POA Exuberantly Welcomes James Forbes’s Exoneration By Appeals Court…

The Police Officers Association (POA), the enti­ty with­in the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) that rep­re­sents gazetted offi­cers of the Force, issued an exu­ber­ant state­ment in sup­port of its for­mer col­league, Former Senior Superintendent of Police James Forbes, who on Friday had his 2014 con­vic­tion for attempt­ing to per­vert the course of jus­tice con­vic­tion over­turned by the appel­late court.
The POA’s state­ments were issued under the sig­na­ture of its chair­man Senior Superintendent Wayne Cameron.
SSP Forbes was con­vict­ed in a case that involved Portland Member of Parliament Douglas Vaz, and Tankweld boss, Bruce Bicknell.
The case involved Bicknell receiv­ing a speed­ing tick­et and alleged­ly solicit­ed SSP Forbes help through his friend Douglas Vaz to make the tick­et go away.
An inves­ti­ga­tion was trig­gered, and all three men were arrest­ed and charged; Bicknell & Vaz was freed of all charges while Forbes was con­vict­ed and ordered to serve six months in prison or pay a fine of $800,000.
Forbes paid the fine and filed an appeal.
The appeal took almost sev­en years, which did not go unno­ticed by the court, apol­o­giz­ing for the long delay before the verdict.
On Friday, February 26, SSP James saw that con­vic­tion over­turned and his good name restored.


February 24, 2021

Mr. A. James Forbes 

Senior Superintendent of Police

Dear Sir,

Re: Court of Appeal Decision

The Executive of the Police Officer’s Association, on behalf of its mem­bers, wish­es to con­vey our best wish­es on your vic­to­ri­ous out­come hand­ed out by the Court of Appeal this morn­ing. For many years dur­ing your tenure at the Jamaica Constabulary Force, you were the face rec­og­nized by Jamaica’s cit­i­zens, like that of Integrity, Safety, Reassurance and Standard Bearer for the insti­tu­tion.  

It is with utmost respect and regard, that we acknowl­edge the for­ti­tude which you dis­played dur­ing the past six years to demon­strate your inno­cence and to dis­play the integri­ty that you have been well-known for. We rec­og­nize the impact that the pre­vi­ous deci­sion, had on your fam­i­ly and the diver­sion of your career path; how­ev­er, we rest assured that jus­tice has indeed been served although pro­longed. In going for­ward, the POA cel­e­brates this vic­to­ry with you. and stands ready to offer not only our con­grat­u­la­tions but also to extend assis­tance to you and your fam­i­ly as nec­es­sary, in the days ahead. 

The POA encour­ages you to remain stead­fast in your actions and to hold true to your prin­ci­ples. 


Wayne Cameron, Mr.


S.S.P. Wayne Cameron S.P. David White S.P. Maldria Jones-Williams S.P. Christopher Phillips 

Chairman  Vice-Chairman  Secretary/​Treasurer Assistant Secretary/​Treasurer 

876−816−2436 876−833−8899 876−322−2500  876−423−1067  

Wayne.​cameron@​jcf.​gov.​jm  David.​white@​jcf.​gov.​jm  Maldria.​jones@​jcf.​gov.​jm  Christopher.​phillips@​jcf.​gov.​jm

S.P. Catherine Lord S.P. Alvin Allen A.S.P. St. George Jackson 

Member Member  Member 

876−325−8764 876- 351- 2389  876- 542‑9077/​876−771−0000

Catherine.​lord@​jcf.​gov.​jm Alvin.​allen@​jcf.​gov.​jm  Stgeorge.​jackson@​jcf.​gov.​jm