Why Must It Take Foreign Governments To Bring Jamaica’s Politicians To Account.…

Its remark­able that in order to get any­one of any repute , ill or oth­er­wise from Jamaica to face a court of law that action has to be insti­gat­ed by pow­er­ful out­side forces. I say this against the back­ground of our Nation’s inabil­i­ty to pros­e­cute any­one with pow­er except the late J,A,G Smith for­mer JLP min­is­ter of Labor.
What does it say about a crim­i­nal Justice sys­tem which is so behold­en and intim­i­dat­ed by the polit­i­cal class that FINSAC, TRAFIGURA, OUTAMENI ‚The Cuban Light Bulb-scan­dal and a pha­lanx of oth­er bla­tant cor­rup­tion by the pre­vi­ous PNP admin­is­tra­tions went unpunished?
Between the incom­pe­tent lap dog police force the incom­pe­tent office of the DPP and the cor­rupt judi­cia­ry no politi­cian has been pun­ished for raid­ing, pil­lag­ing pub­lic funds, award­ing cor­rupt con­tracts to gang­sters and engaged in all kinds of ille­gal activ­i­ties with­out any regard for the laws as if they do not apply to them.
When a junior min­is­ter of gov­ern­ment can be brought before a court and a res­i­dent mag­is­trate can use the peo­ple’s office to open­ly thwart his pros­e­cu­tion is way beyond the pale and should not be sub­ject to any statute of limitation.
Not only should the case be brought back before the courts that dis­grace­ful mag­is­trate should be fired forth­with as I have been say­ing for years.
If Jamaica is ever to be bet­ter we must start plac­ing Jamaica’s filthy politi­cians in prison for their direct and implic­it involve­ment in crime and for sup­port­ing a cul­ture of crim­i­nal­i­ty on the Island.


Terrence William the head of the crime enhance­ment agency (INDECOM) has once again wormed his way into the media spot­light . It has become clear that Terrence Williams crave the spot­light as humans crave oxy­gen , like a fish out of water, gasp­ing, gills open­ing and clos­ing as it des­per­ate­ly tries to breathe, Williams has demon­strat­ed that he has some type of sick per­vert­ed addic­tion to the spotlight.

Terrence Williams has had a rocky rela­tion­ship with the Police since the Bruce Golding Administration cre­at­ed (INDECOM) and placed him in charge of the agency which may or may not have been need­ed , just not in it’s cur­rent form.
Since the cre­ation of the agency Williams has zeal­ous­ly and dogged­ly gone after police offi­cers sup­pos­ed­ly for what he has char­ac­ter­ized as extra-judi­cial killings .
It is impor­tant to recall that that char­ac­ter­i­za­tion was coined by Carolyn Gomes the for­mer pedi­atric doc­tor and head of the crim­i­nal rights group Jamaicans for jus­tice (JFJ).
Together with Gomes, Williams a state paid pub­lic ser­vant, ganged up against the Island’s police offi­cers and has since waged a relent­less twin- pronged cam­paign against police officers.
One of per­se­cu­tion, mis­in­for­ma­tion and decep­tion and the oth­er a rapa­cious glut­tony for more and more power.

In yet anoth­er sen­sa­tion­al­ized attempt to suck up atten­tion Williams attacked the police for treat­ing the body of a dead man who were just try­ing to kill them with dis­re­spect (his words).
Speaking to an inci­dent in which a man who engaged the police in a shootout and was effec­tive­ly ter­mi­nat­ed the pompous lit­tle Napoleon said.

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams

What is both dis­turb­ing and unac­cept­able is the man­ner in which the body of Mr. Hibbert is flung into the back of the vehi­cle with absolute­ly no regard or sense of human­i­ty for him. All cit­i­zens, irre­spec­tive of what they have alleged­ly done, or who they may be, are enti­tled to be treat­ed with a mea­sure of respect,” Commissioner of INDECOM, Terrence Williams said. “The removal of the deceased from any crime scene, whether by police offi­cers, ambu­lance ser­vice or mor­tu­ary offi­cials is deserv­ing of a lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al­ism, dig­ni­ty and respect, both for the dead and for those fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends who are often present.” Williams added that because offi­cers are not qual­i­fied med­ical per­son­nel and can­not for­mal­ly pro­nounce per­sons dead, they are required to always treat a vic­tim as injured until the offi­cial procla­ma­tion of death by a qual­i­fied person.

He said that while the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Human Rights and Use of Force Policy out­lines that assis­tance and med­ical aid are ren­dered to any injured or affect­ed per­sons at the ear­li­est pos­si­ble moment, the video did not show that pol­i­cy was adhered to.

Clearly the lit­tle Emperor is not sat­is­fied with the job he has he claims his agency has brought police killings down and the peo­ple suck up the garbage like glut­tons , the num­bers how­ev­er do not bear out Williams’ boast­ful claims>
Unless the goal was to trade the lives of ordi­nary Jamaicans for that of mur­der­ing blood thirsty criminals.


There is fac­tu­al­ly less police fatal shoot­ings with­out a doubt , what the brag­gart Williams omit from the nar­ra­tive is that more and more civil­ians are being slaugh­tered by crim­i­nals because many police offi­cers have dropped their hands not want­i­ng to be per­se­cut­ed to feed a nar­cis­sist’s ego and that of the pen­ny mil­lion­aire elit­ist class above Cross Roads.
Williams in crit­i­ciz­ing the way the police offi­cers han­dled a corpse made no men­tion of the trau­ma they may have encoun­tered or may have still be encoun­ter­ing and poten­tial­ly will encounter into the future at just being shot at by some­one who want­ed to kill them sim­ply for doing their jobs.
Williams, despite the grand­stand­ing did not once allege that the shoot­ing was a bad shoot­ing . Notwithstanding the close call to the offi­cers who braved the bul­lets, what the crim­i­nal sup­port­ing head of INDECOM Terrence Williams cared about were the ani­mals who shot at cops and were appro­pri­ate­ly dispatched.

Maybe this will stop when Williams feel the ter­ror inno­cent Jamaicans feel when their doors are being kicked in and they know they are draw­ing their last breadth. Or will it take for Williams to suf­fer the fate of the count­less inno­cents who have their lives snuffed out, the life blood drain­ing from their rid­dled bod­ies as they take their last gulp of life giv­ing oxygen .
Maybe Williams should feel what these inno­cents feel.

Earl Witter former public defender... Not enough police officers are shot commensurate with the amount of criminals killed.
Earl Witter for­mer pub­lic defend­er…
Not enough police offi­cers are shot com­men­su­rate with the amount of crim­i­nals killed.

By his own admis­sion Terrence Williams have declared that the vast major­i­ty of cas­es he has zeal­ous­ly pur­sued against the police over 85% have result­ed in the police offi­cer being exonerated.
These num­bers are noth­ing over or above what the CCRB was doing , in fact the CCRB was more effec­tive at weed­ing out rogue cops along with the Commissioner of Police who used the var­i­ous tools at his dis­pos­al to remove dirty cops from the department.
The dif­fer­ence with what the CCRB was doing and what Williams and his washed up British Interloping hench­man Hamish Campbell is doing, is that the CCRB inves­ti­gat­ed with­out demor­al­iz­ing the force. Williams and his cronies if allowed will do irrepara­ble harm to our coun­try if they are not stopped.