Koch Brothers War:

Republicans have been demand­ing that the Obama Administration cut spend­ing, they have accused the pres­i­dent of spend­ing America into bank­rup­cy. But lets take a clos­er look at what’s real­ly going on here, Politicians we know are plain liars and can­not be trust­ed, then there are the pun­dits that talk to hear them­selves talk, cable tele­vi­sion runs the gloom and doom prog­nos­ti­ca­tion round the clock, that is if one watch­es CNN, or MSNBC, I nev­er turn my TV to FOX misinformation.

Tea par­ty mem­bers of Congress have one goal, that is to gum up the works ‚run out the clock on Obama’s pres­i­den­cy. The far right group came into exis­tence just around the time Obama was elect­ed, the faces of the group seem to be car­ing sweet sub­ur­ban white women who just want to ensure a secure future for their chil­dren, who would have a prob­lem with that ? Well not so fast, when the beau­ti­ful wrap­per is peeled back their emerges a sin­is­ter more seri­ous struc­tur­al foun­da­tion in the form of bil­lion­aires, the Koch broth­ers , David and Charles ‚whose net worth is esti­mat­ed at thir­ty-five bil­lion dol­lars. Their hold­ings Koch Industries rake in a whop­ping annu­al one hun­dred bil­lion dol­lars, their hold­ings are astro­nom­i­cal. From oil refiner­ies in sev­er­al states to Brawny paper tow­els, Dixie cups, Georgia pacif­ic lum­ber ‚Stain mas­ter car­pet and Lycra to name of few.

The New Yorker Magazine of August 30th 2010 titled Covert Operations detailed the Koch broth­ers secret war against the Obama Administration . Their com­pa­ny Koch Industries have been named by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute as one of the top ten air pol­luters in the coun­try, they have also been cit­ed by Greenpeace as a quote “a king­pin of cli­mate sci­ence denial” to any objec­tive per­son this New Yorker Article by Jane Mayer is a must read.

The Koch broth­ers indus­tri­al and man­u­fac­tur­ing inter­ests puts it at odds with reg­u­la­tions com­ing out of the EPA advanced more so by this Administration, which has tak­en decid­ed action to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment like halt­ing drilling off the Gulf coast after the dev­as­ta­tion of the (BP) beyond petro­le­um oil spill. Tea par­ty activists drawn into some­thing beyond their own com­pre­hen­sion, argues they are fight­ing for fis­cal restraint, what they don’t know is that what they are fight­ing for is more pol­lut­ed air, and drink­ing water .

There is how­ev­er a dif­fer­ent slant to this debate,many argue that tea par­ty activists and oth­er repub­li­cans were quite fine when pres­i­dent Bush was get­ting the coun­try into two unfund­ed war. Many argue the Iraq war was unnec­es­sary, and was a war of choice. The crit­i­cism of this pres­i­dent are usu­al­ly sil­ly and hyp­o­crit­i­cal and to some racial as it relates to Obama. Whether the Koch broth­ers are doing this on the basis of race or as a result of their lib­er­tar­i­an politics,or both is imma­te­r­i­al, what’s at stake here is that if repub­li­can tea par­ty house mem­bers have their way in this uncer­tain econ­o­my, and there are dras­tic cuts to Government spend­ing there will be a mas­sive con­trac­tion of the economy.

This assess­ment does not need pun­dit­ry from Harvard or Princeton, The Government is the only enti­ty that has the resources , earned or bor­rowed to spend to keep peo­ple employed, econ­o­mists sug­gest there are over two tril­lion dol­lars sit­ting out there in the pri­vate sec­tor that could be spent to employ Americans, the pri­vate sec­tor how­ev­er is not hir­ing so it is up to gov­ern­ment to keep stim­u­lat­ing the economy.

It is nei­ther com­mu­nism nor Socialism to stim­u­late the econ­o­my with large infu­sion of cap­i­tal to keep peo­ple employed , America’s infra­struc­ture is in need of repairs what bet­ter thing to do than to put Americans to work repair­ing America’s infra­struc­ture which in turn keeps the econ­o­my afloat? Government does not have the lux­u­ry of the pri­vate sec­tor, in adopt­ing a wait and see approach as it relates to whether it infus­es cap­i­tal in the econ­o­my , it has become increas­ing­ly clear that the demands of the tea par­ty that the Obama Administration cut spend­ing is designed more for the con­trac­tion of the econ­o­my , which will in fact have an even more dev­as­tat­ing effect on the econ­o­my as it relates to job loss, which is sure to take down the president.

This strat­e­gy by the very rich , who fund reac­tionary groups like the tea par­ty, while they hide behind the scenes and pulls the strings, is cyn­i­cal, unpa­tri­ot­ic, and down­right self­ish. President Obama and his fam­i­ly may nev­er ever be poor again , but the actions of this very rich few is caus­ing immense harm to the mass­es of the mid­dle class of this coun­try. they do not care, they know Obama will have his mon­ey their dis­gust and dis­dain is for the mid­dle class.

mike beckles:have your say