Portia Deliberately Lied To The Country:

Information com­ing out of Jamaica yes­ter­day indi­cates that recent­ly elect­ed Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has backed away from her grand pro­nounce­ments that she would roll out 700 jobs as the first stage of her cam­paign pro­gramme (JEEP) Jamaica Emergency Employment Programme. We also learned that the much vaunt­ed JEEP was a stolen con­cept dredged up by the for­mer gov­ern­ment of the labor party.

There are two ironies here (1) If true that the labor par­ty came up with the pro­gramme , what did the PNP run on? (2) The JLP revealed the mon­ey from their pro­gramme would have come from the (IDB) Inter American Developement Bank, and not the JDIP The Jamaica Developement infra­struc­tur­al Programme. The JDIP of course is mon­ey bor­rowed from the Chinese Government specif­i­cal­ly for the coun­try’s infra­struc­tur­al developement.

The coun­try’s left lean­ing dai­ly Gleaner char­ac­ter­ized this sto­ry this way:

The high­ly antic­i­pat­ed Jamaica Emergency Employment Programme (JEEP) failed to get off the ground in St Ann yes­ter­day, with the Government all but admit­ting to mis­lead­ing the nation.

Story here:jamaica​glean​er​.com

Simpson Miller did tell the coun­try that 700 jobs would be cre­at­ed in 7 parish­es that amounts to an aver­age 100 jobs per parish as I have said before this will do very lit­tle to address the coun­try’s crip­pling unem­ploy­ment prob­lem but it is a step in the right direc­tion. I also stat­ed that I had no quar­rel with the jobs being cre­at­ed, my prob­lem is how are they fund­ed. Jamaica can­not bor­row mon­ey from over­seas lenders to de-bush gul­lies and clean drains, that mon­ey must come from tax­es or some oth­er source. If there is to be mas­sive job cre­ation by gov­ern­ment the source of fund­ing must be local, clean­ing drain and gul­lies does not return a prof­it, it is a finan­cial­ly neg­li­gi­ble endeav­our. Where are the funds to come from to repay lenders their mon­ey with inter­est? If there is no iden­ti­fi­able source of fund­ing with­in the coun­try in the first place .

I am aware that peo­ple need jobs, this is just not the way.

The real ques­tion is why did the Prime Minister think it nec­es­sary to lie to the pub­lic that the jobs to be rolled out were part of the emer­gency employ­ment pro­gramme when she knew it was a delib­er­ate false­hood? The Prime Minister must know it is beneath the office of Prime Minister. Immediately upon being elect­ed she has start­ed lying to the pub­lic, this is the sec­ond act of betray­al she has com­mit­ted in the cou­ple of weeks since she has been installed as Prime Minister. This comes after she appoint­ed a larg­er cab­i­net than for­mer Prime Minister Golding after stri­dent­ly crit­i­ciz­ing him for the size of the exec­u­tive dur­ing Golding’s tenure as Prime Minister. This Prime Minister has shown her­self to be either of two things, either she takes the peo­ple who vot­ed her into office for fools, as per the answer she gave when quizzed about the size of her cab­i­net. Or she is a patho­log­i­cal liar, you decide.

This Government would not have been my choice for the coun­try, it is how­ev­er the choice of the major­i­ty of elec­tors who vot­ed in the last elec­tions. as such we have to respect their deci­sion. Whether they vot­ed the way they did because they want­ed the feel good we are told is asso­ci­at­ed with the PNP or they were pissed at the Labor par­ty because of the Coke mat­ter is for the vot­ers to artic­u­late, the fact is we have to respect their choice.


Portia Simpson Miller giv­en a sec­ond chance could have decid­ed to choose a path of hon­esty, integri­ty, fidelity,and char­ac­ter, instead she has stead­fast­ly demon­strat­ed that a leop­ard can­not change its spots, she has demon­strat­ed a rank dis­dain for the integri­ty of the process. Her in your face con­temp­tu­ous appoint­ment of a cab­i­net larg­er than Golding’s and the answer she gave when quizzed is syn­ony­mous to her dis­re­spect­ful response when she was quizzed about Trafigura in which she stat­ed quote go ask the PNP, for the record Simpson Miller is the PNP.

Portia Simpson Miller has cho­sen to return to the ran­cid cor­rup­tion and crony­ism that char­ac­ter­ized the PNP’s 18 12 years in office ‚where cor­rup­tion was the norm, crime ran ram­pant, and it was any­thing goes. She under­stands ful­ly well the intel­lec­tu­al short­com­ings of a large por­tion of the elec­torate, and though not an intel­lec­tu­al heavy-weight her­self she has enough savvy, from being around the process long enough to under­stand how to worm her way into the hearts of the afore­men­tioned electorate.

HUMUNGOUS CABINET.….….….….….….….….….….….…… STRIKE ONE