No Permission Given For JLP Motorcade Through Flanker — Police

ST JAMES, Jamaica — Head of the St James Division Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Steve McGregor today dis­closed that no per­mis­sion was giv­en for a motor­cade to go through the Flanker com­mu­ni­ty in St James, yes­ter­day. “In fact, there were explic­it warn­ings against it,” SSP McGregor said.
In a state­ment issued by the Corporate Communications Unit on Wednesday, SSP McGregor explained that the warn­ing was nec­es­sary because of height­ened ten­sions in Flanker as a result of the shoot­ing death of two men from the com­mu­ni­ty and the injury of three oth­er peo­ple at a Jamaica Labour Party mass ral­ly in Sam Sharpe Square on Sunday. However, this warn­ing was not heed­ed and one man was yes­ter­day killed and three oth­er peo­ple were injured in Flanker. They were part of a motor­cade on Kodak Street in Flanker. The motor­cade report­ed­ly involved Jamaica Labour Party supporters.
The deceased has not yet been iden­ti­fied but police say some 12 motor vehi­cles were dam­aged in the incident.

SSP McGregor advised that police intel­li­gence assets are on the ground con­tin­u­ous­ly mon­i­tor­ing the sit­u­a­tion and that this infor­ma­tion informs deci­sions about the grant­i­ng of per­mis­sion for march­es and motor­cades. “We are appeal­ing to orga­niz­ers and par­ty offi­cials to heed all instruc­tions and warn­ings giv­en in the future,” SSP McGregor said. In the mean­time, the St James police are again appeal­ing for good sense to pre­vail dur­ing the elec­tion cam­paign season.
Read more here: No per­mis­sion giv­en for JLP motor­cade through Flanker — Police