Not Guilty On All Charges : College Courses Should Be Taught On This, How The Entire System Gang-raped The Family Of A Murdered Teen

I received the news pretty much how news is received today. I picked up my hand held device and it was a trending topic on several social media platforms .

A dear friend in-boxed me in obvi­ous anger .I told him I would have some­thing to say but not at the moment. Frankly I was stunned ‚sad, dis­ap­point­ed ‚but most of all I was angry.Sure I was angry that any­one who mali­cious­ly and will­ful­ly kill anoth­er human being could walk free from a house of jus­tice with­out con­se­quence, with­out being held to account. Sure I was angry that the par­ents of the mur­dered boy were not even giv­en the dig­ni­ty of the pre­tense that there would be jus­tice for them.

Yes I was angry but I was deeply sad at the sys­tem which had so shame­less­ly and brutish­ly said to the par­ents of Khajeel Mais ” you do not count”.
Every year , hun­dreds of Jamaicans are killed by oth­er Jamaicans .
No the coun­try is not in a declared state of war . But for all intents and pur­pos­es it does not mat­ter because each year in that tiny plot of land one of the world’s most pop­u­lous places, peo­ple turn on each oth­er with brutish mur­der­ous rage and sav­age­ly snuff out each oth­er’s lives with fright­en­ing dispatch.

So what was it which made this one mur­der so dif­fer­ent for me?
Frankly I don’t know , as the father of four boys at the time it pained my heart that any par­ent could lose their child that way.
That a boy rid­ing in a taxi­cab could have his brains blown out and no one arrest­ed seemed a bridge too far.
How could that kind of killing be rec­on­ciled with the catchy nar­ra­tive” jume­ka no prob­lem”?

Even with­in the con­text of the mur­der may­hem and irrec­on­cil­able non­sense of “every­thing irie mon jume­ka nice nu rass “the killing of 17 year-old Khajeel Mais shocked many.
I was stunned that this was not a shoot­ing where no one knew the killer , accord­ing to news reports the dri­ver of the cab and the shoot­er got into a heat­ed exchange after the cab­bie hit the shiny high end sport util­i­ty vehi­cle. Many Jamaicans will tell you that they too would like to shoot a taxi dri­ver as one blog­ger said recent­ly. They are usu­al­ly obnox­ious and rude and quick to threat­en or even fight oth­er motorist. They even fight the police but it just does­n’t seem with­in the realm of nor­mal­cy to sim­ply pull out a gun and start blaz­ing away.

At the time of the shoot­ing I found it odd that the police was so tight lipped about the whole inci­dent. People on the streets knew who the alleged shoot­er was and they named him . Yet the Police depart­ment whose col­lec­tive lips are usu­al­ly greased light­ning had noth­ing to say. This added to the sub­terfuge . Now the peo­ple cre­at­ed their own nar­ra­tive. This was a cover-up !

Stunned by the brazen­ness of the shoot­ing and the del­i­ca­cy with which the police was han­dling the infor­ma­tion I con­clud­ed that the shoot­er was know to them and he was no ordi­nary “dutyy fut bway pon di kana”.
I became per­son­al­ly immersed in want­i­ng to get to the bot­tom of this par­tic­u­lar case and so I cre­at­ed my own Blog on this case alone . I had seen too many instances of injus­tice as a police offi­cer and in the years after I depart­ed the force, it became clear­er by the day that the coun­try was slid­ing deep­er and deep­er into the abyss of anar­chy from which it will not be able to extri­cate itself . Chatt​-​a​-box​.com was born.


From the begin­ning of the killing of young Khjeel Mais some­thing seemed bla­tant­ly amiss. The police seemed reluc­tant to divulge the name of the shoot­er even though every­one in the streets knew who he was. They also knew that he had fled the Island for the United States . They knew that there were also sup­posed back door deals between his lawyer Patrick Atkinson to have him return to the Island to face charges.

Now lets begin with first under­stand­ing that from the Police ‘s own account­ing Mister Patrick Powell whom they reluc­tant­ly named was a reg­is­tered firearm hold­er. After Powell returned to the juris­dic­tion he was charged.
Now here is where this whole thing revealed for all the world to see that the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem on the Island is real­ly a crim­i­nal’s sys­tem of justice.
The police report­ed that Powell refused to hand over to the inves­ti­gat­ing offi­cers, the kill weapon for test­ing. Let that sink in !!!
Despite this egre­gious dis­re­spect­ful act of thumb­ing his nose at the rule of law Patrick Powell was grant­ed bail in a Kingston crim­i­nal court.

Not only had he fled the juris­dic­tion which is a crit­i­cal com­po­nent for refus­ing bail. He refused to com­ply with the law to sur­ren­der his gun to the police as he should, as a sus­pect under inves­ti­ga­tion for a vio­lent crime in which his weapon was alleged­ly the weapon used in the com­mis­sion of said crime.
From the killing occurred tongues start­ed wag­ging that Powell was a so-called busi­ness­man with con­nec­tions to both polit­i­cal par­ties. More impor­tant­ly the alle­ga­tions were that he placed a call to a well known senior police offi­cer . It was report­ed that there was a meet­ing between Powell and the offi­cer and his gun has not been seen since.

