Liz Cheney Is Not Your Friend

Every now and then a few writ­ers get it right. We see events occur and peo­ple jump on the band­wag­on cre­at­ing false nar­ra­tive for the pub­lic that exists only in the minds of the writer or commentator.
The feud between Liz Chaney and the Republican Party is being sold to the gen­er­al pub­lic as an indi­ca­tion that Chaney is a paragon of virtue and conscience.
I wrote a short blog push­ing back against this notion, since then a few writ­ers have begun to come to the same con­clu­sion. My short com­men­tary was not one that had a run­ning nar­ra­tive of proof as to why Liz Chaney’s fall­out with the racist Republican sedi­tion­ist cau­cus should not be seen as an indi­ca­tion that she is vir­tu­ous. I sim­ply want­ed to debunk that the­o­ry period.


By John Nichols.

Just because she’s not get­ting along with Trump and Kevin McCarthy doesn’t make the cur­rent Cheney any less of a vit­ri­ol-spew­ing extrem­ist. She’s a rigid­ly right-wing Republican who got on the wrong side of a pow­er strug­gle with her fel­low rigid­ly right-wing Republicans.
The House Republican Conference chair is tus­sling with for­mer President Donald Trump, and that is now all but cer­tain to get her tossed from the num­ber three posi­tion in the party’s clown show of a cau­cus. The expla­na­tion for her per­ilous cir­cum­stance is sim­ple enough: What was once a par­ty where the name “Cheney” had a lot of sway is now a par­ty where the only name that has any sway is “Trump.”

The fact the Cheney’s not get­ting along with Trump and House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy has some lib­er­als think­ing rather too gen­er­ous­ly about the rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Wyoming.

All of a sud­den, com­men­ta­tors are giv­ing Cheney props. Headlines tell us, “Liz Cheney choos­es truth over pow­er — a lone­ly path in Trump’s GOP,” and “The effort to dump Liz Cheney is the con­se­quence of a par­ty that lost its way.” President Biden fist-bumped with her on the night of his address to Congress. House Democrats are chok­ing out com­pli­ments for Cheney.

Hold up, people!
Read the sto­ry at the Nation(https://​www​.then​ation​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​p​o​l​i​t​i​c​s​/​l​i​z​-​c​h​e​n​e​y​-​t​r​u​mp/