NYPD Thugs Have No Fear, A Gang Out Of Control…

New York City has a Mayor who is an Italian-American, mar­ried to an African-American woman.
Bill di Blasio is one of two things when it comes to the NPPD’s prej­u­diced law-enforce­ment.
(1) he either agrees with it though he likes to pass him­self off as a pro­gres­sive 
(2) he is scared of the (thug)… I meant police (gang) …I meant union.

They turned their backs in uni­son against him before. He seems to be try­ing his lev­el best not to cross them ever again.

NYPD THUG Fransisco Garcia badge #19234

This thug employed to the NYPD is actu­al­ly kneel­ing on the body, knee on the neck of a human being. The vic­tim’s crime?
(Not adher­ing to social-dis­tanc­ing rules).
This crim­i­nal thug has a his­to­ry of assault­ing cit­i­zens and has already cost New Yorkers tens of thou­sands of dol­lars in assault pay­ments ordered by the courts, paid out to the vic­tims of his raw vio­lent aggres­sion.
This mad demon­ic crea­ture is still on what they call the New York City Police Department. Obviously, they are wait­ing for him to mur­der some­one.
After all, it took them almost five years to remove Daniel Pantaleo who mur­dered Eric Garner in plain sight of every­one. And that only hap­pened after years of social activism, and a lot of pres­sure.
The NYPD and the oth­er police depart­ments nation­wide love these kinds of ani­mals. They fight tooth and nail to keep them on regard­less of what crimes they com­mit, or they sim­ply qui­et­ly give them a nice rec­om­men­da­tion and allow them to go to anoth­er police depart­ment where they con­tin­ue to ter­ror­ize black and brown cit­i­zens.
These ani­mal­is­tic thugs are lit­tle more than rabid dogs, leach­ing off tax-pay­ing cit­i­zens, yet they have zero regard for the peo­ple who pay their salaries and benefits.

You are going to find this real­ly hard to believe, par­tic­u­lar­ly those of you who are star­ry-eyed about America because you have nev­er been to America, this image above is in the very same city.
The same issue applies. On the one hand, cops are hand­ing out masks to white peo­ple sit­ting close beside each oth­er. On the oth­er hand, walk­ing on the streets of your neigh­bor­hood evokes the response you see in the top image above, a black man get­ting the s**t beat­en out of him and an ani­mal­is­tic thug sit­ting on his neck.
You decide for your­selves what the dif­fer­ence is.
The ques­tion that remains is, is this kind of injus­tice sustainable? 
