Pastors Who Break Earthly Laws Do Not Get To Wrap Themselves In The Cloth Of Christianity


As the conversation continues about what the verdict will be for convicted Cleric Al Miller, there are no shortage of opinions within the public space as to what his punishment should be, or even whether he should have been convicted in the first place.

It is impor­tant to remind our­selves that Al Miller was pulled over by the police hav­ing in his vehi­cle fugi­tive from Justice Christopher (dud­dus) coke , who was want­ed to be extra­dit­ed to the United States to answer to charges for which he is now serv­ing time in a Federal facility.


At the time Miller argued that he was doing a favor to Coke who feared for his life as his father had suf­fered death in a Jamaican jail at a time he too was await­ing extra­di­tion to the United States to answer to crim­i­nal charges.
Christopher Coke who was Jamaica’s most estab­lished and feared crime lord could have used what hap­pened to his father as a reminder to go in anoth­er direction.
Instead he not only took over his father’s crim­i­nal empire in Tivoli Gardens he expo­nen­tial­ly expand­ed it.

For his actions in try­ing to aid and abet the escape of Coke, Al Miller was found guilty in a Kingston crim­i­nal court.
The guilty ver­dict was sur­pris­ing to many court watch­ers includ­ing this writer who have lit­tle to no con­fi­dence in the will­ing­ness of the Jamaican courts to act in accor­dance with its mandate.

Many Jamaicans who under­stand the court’s reluc­tance and inabil­i­ty to find and hold crim­i­nals respon­si­ble for their actions, also found the guilty ver­dict surprising .
Some who cel­e­brate this find­ing do so for polit­i­cal rea­sons, how­ev­er this writer sees this guilty ver­dict as a use­less exercise,unless there are sig­nif­i­cant puni­tive con­se­quences for Miller as allowed by law.


Guilty ver­dicts are some­thing reserved for the poor­est of the poor who are uncon­nect­ed polit­i­cal­ly, or by class .
Al Miller’s ver­dict must have cre­at­ed severe shock to anoth­er esteemed mem­ber of the cloth .
In an edi­to­r­i­al piece appear­ing in the Jamaica Observer Dr Gerry O Gallimore for­mer president/​CEO of YFC International, and retired senior pas­tor of Metropolitan Baptist Church wrote.

Under the head­line Al Miller put him­self at great risk as did Bogle and Sharpe.
In the noble tra­di­tion of the Christian prophets and of our nation­al heroes whose life-chang­ing lega­cies we cel­e­brate at this time, God some­times moves His ser­vants to dis­re­gard their per­son­al safe­ty so as to secure a greater good for the nation. Are we, in 2016, going to indict ser­vants of God like Sam Sharpe and Paul Bogle all over again? http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​c​o​l​u​m​n​s​/​A​l​-​M​i​l​l​e​r​-​p​u​t​-​h​i​m​s​e​l​f​-​a​t​-​r​isk – as-did-Bogle-and-Sharpe_70097

I did not both­er read­ing the entire text of Gallimore’s Article, suf­fic­ing to say I would like to point the good­ly writer to a sin­gle pas­sage of scrip­ture.  

Mark 12:17

And Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at Him.
Jesus was respond­ed to Pharisees wish­ing to trap him into say­ing they should not pay tax­es to cae­sar the Roman Emperor whose armies occu­pied Jerusalem at the time.
As fol­low­ers of Jesus Christ we do his Ministry and ulti­mate his death a tremen­dous dis­ser­vice when we wrap our­selves in Christianity after run­ning afoul of human laws.
It is rep­re­hen­si­ble when we do that, because as chris­tians we are sell­ing a can of beans to would be con­verts if we believe there are no rules in heaven.
If we believe in God, If we believe in heav­en and hell, we have to also believe in con­se­quences for actions.
There is no scrip­tur­al basis or jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for not respect­ing earth­ly laws. In fact that is exact­ly what the scrip­ture quot­ed above spoke to .

There is absolute­ly no scrip­tur­al prece­dent or evi­dence which indi­cate or sug­gest that Jesus sup­port­ed the break­ing of earth­ly laws.
Biblical scrip­tures are replete with exam­ples where adher­ence to earth­ly laws are urged as a pre­cur­sor to adher­ence to God’s laws.
While Jesus walked the earth he broke no law , even though he spoke about the injus­tice of said laws.

Al Miller, despite his moti­va­tions, took it upon him­self not only to meet with a felon from the law, he took active steps to remove that sus­pect from the juris­dic­tion with­out the author­i­ty do so.
That is crim­i­nal con­duct, it is not Christian conduct.
If we can­not adhere to earth­ly laws how can we present our­selves as ambas­sadors of christ and his kingdom?
