Man Who Vandalized Stores In Minneapolis Appears To Be A Police Officer

Jacob Pederson, a police offi­cer of the St. Paul Police Department, has been iden­ti­fied by some sources as the man in a viral video who is seen van­dal­iz­ing and smash­ing store win­dows in Minneapolis. The police depart­ment, how­ev­er, is deny­ing that the man in the video is one of their own. 

They have released a state­ment to the media saying:

We are aware of the social media post that erro­neous­ly iden­ti­fies one of our offi­cers as the per­son caught on video break­ing win­dows in Minneapolis. We want to be per­fect­ly clear about this”: “The per­son in the video is not our offi­cer. Our offi­cer has been work­ing hard, serv­ing his com­mu­ni­ty, keep­ing peo­ple and prop­er­ty safe, and pro­tect­ing the right to peace­ful­ly assem­ble. It’s unfor­tu­nate that peo­ple would post and share this untrue infor­ma­tion, adding more con­fu­sion to an already painful time in our com­mu­ni­ty.

Social media, how­ev­er, has a dif­fer­ent take and many are con­vinced that the man in the video is indeed Officer Jacob Pederson. Some who were on the scene even rec­og­nized him, and many are ques­tion­ing if he was also involved in set­ting build­ings on fire in the city.
A woman claim­ing to be his ex-wife has even come for­ward say­ing that she is 90% sure that it’s him, and that she rec­og­nizes the gas mask and gloves he was wear­ing.
Mainstream media has shown most­ly African Americans loot­ing, van­dal­iz­ing, and vio­lent­ly protest­ing, but this footage paints a dif­fer­ent picture.(source,black new​.com)