Wayne Henriques affec­tion­ate­ly called max

Above is the pic­ture of late Police Sargeant Wayne Henriques affec­tion­ate­ly ref­ered to as Max, by those who knew and loved him. Here my fel­low humans, is the face of a the brave men and women of Jamaica’s secu­ri­ty forces who toil tire­less­ly for mar­gin­al compensation,and oper­ate under deplorable work­ing conditions.

I ask all of you whom are not sup­port­ers of crim­i­nal­i­ty to remem­ber this face.

Wayne Henriques was a mar­ried father , a car­rear cop , on leave cel­e­brat­ing his wed­ding anniversary . 

Wayne was called away from his love­ly wife and won­der­ful kids, called back into the ser­vice of oth­ers, his fam­i­ly nev­er saw him again .

Sargeant Wayne Henriques and his col­leagues were bru­tal­ly attacked on MountainView avenue , when the shoot­ing end­ed Wayne and one of his col­leagues lay dead , while six oth­er offi­cers were shot and seri­ous­ly wound­ed by AK47 tot­ing mili­tia-men. Wayne Henriques had gone to the aid of a fel­low Jamaican, a woman strand­ed at bar­ri­cades erect­ed by maraud­ing urban terrorists.

Jamaica under what obtains for nor­mal­cy sees 1600 homi­cides annu­al­ly. Young boys and girls are sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly and rou­tine­ly raped in gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties , deprived of their God-giv­en rights to be kids and enjoy the pure inno­cence of being chil­dren. Parents are forced to false­ly report their daugh­ters miss­ing to police, after send­ing them to oth­er parts of the coun­try to live with rel­a­tives and friends, in order to pro­tect them from the ordeal of hav­ing to acqui­esce to the lust­ful drug induced sex­u­al per­ver­sion of local thugs who des­ig­nate them­selves “dons”.