Patrick Powell Will Get A Fair Trial, His Right To A Fair Trial Cannot Be Guaranteed At The Expense Of The Aggrieved Family’s Right To Free Speech In Their Pursuit Of Justice…

Now I would like to believe that if some­one is a reg­is­tered firearm hold­er and he alleged­ly uses that weapon to com­mit a crime he has a duty to turn the weapon over to the police when ordered to do so. I also believe it is also the law that all ammu­ni­tion in his pos­ses­sion, per­son­al or con­struc­tive must forth­with be turned over to inves­ti­ga­tors as well. Then again I have not been a cop for well over two decades.

Failing to do so con­sti­tutes a crime. However Mister Powell was not charged with that crime. We under­stood also that the senior police offi­cer’s house was also searched but the weapon was not found. Whether or not this par­tic­u­lar offi­cer had any part of the grand col­lu­sion of crim­i­nal­i­ty we may nev­er know but the fam­i­ly of Khajeel Mais was bru­tal­ly gang raped by a mali­cious and vis­cous sys­tem of cul­pa­ble criminality.

Here’s why !
The Prosecution’s main wit­ness gave a wit­ness state­ment to police at the time of the shoot­ing . At the time of the shoot­ing I can tell you with­out equiv­o­ca­tion that there would be no rea­son for the wit­ness mis­ter Wayne Wright  the dri­ver of the cab to be under duress when he gave his affi­davit to police.
There was also no rea­son for the police to frame any­one as they were a dis­in­ter­est­ed par­ty mere­ly car­ry­ing out a function.
According to the tes­ti­mo­ny Wayne Wright told police that he knew Patrick Powell o/​c nig­ga Charley for over eight years.
In fact a Jamaica Observer news team also vis­it­ed Wright at his home some­time after the inci­dent and he reit­er­at­ed that he had no idea why Powell decid­ed to shoot at him? He told the news team Powell decid­ed to pay the price for killing the young man.

Much hap­pened after the accused Patrick Powell was charged with mur­der. We do not what , where , when or with whom. What we do know is why?
Patrick Powell decid­ed that he was not going to prison and the sys­tem said hell no you wont go.
Amidst the unjus­ti­fied adjourn­ments with the flim­si­est of rea­sons , with the fam­i­ly cry­ing sim­ply to have their day in court the cased commenced .
No soon­er had it begun that it became patent­ly clear that the sys­tem had col­lud­ed togeth­er. Police. Shooter. Defense-Attorneys. Prosecution-wit­ness. Judge. Prosecutor. Politicians, all wit­ting­ly and unwit­ting­ly, gang-raped the still griev­ing fam­i­ly of the slain schoolboy/.

How could a Judge order the fam­i­ly who uses the only means they had , social media to cry out for jus­tice to cease and desist because the alleged killer’s right to a fair tri­al may be compromised?
The very same court allowed the defense coun­sel to sav­age the char­ac­ter of the vic­tim­ized boy mak­ing him out to be worth­less and unde­serv­ing of the only thing he had, his life.
The pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness became hos­tile to the pros­e­cu­tion, a clear sign that he was either paid or threat­ened to lie or both.
I wrote, declare him a hos­tile wit­ness his state­ment should still stand. They did but then the pros­e­cu­tion told the court they could not over­come the crit­i­cal issue of identification.

There was no prob­lem with iden­ti­fi­ca­tion when he gave his affi­davit to police. The inci­dent did not hap­pen at night . He said he knew the shoot­er for over eight years. Clearly he is lying. But who cares this boy is a nobody. Forget that after he alleged­ly shot the boy he took a flight out of the coun­try. Forget that his reg­is­tered firearm just hap­pen to be unavailable.
It is a grave trav­es­ty that these sim­ple loop­holes could be allowed to impact a clear cut case of mur­der and an alleged guilty mur­der­er walk free.
Sure every­one is mad as hell but where was every­one when some of us were talk­ing about the loopholes .
Why are the laws not updat­ed to make it so that if a Wayne Wright ever changes his state­ment he goes to prison, and the ini­tial state­ment stand in pros­e­cut­ing a Patrick Powell.
Why are the laws not changed to make it so that if a wit­ness to a mur­der is killed before he’s able to tes­ti­fy the accused sees his charged upgrad­ed to death penal­ty status?
Why are mur­der­ers out on bail? Why are we all angry now but we chas­tised those who con­stant­ly beat the drums ask­ing for bet­ter law-mak­ers, bet­ter law-enforce­ment, bet­ter laws, bet­ter judges, bet­ter pros­e­cu­tors, a bet­ter sys­tem of justice.

Khajeel Mais
Khajeel Mais

How can we be angry now when we spent our time talk­ing about word puz­zles and naked ladies . What is dif­fer­ent about Khajeel that makes us feel this wretched sense of deep loss.
Since the death of Khajeel Mais I lost my son he was a good boy . No he was an excel­lent boy, he did not die like Khajeel , but like Khajeel par­ents my son isn’t com­ing back home either.
I am so sor­ry for your loss. I write this with tears in my eyes not because peo­ple do not die every­day. But I cry with you because of what the entire sys­tem col­lud­ed to do to you .
This is a most shame­ful , barefaced and dis­grace­ful smack in the face for a Jamaican fam­i­ly by a sys­tem which is sup­posed to pro­tect them.
If this does not con­vince every­one that the sys­tem needs to be over­turned and built from the ground up I don’t know what will.
PS : The state­ment of the Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams after the ver­dict , that the police did all they could is unwor­thy of my time as such I will sim­ply not respond that.