One Country Two Different Enforcement Regimes

So every one of you is just going to sit there and pre­tend that you do not see that when it comes to the enforce­ment of the laws in America the rules only apply to black people?

Crowd in Texas chants f“ire Fauci”,again hard­ly any­one has a mask on and there cer­tain­ly are no police enforc­ing the law against these white anarchists.

I mean come on now, I would under­stand if this hap­pened in a red state with a red state Republican Governor, but last time I checked the state of Michigan had a Democratic Governor.

In Michigan, white Trump sup­port­ers defy the orders of the Democratic Governor and staged armed protests, many with­out masks on, there were no cops in sight.

How then are we to rec­on­cile the bla­tant dis­par­i­ties in the way the laws are enforced when white peo­ple stand in defi­ance of the laws as when blacks demon­strate against state-spon­sored terrorism?

Protesters demon­strate against stay-at-home orders that were put in place due to the COVID-19 out­break, Friday, April 17, 2020, in Huntington Beach, Calif. (AP Photo/​Mark J. Terrill)

They say a pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words so we’ll let the pic­tures speak for them­selves. What’s impor­tant to appre­ci­ate how­ev­er, is that in every instance that there are defi­ant white pro­tes­tors who are open­ly break­ing the laws, they are gen­er­al­ly heav­i­ly armed and there are no cops in sight. Where there may be a cop in sight they are there mere­ly as observers, or in may instances as was report­ed in Charlottesville racist march in which a young woman was mur­dered the cops seemed to be active cheer­lead­ers to the pre­vail­ing anarchy.

Locked and loaded they stand in defi­ance of state man­dat­ed orders so social dis­tance and stay at home. (no cops in sight)

In fact, this is not about the stay at home orders as a result of the COVID ‑19 virus over the last sev­er­al weeks.
This was what hap­pened when the FBI tried to arrest law­break­ers in the Bundy Ranch standoff. 

13 Apr 2014, Nevada, USA — Protester Eric Parker from cen­tral Idaho aims his weapon from a bridge next to the Bureau of Land Management’s base camp where seized cat­tle, that belonged to ranch­er Cliven Bundy, are being held at near Bunkerville, Nevada April 12, 2014. U.S. offi­cials end­ed a stand-off with hun­dreds of armed pro­test­ers in the Nevada desert on Saturday, call­ing off the gov­ern­men­t’s roundup of cat­tle it said were ille­gal­ly graz­ing on fed­er­al land and giv­ing about 300 ani­mals back to ranch­er Bundy who owned them. REUTERS/​Jim Urquhart (UNITED STATES — Tags: POLITICS ANIMALS BUSINESS CRIME LAW CIVIL UNREST) — Image by © JIM URQUHART/​Reuters/​Corbis

Cliven Bundy’s dis­pute with the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment dates to 1993, when Bundy began to graze his cat­tle on pub­lic land while “know­ing­ly refus[ing]” to pay fees or obtain the prop­er per­mits, accord­ing to the com­plaint. The fees were report­ed­ly as low as $1.35 per cow per month. 

Armed mil­i­tants defied the FBI to come & arrest them

In 1998, a fed­er­al court ordered Bundy to remove his cat­tle and began levy­ing fines against him, but the sit­u­a­tion did not come to a head until more than a decade lat­er, when the US Bureau of Land Management made plans to seize 1,000 of Bundy’s cattle.

law-enforce­ment arrayed to arrest Cliven Bundy

Cliven Bundy, the father of Malheur nation­al wildlife refuge occu­piers Ammon and Ryan Bundy, was even­tu­al­ly charged with six fed­er­al crimes stem­ming from his con­fronta­tion with the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment in 2014.
The charges, filed on the same day that the final four occu­piers of Malheur sur­ren­dered to law enforce­ment offi­cials and one day after his arrest in Portland, Oregon, marked a stun­ning turn in a two-decades-long dis­pute over Bundy’s ille­gal graz­ing of cat­tle on fed­er­al land.


Scenes from Ferguson Missouri after white cop Darren Wilson mur­dered teenag­er Michael Brown

These are the scenes that play out when Black peo­ple protest or demand jus­tice. Not only does the area become a war zone but they are beat­en shot and have all types of state-sanc­tioned abuse heaped on them.

Ferguson was a ver­i­ta­ble war zone

These are indomitable images that will for­ev­er sear the soul of the nation for per­pe­tu­ity.
Ever won­dered what this kid is going to grow up think­ing about his country?

One Year After the Ferguson Protests, Just a Few Reforms Have ...

Third day of protests set over police acquittal in St. Louis - AOL ...

A police riot

Military arma­ments arrayed against Black American cit­i­zens demon­strat­ing for the right to peace­ful exis­tence from police violence