Residents cow­er in fear in their own homes behind lay­ers and lay­ers of met­al bars, effec­tive­ly mak­ing them­selves pris­on­ers in their own homes. Even lay­ers of met­al bars are insuf­fi­cient in pro­tect­ing the cow­er­ing pop­u­lace if they run afoul of local thugs . Any such infrac­tion real or per­ceived, results in res­i­dents homes fire­bombed and any­one flee­ing the flames machine-gunned.
No one is immune from the fusilade of bul­lets, not even just born babies.
The coun­try, even out­side the scare of the Tivoli Invasion has no real growth or devel­ope­ment of con­se­quence to point to, crime and vio­lence has lit­er­al­ly crip­pled agri­cul­tur­al and man­u­fac­tur­ing sec­tors, most com­pa­nies have sim­ply moved away. Those with American Visas have left, oth­ers are forced to scrounge and beg, liv­ing off the largess of rel­a­tives and friends liv­ing abroad. Remittance is now Jamaica’s num­ber two for­eign exchange earn­er. Tourism the cash cow has seen more and more hote­liers offer­ing all-inclu­sive deals with a view to keep­ing their guests safe.
Farmers have no incen­tive to raise ani­mals which are rou­tine­ly stolen. Many whom are crop farm­ers have decid­ed against their cho­sen pro­fes­sion as their crops are sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly stolen.
Most Jamaicans liv­ing at home, or those who vis­it, will attest to the dire hard­ship of sur­viv­ing in Jamaica. Number one at the top of their stress list , is the issue of per­va­sive crim­i­nal­i­ty, and Government’s seem­ing indif­fer­ence to the direct and cumu­la­tive neg­a­tive effect it has on the nation’s psyche.
As a for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cer I am aware, with­out fear of con­tra­dic­tion, of the dan­ger, stress, and per­il , in being a police offi­cer in our coun­try. The world’s largest Police force the (NYPD) found out in the late 80“s to ear­ly 90’s how lethal Jamaican crim­i­nals were. They came to their sens­es when shock­ing­ly, one of their offi­cers was bru­tal­ly mur­dered sit­ting in his patrol car in Queens NY.
All across the United Sates, from California to New York , and as far as Alaska, State and fed­er­al offi­cials were forced to adopt appro­pri­ate, and decid­ed mea­sures to effec­tive­ly counter, con­tain, and degrade the capa­bil­i­ties of Jamaica’s ter­ror­is­tic drug deal­ing thugs.
Every year sev­er­al police Officers are mur­dered in Jamaica some on the front­lines, some mur­dered in the sanc­tu­ary of their very homes.
The report from Jamaicans for Justice, that suc­ceed­ed the May 2010 annex­a­tion of Tivoli Gardens by the secu­ri­ty forces , made no men­tion of the cir­cum­stances that led to the death of res­i­dents of that enclave.
No men­tion was made to her han­dlers, of the police sta­tions that were bombed and the police offi­cers, and mem­bers of the mil­i­tary who were killed and injured.
There was no men­tion of the restraint allud­ed to by the Observer report above.
Bureaucrats on the Commission, wher­ev­er they are domi­ciled, are patent­ly aware that in no coun­try in the world would that kind of assault be tol­er­at­ed or allowed to foment, much less unleashed on any state.
Expressed ene­mies of the state Randy Weaver was swift­ly deal with on Ruby Ridge by the FBI.
David Coresh and the Branch Davidians were expe­di­tious­ly exter­mi­nat­ed by the ATF.
The Black pan­ther par­ty was effec­tive­ly dec­i­mat­ed with bombs in Philadelphia.
Terrorists in Britain , Moscow, Tel Aviv, Paris,Mumbai , and wher­ev­er they raise their ugly heads are effec­tive­ly dealt with.
What makes Jamaica any different?
What is the pur­pose of enquiries by some that have no clout or lever­age in ques­tion­ing their own state or local offi­cials, much less Federal authorities.
Who and what gives them the right to demand reports , and sit in Judgement of our secu­ri­ty forces when they appro­pri­ate­ly put down acts of bla­tant ter­ror , and anarchy.
Carolyn Gomes took the name of one of Jamaica’s most ded­i­cat­ed police offi­cers to that com­mis­sion , where she made unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tions against him.
The Government’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive Audrey Marks dis­gust­ed­ly made no attempt at stand­ing up for Superintendent Delroy Hewitt a fine police officer .
Hewitt’s name was uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly dragged through the mud by Gomes and the oth­er mercenary,who false­ly alleged that he is guilty of sev­er­al cas­es of extra judi­cial killings, if ever there was an offi­cer that was 180 degree opposed to that kind of behav­ior it would be Delroy Hewitt.
Gomes was unhap­py with the fact that Ellington, Jamaica’s police com­mis­sion­er was hav­ing none of the nonsense,and stat­ed quote“that is one of my best officers” .,
Those who do not know Delroy Hewitt may form their opin­ions. Here’s what I have to say to Gomes.“Those hon­ors you received on the backs of dead police and mil­i­tary offi­cers , may they burn you in hell”.
Jamaica is a devel­op­ing coun­try that could have been a gem had­n’t it been for unscrupu­lous politi­cians,. The prob­lems the coun­try faces are many and varied.
Ideally peo­ple arrest­ed by the state should be guar­an­teed a bed on which to sleep, ade­quate ablu­tion area and some degree of exer­cise. Children find­ing them­selves in police lock-ups are not the fault of the police, but of their par­ents first, and the Government second.
Police offi­cers can­not take juve­nile offend­ers to their homes , they have to be housed at police sta­tions, absent facil­i­ties fur­nished by Government.
