President Obama Never Allowed The Rain To Stop Him


World War I began in 1914, after the assas­si­na­tion of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and last­ed until 1918. During the con­flict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers). Thanks to new mil­i­tary tech­nolo­gies and the hor­rors of trench war­fare, World War I saw unprece­dent­ed lev­els of car­nage and destruc­tion. By the time the war was over and the Allied Powers claimed vic­to­ry, more than 16 mil­lion peo­ple — sol­diers and civil­ians alike — were dead.‑i/world-war-i-history

Donald Trump the American President yes­ter­day left for France to com­mem­o­rate the end of world war one along with oth­er world lead­ers, includ­ing the French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and oth­ers.

However, Donald Trump on Saturday called off a trip to a World War I US mil­i­tary ceme­tery in France because of sup­posed bad weath­er, the White House said. After talks with French coun­ter­part Emmanuel Macron, Trump can­celed his vis­it to Belleau Wood bat­tle­field and ceme­tery 80 kilo­me­ters (50 miles) north­east of Paris because of “sched­ul­ing and logis­ti­cal dif­fi­cul­ties caused by the weath­er,” his admin­is­tra­tion said.
So we have inter­pret­ed that to mean that Trump did not want his hair to get wet, he would rather spend his time with Vladimir Putin, or both.
So we took it unto our­selves to show you what a real pres­i­dent does when he has impor­tant duties to per­form and there is a lit­tle rain.

Nicholas Soames British MP and grand­son of Winston Churchill blast­ed Donald Trump

In the mean­time, Nicholas Soames, a British politi­cian, and grand­son of Winston Churchill ripped Donald Trump on Saturday for can­cel­ing a ceme­tery vis­it in France due to bad weath­er.
“They died with their face to the foe and that pathet­ic inad­e­quate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weath­er to pay his respects to The Fallen,” Soames tweet­ed.
Trump and many mem­bers of his admin­is­tra­tion are in France this week­end to com­mem­o­rate Armistice Day. Nov. 11 marks 100 years since the end of World War I.
Former top Obama aide Ben Rhodes also called out Trump for not vis­it­ing the ceme­tery, say­ing that under the pre­vi­ous White House there was “always a rain option. Always.”

Soames, who is a mem­ber of Parliament for Mid Sussex, includ­ed a hash­tag say­ing Trump is “not fit to rep­re­sent his great country.”