Look At The List Of Republicans Who Already Jumped The Line To Be Inoculated Against COVID-19

Listen to this lying, fraud­u­lent char­la­tan lit­tle Marco Rubio who has his face so far up Trump’s ass that he prob­a­bly can­not smell any­thing else. No won­der this fraud who thinks he is white attacked every­thing President Barack Obama did. Including say­ing that the President quote ‘had no class”, what could have elicit­ed a strong com­ment from the lit­tle inbred Cuban? President Obama had the nerve to invite Rapper Common and oth­ers to the White House that their fore-par­ents built.

Marco Rubio
I know I looked away from the needle
And yes, I know I need a tan
But I am so con­fi­dent that the #Covid19 vac­cine is safe & effec­tive that I decid­ed to take it myself

This is the fraud­u­lent lit­tle Cuban being inoc­u­lat­ed against COVID-19, hav­ing jumped the line and placed him­self in front of Doctors, Nurses, and oth­er front-line work­ers who are work­ing tire­less­ly to save and pro­tect the lives of oth­ers at the per­il of their own lives.
But I hard­ly believe that any­one is sur­prised at this lit­tle creep wannabe white, that he would jump the line to try and save his own sor­ry ass, and after he went mask­less to Donald Trump’s White House super­spread­er par­ty, and fol­lowed DonaldTrump’s igno­rant cru­sade against mask-wear­ing because he want­ed to cre­ate a false sense that every­thing was okay while peo­ple were dying like flies from the virus.
And oh, before I for­get, you guys some­times read stuff that I say about these peo­ple, how they would sell out their own moth­ers to cur­ry favor with oth­ers or worse, to try to con­vince white peo­ple that they are white.
Well, look at Macro Rubi. Did any­one care about his dis­gust­ing skin col­or? Why did he think it was nec­es­sary to tell us that he is off-color.
The lit­tle fool is in a back door kind of way try­ing to draw atten­tion to his dis­gust­ing flab­by biceps that are devoid of melanin.
Notice that he is wear­ing a mask; if he tru­ly believed in mask-wear­ing effi­ca­cy, why did he not wear one to Trump’s par­ty, or bet­ter yet, why did this lit­tle fol­low­er not stand on prin­ci­ple and refuse to go?
Nah.…. that would actu­al­ly require some char­ac­ter, for­ti­tude, dig­ni­ty, and balls, nei­ther of which Marco Rubio possesses.

But the lit­tle Cuban is not the only fraud Republican that has denied the seri­ous­ness of the Virus as peo­ple died, to push Donald trump’s self­ish agen­da. Look at this oth­er Trump min­ion Lindsay Graham from South Carolina.

Thank God for nurs­es who help peo­ple in need and know how to use a nee­dle. Thank God for those who pro­duced these vac­cines. If enough of us take it, we will get back to nor­mal lives. Help is on the way. (Lindsay Graham)He too jumped the line to receive the vac­cine, even though they denied it was dan­ger­ous all year and refused to wear a mask, poten­tial­ly plac­ing his dumb sup­port­ers at risk, to please Trump.
In effect, what they are doing is mock­ing the peo­ple who have lost their loved ones to this virus. Their lives are worth way more than the American peo­ple they so spite­ful­ly and will­ful­ly deceived.
Among the Republicans to jump the line based on the incred­i­ble val­ue of their lives over oth­ers are Mike Pence ad his wife.

Mike Pence, Second Lady Karen Pence, and Surgeon General Jerome Adams just took the coro­n­avirus vaccine.

Moscow Mitch McConnell
I just received the safe, effec­tive COVID vac­cine fol­low­ing con­ti­nu­ity-of-gov­ern­ment pro­to­cols. Vaccines are how we beat this virus. Now back to con­tin­ue fight­ing for a res­cue pack­age, includ­ing a lot more mon­ey for dis­tri­b­u­tion so more Americans can receive it as fast as possible.

In response to McConnell receiv­ing the vac­cine, one woman tweet­ed this guy is cur­rent­ly block­ing relief because he wants immu­ni­ty for cor­po­ra­tions that treat their work­ers unsafe­ly. Reminder 2: his vac­cine was paid by tax­pay­ers to whom he is block­ing relief.
I real­ly could have fall­en for the garbage that wear­ing a mask since last March was a sis­sy thing to do. We were made to believe that wear­ing a mask was polit­i­cal. I was almost con­vinced that I was not a true red-blood­ed Black man.
These are the same frauds who pre­tend­ed that the virus was no big deal, now look at them and their sense of entitlement.
The tragedy is that there are peo­ple stu­pid and dumb enough to go into vot­ing booths and cast bal­lots for these lying frauds.