If police offi­cers refused to arrest offend­ers juve­nile or oth­er­wise, Gomes’ argu­ments would be that police are inef­fec­tive, and useless.
As a Jamaican I refuse to allow Carolyn Gomes to use revi­sion­ist his­to­ry to rewrite what pre­cip­i­tat­ed the actions of the secu­ri­ty forces in Tivoli gar­dens in May of 2010. We do not know what hap­pened in the fog of war in Tivoli gar­dens. We weren’t there, and nei­ther was Carolyn Gomes or the peo­ple who sup­port her. We are unaware of any instances of extra­ju­di­cial killings by any mem­ber of the secu­ri­ty forces, we weren’t there , and nei­ther was Gomes or her affiliates.
Irresponsibly shout­ing about extra­ju­di­cial killings with­out evi­dence of same, or a tech­ni­cal under­stand­ing of what it con­sti­tutes , or because some­one say so does not make it cred­i­ble. Gomes sim­ply do not know what con­sti­tutes extra­ju­di­cial killings, evi­dence of which may be found in her inter­view with TVJ, in that dis­joint­ed ram­ble she showed she was out of her league as it relates to what con­sti­tutes mur­der , manslaugh­ter, or even an unlaw­ful killing, she even mean­dered into death by motor vehicle.
We sug­gest Gomes con­fine her­self to her pedi­atric prac­tice and leave law enforce­ment to those whose job it is to enforce the laws.
Jamaicans liv­ing in gar­risons have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly and rou­tine­ly demon­strat­ed against police irre­spec­tive of what actions they take. In some instance they are intim­i­dat­ed into doing so, some­times the do so will­ing­ly, and on oth­er occa­sions they are paid to do so. It is com­mon for them to wail and throw them­selves on the ground detail­ing what they claim to be acts of extra­ju­di­cial killings that hap­pened in their view at 3:am inside the vic­tims’ house, even though they do not live in the same house.
Members of Jamaican media are gen­er­al­ly more than will­ing to grant pro­fes­sion­al mourn­ers a soap-box know­ing full well they are lying. “Welcome to Jamaica , no prob­lem man” many hear this refrain ‚but are unaware of the dirty under­bel­ly of Jamaican life , an under­bel­ly that seem to get more sor­did with each pass­ing year.
A mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces may use dead­ly force in defence of his life or that of another.
If some­one shoots at an offi­cer then drops the weapon and puts his hands up police are not jus­ti­fied in killing him.
If a per­son points a weapon at an offi­cer , even though he has­n’t fired the weapon that offi­cer is jus­ti­fied in tak­ing that per­son out. If after the offi­cer neu­tral­izes the threat to him­self or any oth­er per­son , and it is dis­cov­ered that the weapon was a fake, or was emp­ty, the offi­cer is still jus­ti­fied in the actions he took, as he could not have know that the weapon was fake or empty.
If an offi­cer who, observes a per­son with a gun in the com­mis­sion of a crime, orders that per­son to drop the weapon, as long as the gun is point­ed at some­one, that offi­cer is jus­ti­fied under the law in tak­ing that per­son out , if he refus­es to obey said offi­cers commands.
Police offi­cers are jus­ti­fied in shoot­ing some­one armed with oth­er weapons , like knives , machetes, etc, if that per­son dis­obeys com­mands to drop the weapon and advances on the offi­cer in a threat­en­ing manner.
Each and every case of police shoot­ing must be looked at as a sin­gle case in and of itself,and can­not rea­son­ably be viewed with­in a broad­er con­text of oth­er killings,even by the same officer.
A Surgeon who loos­es a patient in the oper­at­ing the­atre is not a mur­der­er, unless there is evi­dence of malfea­sance, or neglect. A police offi­cer who kills a crim­i­nal just­ly , is not a mur­der­er that is the nature of his job. No argu­ment about the amount of peo­ple killed by an offi­cer or a unit, is cred­i­ble as a barom­e­ter in deter­min­ing crim­i­nal cul­pa­bil­i­ty by itself, . What those num­bers point to, is the effec­tive­ness and hard work of that unit or individual.
All cas­es are dif­fer­ent, Gomes’ argu­ments about what she per­ceives as the quote ‘unten­able” amount of police killings based on the num­ber of crim­i­nals shot , is an argu­ment she will find unten­able and impos­si­ble to substantiate.
They go not to any unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tion of abuse as she wants the world to believe ‚but more so to the ram­pant , unchecked crim­i­nal­i­ty that is the norm in Jamaica.
In order for that argu­ment to have cred­i­bil­i­ty, or legit­i­ma­cy, a Trier of facts , versed in the laws as they relate to the use of lethal force , would have to deter­mine that each and every case of shoot­ing by mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces was an ille­gal unjus­ti­fied act.
If any such Trier of fact is unable to do so, then those argu­ments based on num­bers , is one of igno­rance, steeped in mal­ice, and does not deserve a response. That is the predica­ment in which Gomes and those who sup­port her find themselves.
Gomes and oth­ers like Earl Witter (pub­lic defend­er) main­tains legit­i­ma­cy by using police , they are not the only ones , to have done so.

Every lit­tle lout in talk radio has done so , Politicians have done so , Gomes and her lot are just the lat­est bunch to have got­ten on the band wag­gon, and it damn sure is work­ing. She has gar­nered sev­er­al awards so far. 

Where are the awards for Wayne Henriques and others?

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