harsh; Trump have mon­ey so they can’t touch him or try to bring him down. 

    These men are tru­ly GOP par­ty diehards and they are hap­py that Donald Trump is being hon­est in his overt rhetorics.

    • I total­ly agree with you on this .
      One of the hard­est thing for me to rec­on­cile is how can two Cuban immi­grants , once removed , one not even born in the US trans­form them­selves from being Latinos to white Anglo-Saxons?

      I was watch­ing a tele­vi­sion pro­gram with my wife recent­ly which had noth­ing to do with politics.
      I was stunned to hear a Cuban exile refer to her father as a white Cuban man.
      I was stunned. these peo­ple real­ly believe they are white.
      How can an entire peo­ple lack a a sense of iden­ti­ty, a sense of pride?

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