police officer's funeral
police offi­cer’s funeral

The National neigh­bor­hood Watch Movement in Jamaica has come out in sup­port of the ver­dict which led to the incar­cer­a­tion of Vybez Kartel and his three co-accused. In a state­ment the groups said: “We also want to place on record our com­men­da­tion to the main wit­ness in the case, who, in spite of the immi­nent dan­ger and the ‘informer fi dead’ cul­ture that has ham­pered the growth and progress of the neigh­bor­hood watch move­ment in the past, made the coura­geous deci­sion to step up and give evi­dence in the mat­ter.” We are in total agree­ment with the NWM, for stand­ing in sup­port of the main wit­ness in this case, and hav­ing the courage and for­ti­tude to speak out, not only in sup­port of the ver­dict, but stand­ing against the moron­ic (infama fi ded ) cul­ture. I have com­ment­ed exten­sive­ly in these Blogs on this tri­al, not out of ani­mus for these par­tic­u­lar con­vict­ed men. I do not know any of them, what forms the sub­ject of my ire, is the con­tin­ued and unabat­ed blood­let­ting, which must come to an end. I would have liked to see more and more Organizations and indi­vid­u­als stand and defend the rule of law. Notwithstanding, it is heart­en­ing that the NWM has made it’s voice heard. Just today I had a long con­ver­sa­tion with a 21 year old police offi­cer who emi­grat­ed to the United States recent­ly. Someone sent him to see me, we sat and talked for awhile, I learned that he served at the Mobile Reserve, as I did for a while.

officers braving the bullets daily
offi­cers brav­ing the bul­lets daily

It was refresh­ing to lis­ten to this fresh-faced kid talk about how he want­ed to serve. He quizzed me about how come peo­ple do not assault American Cops? He lament­ed the fact that peo­ple think it’s per­fect­ly okay to fight Jamaican offi­cers. He spoke of his dis­gust when peo­ple back home talk about American cops like they were Angels. He laugh­ing­ly point­ed out how that mis­con­cep­tion con­flict­ed with the real­i­ties as he saw them. He con­fid­ed to me that young Officers are not will­ing to risk their free­dom to arrest crime, with no sup­port from any­one. I have a feel­ing the crime num­bers will con­tin­ue to be high as long as the police is shackled.