Problem With The Team ? Fire The Coaching Staff…

The high com­mand of the JCF seem to have one pur­pose and one pur­pose alone , that is to demo­ti­vate and help demo­nize the men and women who place their lives on the line in ser­vice to their coun­try.. That has been the Modus Operandi of the gen­er­al­ly igno­rant ‚incom­pe­tent and cor­rupt set of buf­foons who make up this colony of clowns, with the excep­tion of a few.
Over the years that colony has had some changes they are more for­mal­ly ‑edu­cat­ed , but still part­ly cor­rupt , incom­pe­tent , lazy , clue­less and deeply spineless.

In recent times there has been much dis­qui­et about the force and even calls to dis­band it alto­geth­er . That call also came from for­mer SSP Reneto Adams a mem­ber of that cadre of clowns. I am not gen­er­al­ly enam­ored with Adams , a man whose claim to fame is what many char­ac­ter­ize as a litany of extra-judi­cial killings. Even though I admire his met­tle and his unen­cum­bered spir­it to speak out on crime.
My dis­dain for the police high com­mand has not wavered over the years, that is well know. I have been fair and sup­port­ive when war­rant­ed but I was no fan of the high com­mand when I served 25-years-ago and I’m not not a fan today.
It was a cul­ture of incom­pe­tence, cor­rup­tion , nepo­tism, bul­ly­ing , and cow­ardice among oth­er vices which con­vinced many decent loy­al and capa­ble offi­cers to exit the depart­ment ear­ly, myself among them.
It is the very same vices which influ­ences the incred­i­bly high attri­tion rate which plagues the depart­ment today.
Over the years I have tried to point to the fact that offi­cers who leave the depart­ment and con­tin­ue polic­ing careers, whether with­in the CARICOM region or out­side, have built exem­plary careers of which the Island can be just­ly proud.
Over the years when our junior offi­cers com­pete with cops from oth­er nations in polic­ing cours­es ‚Jamaicans offi­cers excel over the competition.
So what is the mat­ter with the police force we have in Jamaica you ask ?
To you I say this ” shit does not flow upstream”
When a team does poor­ly it is always man­age­ment. When a team does poor­ly it is always the coach­ing staff . Many argue that younger offi­cers are trained well but once they go out on the streets they dis­card what they learned. To that I ask ‚“whose respon­si­bil­i­ty is it to super­vise and guide them?
Young men and women who become police offi­cers and drag the name of the depart­ment through the mud do so because their back-ground checks were done from bar-stools if at all. Whose fault is it?
Officers who go out un-super­vised to extort motorists ‚I ask this of you, whose fault is it?
Young offi­cers who end up unsup­port­ed in tough sit­u­a­tions, afraid, unsure, and set upon , I ask you this, whose fault is it?
Where are the Deputy Commissioners? Where are the Assistant Commissioners? Where are the Senior Superintendents? Where are the Superintendents? Where are the Deputy Superintendents?
If the engine in your car does not work, you can­not get ser­vice from that car. If the police force is not work­ing, do not blame the young men and women who pound the beat and dodge the bullets .
Blame the peo­ple you trust to make the depart­ment work.
Lets be clear, I am not naïve regard­ing the chal­lenges which the depart­ment faces polit­i­cal­ly and oth­er­wise. My com­ments regard­ing the depart­men­t’s inep­ti­tude speaks to what can be done bet­ter under the exist­ing circumstances.
When was the last time a mem­ber of the Gazetted Rank lost his or her life in the line of duty? When was the last time any mem­ber of the gazetted rank was shot or even shot at in the line of duty?
What does that say about their involve­ment in crime-fighting ?
What does it say about the seri­ous­ness lev­el when there are no offi­cers like Anthony Hewitt. Ruddy Dwyer, . Where are the Kelso Smalls, and the O C Hares? Where are the Donald Puseys, Altamoth par­ra Campbell and the Cornwall big­ga Fords?
The list of stal­warts is long and var­ied. Recently depart­ed Spungie, one of our most well loved offi­cers and many oth­ers who were extreme­ly effec­tive but some­what less know have con­tributed sig­nif­i­cant­ly to dri­ving fear int the hearts of Jamaica’s heart­less crim­i­nals and sav­ing count­less lives in the process.
I’ll answer that ques­tion for you, they have all retired or calm­ly exit­ed the stage . Whats left are win­dow dress­ings, scared shit-less of the anti-police agency Bruce Golding set up to antag­o­nize police.
This is not about Golding or the crim­i­nal­ly cor­rupt PNP , it is sim­ply a state­ment of fact.
The once sacred creed or Esprit de Corps which has kept our broth­er­hood of offi­cer ded­i­cat­ed to each oth­er, watch­ing the back of each oth­er has been slan­dered and smeared . Made out to be a thing to shun and revile.
The hier­ar­chy of the force went along with Carolyn Gomes and now INDECOM , allow­ing the most sacred creed of police offi­cers every­where to become a stain , a sym­bol of cov­er-up by peo­ple who nev­er sac­ri­ficed any­thing , nev­er did any­thing but for themselves.
It’s time to fire the entire failed coach­ing staff.