Nativism Disguised As Patriotism.…

The World looks on as America grapples with the Frankenstein it created, yet from all indications has no ability to control or even to predict what it is capable of ..

How did we get to a place where the Republican can­di­date for pres­i­dent is so tox­ic that even the Republican Governor of the state of Ohio , the state which host­ed the repub­li­can con­ven­tion did not attend the convention?
It is a legit­i­mate ques­tion because it may explain the rea­son nei­ther of the for­mer liv­ing repub­li­can pres­i­dents , both named Bush, attend­ed either.
The list of Republicans jump­ing the Trump ship is astounding .
On Monday August 1st, life­long Republican Sally Bradshaw , for­mer Chief of Staff to Former Florida Jeb Bush decid­ed she will be vot­ing for Democrat Hillary Clinton in a close Florida con­test . It must be also not­ed that her for­mer boss Jeb Bush stat­ed that he will not vote for Trump , nei­ther will he vote for Clinton.
As if that was not enough, Donald Trump’s child­ish response to gold star par­ents Khizr and Ghazala Khan’s state­ments at the DNC on Monday drew sharp repu­di­a­tion from for­mer Vietnam POW and Arizona Republican sen­a­tor John McCain a for­mer pres­i­den­tial can­di­date himself.
Another big name Republican to dis­tance her­self from Trump is Mary Matlin for­mer George W Bush advis­er, and wife to demo­c­ra­t­ic oper­a­tive James Carville.

Republican Sally Bradshaw , former Chief of Staff to Former Florida Jeb Bush
Republican Sally Bradshaw , for­mer Chief of Staff to Former Florida Jeb Bush

Each American has a sin­gle vote to cast, so in the greater scheme of things an indi­vid­ual refus­ing to vote for Trump may not deter­mine whether or not Trump gets elect­ed the 45th pres­i­dent of the United States .
However ‚when promi­nent repub­li­can oper­a­tives and elect­ed offi­cials decide to leave the par­ty or sit out the elec­tions it speaks vol­umes about the qual­i­ty of the nom­i­nee of that party.


Lets first estab­lish that a Trump Presidency would have dis­as­trous con­se­quences, not just for America but for the entire world.
Since the start of the repub­li­can pri­maries Donald Trump has said and done things which would have doomed any oth­er can­di­date. It is impor­tant to note that Trump dec­i­mat­ed 16 oth­er can­di­dates whom many con­sid­ered immi­nent­ly qual­i­fied to be pres­i­dent of the United States.

Donald Trump has had one polit­i­cal faux-pas after anoth­er ‚yet noth­ing seem to shake the sol­id wall of sup­port Trump has. We will come back to that.
On Sunday July 31st Donald Trump told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not invade The Ukraine . The prob­lem with that asser­tion is that Russia has already invad­ed Ukraine.
There are some who believe there is some sort of con­spir­a­cy between Donald Trump and the Russian leader. The idea behind that think­ing is that Donald J Trump is a Manchurian can­di­date being sup­port­ed by the Russians to do Putin’s bid­ding after he is elect­ed to the presidency .
I did not believe Barack Hussein Obama was a Kenyan Muslim Manchurian can­di­date who want­ed to destroy America , I do not believe Donald Trump is either.

I believe Donald Trump sim­ply has no idea what he is talk­ing about.
Trump had no idea what Brexit was . He did not know what the nuclear tri­ad was . Trump had no idea that Russia was already in Ukraine.
Evidence of this is that Trump has began to crit­i­cize the for­mat and dates of the pres­i­den­tial debates because he knows fun­da­men­tal­ly that his blus­ter will not cut it in an one-on-one debate with Hillary Clinton. Not only that he lied that the National Football League has writ­ten to him crit­i­ciz­ing the deci­sion to have the debates on dates that NFL games are scheduled.
The NFL has pushed back say­ing they have writ­ten no such let­ter to Trump. For the record the debate sched­ule is arrived at by a non-par­ti­san group which has not alle­giance to either Clinton or Trump.
Trump is not only prov­ing to be a blovi­at­ing nar­cis­sis­tic bul­ly he is reveal­ing an even dark­er patho­log­i­cal side which must scare well mean­ing people.
The fact is that Donald Trump behind the blus­ter and brava­do is no fool but a can­di­date for pres­i­dent who nev­er both­ered to learn the things of the world out­side business.
Trump knows his weak­ness and he intends to blus­ter and bul­ly his way until he is stopped. Thus far no one has stepped up to the school-yard bul­ly and punch him in the nose.


