Oprah Reacts To Trump’s Tweet Calling Her ‘Very Insecure’

Oprah responds to Trump’s tweet label­ing her insecure.
By Cole Delbyck

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It took an appear­ance on Ellen DeGeneres’ show for Oprah Winfrey to final­ly respond to President Donald Trump’s recent tweet bash­ing her as “very insecure.”

While it seems like ages ago, Trump lashed out at the “A Wrinkle in Time” star Sunday night fol­low­ing a dis­cus­sion she mod­er­at­ed for a “60 Minutes” seg­ment with Michigan voters.

I woke up and I just thought,” Oprah explained, rais­ing her hands in the air. “And I don’t like giv­ing neg­a­tiv­i­ty pow­er, so I just thought, what?”

Trump, who seems to take seri­ous­ly spec­u­la­tion that Oprah may run against him in 2020, despite her insis­tence oth­er­wise, tweet­ed short­ly after the seg­ment aired.

Just watched a very inse­cure Oprah Winfrey, who at one point I knew very well, inter­view a pan­el of peo­ple on 60 Minutes. The ques­tions were biased and slant­ed, the facts incor­rect,” the pres­i­dent wrote. “Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeat­ed just like all of the others!”Read more here: https://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​e​n​t​r​y​/​o​p​r​a​h​-​r​e​a​c​t​s​-​t​o​-​t​r​u​m​p​s​-​t​w​e​e​t​-​c​a​l​l​i​n​g​-​h​e​r​-​v​e​r​y​-​i​n​s​e​c​u​r​e​_​u​s​_​5​a​8​e​d​3​c​3​e​4​b​0​7​7​f​5​b​f​e​c​1​211
