Obama’s Approval Dips !

President Obama’s approval rat­ing is now at an all time low of 43% accord­ing to a recent CBS poll, his dis­ap­proval now stands at 50 %.

The polit­i­cal vul­tures smell blood and are already cir­cling ready for the car­cass. Many have already giv­en him up as dead.

The best thing this pres­i­dent has going for him is a repub­li­can par­ty that can­not find a seri­ous can­di­date that has half the intel­lect he has.

The ven­omous hate in the blo­gos­phere, radio, and TV caused me to won­der how in hell this man ever got elect­ed pres­i­dent of these United States?

I am remind­ed when­ev­er I see the ran­cid hate filled rants , that there are still a lot of repub­li­cans who did not vote for the pres­i­dent, these are gen­er­al­ly low infor­ma­tion semi /​and illit­er­ates who are real­ly not exposed , they do not care to know any truths beyond what pass­es for it in their lit­tle cocoon.

The house and sen­ate is now pop­u­lat­ed with tea par­ty mem­bers who have tak­en an oath not to work with the pres­i­dent on any­thing, this is sole­ly based on race , the pres­i­dent knows it but won’t say it , mem­bers of the black cau­cus knows it but won’t say it, democ­rats know it but they are most­ly white and will not call out their own . Blood is thick­er than water.

President Obama must take the bull by the horns , his sup­port­ers did not elect him to roll over to racist lying repub­li­cans, they did not elect him to acqui­esce to repub­li­can demands, they vot­ed for him to enact the agen­da he laid out on the cam­paign trail, they did not elect him to give repub­li­cans what they want, nei­ther was he elect­ed only to allow repub­li­cans to gov­ern from the minority.

They have essen­tial­ly been gov­ern­ing from the minor­i­ty from day one of the pres­i­den­t’s term, jam­ming and obstruct­ing at every turn. This has got to stop mis­ter Obama, you have demon­strat­ed that you are will­ing to make peace and work together.

Republicans do not want you to have any accom­plish­ments, they said so, you acknowl­edged it recent­ly , they have said they will not sup­port any bill that could give you a win.

Imagine that, giv­ing you a win , they do not care about the peo­ple or the coun­try, coun­try be damned, as long as they stop you.

Any fur­ther attempts at work­ing with them can only be inter­pret­ed not as con­cil­ia­to­ry but as weakness

President Obama

Americans want their pres­i­dent to be force­ful, deter­mined and resolute .

Right now this pres­i­dent is kow­tow­ing to the peo­ple who want to wit­ness his demise, for no oth­er rea­son than the col­or of his skin.

I under­stand his stat­ed goal to reach across the aisle and offer a hand of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion and compromise.

Mister President there are no hands for you to grasp.

They have pulled their hands away,you are no longer a Senator look­ing for oth­ers to co-sign a Bill, you are the President of the United States of America, act like it.

mike beck­les:

have your say>