Donald J Trump is not only dan­ger­ous because of his thin berth of pol­i­cy knowl­edge. He has no idea of the val­ue of the Nato Alliance to peace. He is dan­ger­ous because as it relates to for­eign pol­i­cy Donald J Trump is a total dunce.
A dumb pres­i­dent is a pres­i­dent who can, and will be manip­u­lat­ed by those behind the throne.
What’s remark­able is that none of what Trump does will dis­suade a sin­gle vot­er who fol­low and stand faith­ful­ly at air­port hang­ers as he arrives like a pres­i­dent in his own ver­sion of air force one, his name ghar­ish­ly embla­zoned as an indi­ca­tion of his suc­cess.. Those vot­ers do not care about any­thing Trump says . He says what they want to say .
In fact I believe most of them have no idea what Trump stand for. What they care about is that Trump say he will poke his fin­ger into the eye of the peo­ple they do not like. And he will build a wall to keep out those peo­ple and let Mexico pay for it.
Much of the so-called angst has been well stirred up and enhanced by Tea-par­ty right wing nativist who blame every­one for their problems.
Not even estab­lish­ment repub­li­cans have been spared. Governors , Senators and busi­ness peo­ple were sum­mar­i­ly dis­patched by those vot­ers dur­ing the repub­li­can pri­maries and caucuses.


For the over eight years that Barack Hussein Obama announced his can­di­da­cy for the pres­i­den­cy , AM talk radio and FOX has beat­en the drums of racial hatred and mis­in­for­ma­tion on a twen­ty four hour continuüm.
These Trump vot­ers, most­ly white non-col­lege edu­cat­ed are baked in, they are not going to vote for a demo­c­ra­t­ic woman and they cer­tain­ly not about to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Since Obama’s can­di­da­cy we have seen the emer­gence of the Tea-par­ty nativist wing of the repub­li­can par­ty which has lit­er­al­ly gob­bled up and destroyed respect­ed repub­li­can lead­ers who worked across par­ty lines to get things done.
Those peo­ple want­ed no com­pro­mise , they want­ed total grid­lock in Washington . The likes of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are part of that block of US Senators and Congressmen who went to Washington to gum up the works.
It is remark­able that many of these very same peo­ple who claim they need blue col­lar jobs vot­ed to elect these polit­i­cal anar­chists to office. These are the elect­ed Republican rep­re­sen­ta­tives who would not pass a con­struc­tion bill which would have put many of them back to work. The real­i­ty is that they did not want roads bridges and tun­nels built and repaired by Barack Obama the black Democratic president.
They start­ed with by remov­ing repub­li­cans like Pennsylvanian Senator Arlen Specter. Former Indiana sen­a­tor Richard Lugar. Virginia rep­re­sen­ta­tive and house major­i­ty leader Eric Cantor. and sev­er­al oth­ers, all of whom fell to chal­lenges from their right.
The idea was to nul­li­fy Obama’s pres­i­den­cy by not allow­ing any leg­isla­tive accom­plish­ment under his pres­i­den­cy. Mitch McConnell allud­ed to that , say­ing his num­ber one objec­tive was to make Obama a one term pres­i­dent. On that Mitch McConnell the sen­ate major­i­ty leader failed at his one goal.
According to the south­ern pover­ty law cen­ter https://​www​.spl​cen​ter​.org/ a group which tracks hate groups , there has been a sig­nif­i­cant increase in hate groups since Barack Obama’s ascen­dan­cy to the pres­i­den­cy. This is anoth­er met­ric of the poi­so­nous rhetoric which has been fed to that part of the pop­u­la­tion for eight years non stop.

About This So Called Blue Collar Anger…

Donald Trump’s sup­port is lit­er­al­ly baked in, the sup­port he enjoys did not come from any­thing Trump accom­plished . It came from years of anti-Obama rhetoric. Donald Trump is mere­ly a mega­phone for the so-called white blue-col­lar work­ers. These are the very same peo­ple who see a black fam­i­ly in the white house, they saw a black man head­ing the jus­tice depart­ment only to be replaced by a black woman. They see a black man as head of home­land secu­ri­ty. They see their neigh­bor­hoods gas sta­tions and cor­ner stores all run by peo­ple of col­or with fun­ny sound­ing names and even fun­nier accents.

They are not all bad peo­ple, they are not all racist peo­ple. Many of these peo­ple are no dif­fer­ent than you and me, but every­thing they once knew has changed and con­tin­ue to change. They are frightened.
It would be sim­plis­tic to sug­gest that they are sim­ply red­necks who refuse to change. Some are , but in my esti­ma­tion the biggest fac­tor affect­ing this demo­graph­ic is a chang­ing econ­o­my they do not understand.
In the arti­cle fea­tured above I spoke to some of the accom­plish­ments of President Barack Obama.
The stock mar­ket is in record ter­ri­to­ry. The Auto indus­try bet­ter than it has ever been. Over ten Million jobs cre­at­ed. The list of Obama’s accom­plish­ments are com­mend­able. Especially for a pres­i­den­cy which had to do with unprece­dent­ed obstruc­tion­ism from the repub­li­can con­gress. That obstruc­tion extend­ed even to state-hous­es where Republican Governors refused to allow ordi­nary cit­i­zens basic health care.
The ques­tion now in light of Hillary Clinton’s con­ven­tion bump which places her ahead of Donald Trump in nation­al polls , is whether there are enough of those angry white no-col­lege edu­cat­ed to give a car­ni­val bark­er the high­est office on the plan­et and the nuclear codes to boot?