In less than twenty four hours Republican primary voters will go to the polls in several states in a critical Super Tuesdayshowdown:
This is the first day that states may begin to award delegates on a winner-take-all basis. It is also a critical day of reckoning in Florida for Marco Rubio one of that state’s US Senator and John Kasich the sitting Governor of Ohio. It’s also the date at which a majority (56%) of delegates will have been already bound — an important milestone that was reached nearly a month later in 2012.
- Florida Primary (99) — Winner take all
- Illinois Primary (69) — Statewide delegates are winner take all, congressional district delegates elected directly on ballot and bound as they declare
- Missouri Primary (52÷49) – Winner take all above 50%, otherwise winter take all by congressional district
- North Carolina Primary (72÷69) – Proportional
- Northern Mariana Islands Caucuses (9) – Winner take all
- Ohio Primary (66) –Winner take all.
John Kasich said if he loses Ohio he would be hard pressed to continue his long-shot campaign for the presidency. Thus far today Kasich brought out Mitt Romney the last republican to lose to president Barack Obama to campaign on his behalf. Marco Rubio won roughly four states and my have accumulated just over a hundred delegates still continue to campaign on some mythical notion that he still has a shot at winning his party’s nomination.
It has become clear that Tuesday March 15th will be Marco Rubio’s Waterloo. I am particularly pleased that Marco Rubio’s campaign for the presidency may have floundered and ran aground. Rubio the political candidate is a far right tool of the most strident forces in this country.
Normal people should shed no tear to see the disintegration of the Rubio campaign .
If for nothing else this writer will be particularly thrilled to see Marco Rabio beaten in his home state of Florida.
This should give little Marco a reality-check and a dose of respect.
Here’s my take regarding little Marco . Before you assume power you must learn to subject yourself to power.
Before you lead you must subject yourself to be led. You disrespected the sitting president in the most despicable and dis-respectable manner and by doing so you diminished the office you yearn to occupy.
On that basis you are unworthy to occupy that office.
I fundamentally believe the far right wing zealotry of Ted Cruz and the disrespectful Marco Rubio are just as destructive as Donald Trump’s outright Fascism.
I have a personal stake in seeing Donald Trump continue on as the leading candidate for the republican party.
It opens up to the world the true nature of what that party has always represented and what it represents after almost two terms of Barack Obama’s presidency.
The Republican Party is totally responsible for the level of hatred and uncertainty in the country today.
The Republican party created Donald Trump and it certainly must take responsibility for the level of Fascist rhetoric coming out of Trump’s campaign>
As president Obama stated recently , why are they shocked ?
For the entirety of the Obama presidency AM-talk radio and the FOX Television Network has been veritable twenty-four-hour organs of the far right belting out hatred against Barack Obama.
Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent , Laura Ingram, Glen Beck, and a plethora of others get out of bed each day and use the public’s airwaves to do precious little but spread hate and white supremacy . No one should be surprised that these Trump supporters, many of whose lives have never been better are convinced their lives are in shambles because of Barack Obama.
Trump is the hate which hate produces.
Well written! I myself am happy to see that or Little Rubio been destroyed by Donald Trump! On two occasions I was at the Miami VA and sitting in the department waiting area listening to some old veteran’s talking with each other. I was particularly keen to listen to what these men are saying about the candidates, because they are real old white men.
The first thing that one of them started the conversation “who these two Spaniards, thinking is going to give them the nomination for the Republican party. Don’t they know that they are black men?” One said. ” Rubio and Cruz portraying themselves as white Hispanic, these Spaniards, don’t want to stay in their lanes. It’s nice when they are pointing out the flaws and laws broken by their own people (Spaniards) to come into the country. Then the liberals can’t shout racism because both guys are Spaniards too!” Another old white man said.
Listening to the men and from what I have gathered from their conversation, as long as they live “no wet back, Spaniard or black cannot get the nomination for the GOP party. So, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are living in a dream! They will not let it happen!
Donald Trump is saying and doing everything that they would like to do, but the repercussions would be swift and harsh; Trump have money so they can’t touch him or try to bring him down.
These men are truly GOP party diehards and they are happy that Donald Trump is being honest in his overt rhetorics.
I totally agree with you on this .
One of the hardest thing for me to reconcile is how can two Cuban immigrants , once removed , one not even born in the US transform themselves from being Latinos to white Anglo-Saxons?
I was watching a television program with my wife recently which had nothing to do with politics.
I was stunned to hear a Cuban exile refer to her father as a white Cuban man.
I was stunned. these people really believe they are white.
How can an entire people lack a a sense of identity, a sense of pride?