Modern Day Judas’ Can Collect Their 30 Pieces Of Silver But They Cannot Claim They Did Not Know What They Were Doing.….

Everyone is absolute­ly free to sup­port the can­di­date of their choice that is how things work in a democracy.
Yet we are some­times left scratch­ing our heads when we hear the rea­sons some poten­tial vot­ers give for sup­port­ing a par­tic­u­lar candidate.
When CNN asked an African American woman in a depressed sec­tion of north east Ohio who she believe will fix up her neigh­bor­hood she said Donald Trump.
Now nei­ther Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will do a damn thing about that wom­an’s neigh­bor­hood , if it is going to be fixed it will be fixed by pri­vate enti­ties not some pres­i­dent or oth­er bureaucrat .

Which brings me to my most recent fix­a­tion, the black pas­tors whom have thrown their sup­port to the new york self-styled bil­lion­aire Donald J Trump .
Look the Democratic par­ty has­n’t exact­ly been a bas­tion of sup­port for it’s most loy­al vot­ing block.
In fact a lot of the poli­cies which have enhanced racial oppres­sion against black Americans have been poli­cies which the democ­rats either insti­tut­ed or signed onto with Republicans. We cer­tain­ly do not see many Democratic elect­ed offi­cials out there on the front lines with Black-lives-mat­ter activists.
Neither have we seen a leg­isla­tive agen­da which would rein in aggres­sive, overzeal­ous and abu­sive police tac­tics, which in many cas­es are esca­lat­ed from insignif­i­cant issues which need­ed no policing.
So Yes Democrats have been weasels, unde­serv­ing of the black vote , but even so, Blacks absolute­ly have to vote demo­c­ra­t­ic as a means of survival.
Republicans have been open­ly hos­tile and down­right dan­ger­ous to the well-being of blacks in America.

Republican sup­port for aggres­sive polic­ing , it’s poli­cies which open­ly dis­crim­i­nates against the com­mu­ni­ty on gen­er­al­ly all issues includ­ing the right to vote are well known.
In fact the par­ty does­n’t even both­er to pre­tend that it does­n’t hate blacks. The par­ty and It’s sup­port base active­ly pur­sue every­thing that is anti­thet­i­cal to the black community.
Which is why it is so stun­ning to see the list of black pas­tors who have lined up in sup­port of Trump.

Pastor Mark Burns
Pastor Mark Burns

James Davis pastor in Ohio, Another of the coons who would sell the black community back into slavery all for a chance to sit at a table with Donald Trump.
James Davis pas­tor in Ohio,

I could write an epis­tle on whether these so called pas­tors are real­ly called of God, but as the scrip­tures com­mand I am going to let the wheat and the tares grow togeth­er until the day of har­vest. I will always remem­ber that God is the ulti­mate judge.
When we look at the hos­til­i­ty of the Republican par­ty to the African American community,one has to won­der what exact­ly did Donald Trump give, or promise to give to these Pharisees?
Though Mark Burns and James Davis are not the only slave traders who are will­ing to sac­ri­fice their con­gre­ga­tion and as many oth­ers who are stu­pid enough to be influ­enced by them, they cer­tain­ly have been two of the most vocal, con­spic­u­ous, and even vit­ri­olic against the nation’s first African American President. They open­ly lie about his and his Administration’s record with­out bat­ting an eye, or be guid­ed by the con­straints which would nor­mal­ly influ­ence oth­er men of the cloth.
Again if you are a pas­tor and you allow your­self to per­pet­u­ate lies I have seri­ous doubts about your legit­i­ma­cy but once again I will not judge.


Sufficing to say I will allow anoth­er man of the cloth to char­ac­ter­ize the pas­tors who vis­it­ed Trump Tower in New York City and met with the devel­op­er turned repub­li­can nom­i­nee for president.
Reverend Jamal Bryant referred to them as pros­ti­tutes. Speaking to the media after the pas­tors sum­mit with Trump, Bryant and James Davis had a heat­ed back and forth on CNN.
Reverend Bryant labeled Davis a “pawn”.
I con­cur, I did too.
He labeled them pros­ti­tutes . So did I .

Davis insist­ed they had their voice heard plen­ty, dis­miss­ing Bryant’s con­cerns as just one of the lib­er­al “min­ions” telling African-Americans who are open to non-lib­er­al points of view to “get back on the plantation.”He even said Bryant should “prob­a­bly have his min­is­te­r­i­al cre­den­tials revoked. accord­ing to cnn​.com.
When Davis chal­lenged Reverend Bryant on the pros­ti­tute char­ac­ter­i­za­tion the good­ly rev­erend Bryant apol­o­gised stat­ing  “I want to apol­o­gize, because pros­ti­tutes get mon­ey. And the 100 that went in there walked away with noth­ing, they did it for free.”
Now the lat­ter part of Davis’ state­ment real­ly had me laugh­ing, the bow-tied enslaver wants the man who speak truth to be pun­ished . Yet he who is open­ly out there pol­i­tick­ing and try­ing to sell the gullible back into servi­tude shouldn’t ?
As a mat­ter of fact are their church­es still tax-exempt?

He he, I could­n’t agree with Reverend Bryant more . My only con­cern is, did they actu­al­ly allow them­selves to be used as props for a man who has a his­to­ry of racial ani­mus, big­otry and hos­til­i­ty toward African-Americans, includ­ing the nation’s first black pres­i­dent for free?
I mean even Judas Iscariot got him­self 30 pieces of sil­ver for betray­ing Jesus Christ .
Many Religious his­to­ri­ans argue that Judas saw Jesus work many mir­a­cles . As such they the­o­rize that Judas Iscariot expect­ed Jesus to com­mand legions of Angels to come to his defense against his captors.

They tell us when it became clear that that was not going to hap­pen Judas took the deci­sion to hang him­self out of guilt..
Jesus had super­nat­ur­al pow­ers which he chose not to use accord­ing to his father’s will.
Black ‑America has no super­nat­ur­al pow­ers, in fact it could rea­son­ably be argued that because of the com­mu­ni­ty’s splin­tered state it has no pow­er at all.
So it’s impor­tant that the mod­ern day Judas’ who would sell their con­gre­ga­tions and any­one stu­pid enough to be swayed by them under­stand that there are no legions of Angels to come to the res­cue of the peo­ple they are about to betray with a poten­tial pres­i­dent Trump.
Judas may not have known but these mod­ern day betray­ers can­not claim they did not know.
They know.….….….
