Look For The Fascists To Rise Up And Start Criticizing The New Incoming Administration

Now that Donald Trump is on his way out the door and a real president is slated to take office, look for the lying hypocrites in the Republican party to start yapping like rabid dogs, picking away at everything that the new administration attempts do.
Not a single one of them had the balls or character to open their pie holes as Donald Trump hammered away at the columns of the Republic, but they will be out second-guessing and blocking at every turn.

Rubio, has already inti­mat­ed in a radio inter­view with Hue Hewit that his goal will obstruct President-elect Biden’s appointees.

Already the mon­grel behav­ior is under­way, enter the pres­i­dent-elec­t’s announced choic­es for his cab­i­net, a cab­i­net that does not yet exist, because he will not be pres­i­dent for rough­ly anoth­er two months. However, that did not stop the anti-democ­ra­cy zom­bies from rais­ing their heads; Marco Rubio, the lit­tle dimwit from Florida, tweet­ed out that Biden’s picks were; quote“polite and order­ly care­tak­ers of American decline.”
You know this fool had noth­ing to say when this was the best he could come up with; what does that even mean? What does that even mean when the last four years are considered/​Where was this squir­rel­ly lit­tle fool over the last four years?
I mean, can you believe this? Rubio was too chick­en shit pet­ri­fied of Donald Trump to speak, but now the lit­tle Cuban has got­ten his voice?
Rubio, who hates him­self for being Hispanic, and his cohort in Texas Raphael, who goes around using the name [Ted], to try to fool peo­ple into believ­ing he is white, is just as repul­sive as Rubio in the feal­ty to the con artiste occu­pant of the white house. What pathet­ic lit­tle b*****s?

Tom Cotton

Then there is Tom Cotton from Arkansas, anoth­er one who sees him­self as pres­i­den­tial tim­ber. He respond­ed to Biden’s picks as “pan­da hug­gers who will only rein­force Biden’s instincts to go soft on China.
Where was this racist fool when Trump was going soft on Russia and North Korea and Saudia Arabia’s Prince Ben Salman for hav­ing Jamal Khashoggi cut into lit­tle pieces?
This is the same racist fool who said US founders viewed slav­ery as a “nec­es­sary evil upon which the union was built.” That clum­sy blun­der revealed Cotton’s pathet­ic soul, who he real­ly is, if any­one did not already know.
This is the same Tom Cotton who told a local Arkansas news­pa­per that he rejects the idea that America was a sys­tem­i­cal­ly racist coun­try to its core.
I guess the KKK chap­ters, and the white mili­tias oper­at­ing in the back­woods of his state and all across America are boys scouts chap­ters. Cotton then lied that he was­n’t defend­ing slavery.


Cotton intro­duced the Saving American History Act, aimed at stop­ping fund­ing for 1619, an ini­tia­tive which bases US his­to­ry teach­ing around the first arrivals of slave ships in the US in August of that year.
In a new York Oped, Tom Cotton exco­ri­at­ed peace­ful demon­stra­tions that sprung up after George Floyd was mur­dered, char­ac­ter­iz­ing them as an orgy of vio­lence and backed Donald Trump’s threat to use Federal Troops to quell peace­ful demonstrations.
Cotton’s arti­cle was wide­ly crit­i­cized, and more than 800 Times employ­ees signed a let­ter denounc­ing its pub­li­ca­tion, say­ing it con­tained misinformation.
The news­pa­per lat­er apol­o­gized, say­ing the piece fell below its edi­to­r­i­al stan­dards. Opinion edi­tor James Bennet resigned as a result. These are the peo­ple jock­ey­ing to be the next Donald Trump.

There is no longer a Republican par­ty; what exists in its place is a racist, fas­cist par­ty, that does not believe in Democracy. A par­ty that should no longer be trust­ed with the reins of governance.
Look for the Republicans to sud­den­ly find their voic­es and start crit­i­ciz­ing every­thing that the new admin­is­tra­tion does, nev­er mind that they have all been silent over the last four years.
Donald Trump set out to sin­gle-hand­ed­ly destroy two and a half cen­turies of a Democratic exper­i­ment; not a damn one of them had the char­ac­ter to stand up and defend America.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer,
he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast, all free to you, of course.
