Hypocrite :Delroy Chuck!

I have repeat­ed­ly point­ed out that Jamaica’s police force has for decades been giv­en bas­ket to car­ry water, they have been giv­en an impos­si­ble task and a man­date that is lit­er­al­ly impos­si­ble to fulfill.

Jamaica is a small coun­try with lim­it­ed resources but many and var­ied chal­lenges, as such I ful­ly under­stand that there are going to be sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ences with the qual­i­ty of every thing from infra­struc­ture to the deliv­ery of ser­vices when com­pared to devel­oped, and even oth­er devel­op­ing coun­tries. With that said, I do not know of any objec­tive Jamaican, or any observ­er in the know, who would argue that there have not been a sys­tem­at­ic mis­han­dling and ram­pant cor­rup­tion in the way resources are han­dled. As a result, the coun­try has slipped pre­cip­i­tous­ly back­ward , while oth­er coun­tries with few­er resources and even more peo­ple have made sig­nif­i­cant progress toward improv­ing the lives of their pop­u­la­tion. Government Agencies charged with the deliv­ery of ser­vices are a good place to start look­ing at how gov­ern­ment have failed the peo­ple, from health to fire , from agri­cul­ture to labor, from edu­ca­tion to youth and sports, how­ev­er no agency have been exposed to pub­lic scruti­ny and pub­lic ridicule as the Jamaica con­stab­u­lary force has been. This Agency has been set up to fail by Governments of both polit­i­cal par­ties. Both Parties have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly pulled the wool over the eyes of an ever increas­ing­ly gullible pub­lic, a pub­lic that more and more seem inca­pable of think­ing for itself . Politicians have used the police force as their per­son­al valet ser­vice , while at the same time using it as a buffer to ward off crit­i­cism of their cor­rup­tion and abject inep­ti­tude as lead­ers. The pub­lic has been taught to hate police offi­cers , which means hat­ing the rule of law, politi­cians get rich, police offi­cers get killed. There are cor­rupt politi­cians all over the world. but Jamaica takes the cake when it comes to politi­cians that are filthy , dirty, and cor­rupt, most if not all are crim­i­nals parad­ing in suits as decent law-abid­ing cit­i­zens. Of course they get away with doing it because we start­ed with a police force that was designed as Night Watchmen, a force that was sup­posed to be a short pants wear­ing group from the peas­antry that looks out for the inter­est of the rich and con­nect­ed. To date there has not been a com­mis­sion­er /​Chief Constable with balls that will stand up to a politi­cian and say” hell no I will enforce the laws , and if you do not like it I’ll see you in court” Oh wait actu­al­ly that may not be a good idea on sec­ond thought ! the court sys­tem is a lib­er­al cesspool of anti police operatives.

Just after he was ele­vat­ed to the high­est exec­u­tive office in the coun­try, The Jamaica Gleaner was gra­cious in allow­ing me to post an open let­ter to now dis­graced Prime Minister Bruce Golding. In that let­ter I beseeched the new Prime Minister to avoid the temp­ta­tions that goes with pow­er , I implored him to be dif­fer­ent , I begged him to be a new kind of leader , a new kind of Prime Minister that will not be just anoth­er Prime Minister, but the tem­plate by which future prime min­is­ters would be judged . Golding did not heed my call and as result he is resign­ing in dis­grace over his involve­ment in The Christopher Coke débâ­cle, too lit­tle too late Orette Bruce Golding did not live up to the promise of his abil­i­ties, he failed to real­ize the par­a­digm shift in the way peo­ple com­mu­ni­cate , he mis­cal­cu­lat­ed on the amount of pow­er invest­ed in him, he gam­bled and he lost . A few days ago Delroy Chuch Golding’s new Minister of Justice launched a broad­side against the police. Addressing Lay Magistrates and Justices of the peace Chuck at their quar­ter­ly meet­ing in Saint Andrew did not mince words in paint­ing the police as the prob­lem in Jamaica’s crim­i­nal Justice system.

Addressing the Lay Magistrates Association of Jamaica St Andrew Chapter’s quar­ter­ly meet­ing at the Medallion Hall Hotel in Kingston yes­ter­day, the min­is­ter said Jamaica’s jus­tice sys­tem was not serv­ing the peo­ple of the coun­try prop­er­ly, and the soon­er cit­i­zens accept­ed that this was the case and moved to address it, the bet­ter it would be for everyone.“Far too many of our young men are being picked up and locked away for no good rea­son, some­times because of per­son­al vendet­ta, per­son­al spite or feel­ings,” stat­ed Chuck. these young men knew their rights, the Ministry of Justice would be more bank­rupt than it is now, because so many of these cas­es could be pros­e­cut­ed suc­cess­ful­ly.” Conceding that the police some­times need­ed this par­tic­u­lar process because of the heart­less­ness of some peo­ple in soci­ety, vio­lent crim­i­nals and the dif­fi­cul­ty in iden­ti­fy­ing per­sons (because they go by main­ly alias­es), he said that was one of the rea­sons the deten­tion time was increased from 24 to 72 hours. While stat­ing that the police need­ed more time to deter­mine if the per­son they had in cus­tody was actu­al­ly the per­son they want­ed, he, how­ev­er, added that there was no right for them to arrest and detain any­one unless they had rea­son­able grounds. “Whether it is 24 or 72 hours, there must be rea­son­able grounds for arrest­ing and detain­ing the indi­vid­ual. It can­not be an arbi­trary arrest that ‘I have the right to arrest you for 72 hours’. That does­n’t exist,” he stat­ed. The min­is­ter added, “When the police arrest and detain some­one, that per­son has a right to hear from the police why he is being arrest­ed and detained. And he can say to the police ‘If you fail to tell me why I am being arrest­ed and detained I am going to pros­e­cute you’. And if the police fail to tell him, then he has a pros­e­cutable case in court.” Reading from the Jamaica Constabulary Force Act, sec­tion 50 (b) (f), the min­is­ter reit­er­at­ed that he was speak­ing from a point of law. Failing the jus­tice sys­tem Stating that far too many JPs just ‘sign off’ and were not doing their due dili­gence by insist­ing that the police con­vince them of the rea­son for the arrest, he told them that in doing so, “you have failed not only that man, but you have failed the jus­tice sys­tem, because you have allowed injus­tice to be met­ed out to the ordi­nary cit­i­zens of this coun­try.” Chuck also charged the lay mag­is­trates and JPs that, at any point, if the police brought some­one before them with­out a con­vinc­ing rea­son for that per­son­’s arrest and deten­tion, then they should refuse to sign the doc­u­ment and advise the police to release the per­son, “and if he refus­es to release the man, you let the com­mis­sion­er or me know”. He told the JPs that he had obtained per­mis­sion from the com­mis­sion­er of police, Owen Ellington, to not only vis­it jail cells, but check log books for rea­sons why Jamaican cit­i­zens were incar­cer­at­ed, and if no good rea­son was in the log book or if they were detained beyond the 72 hours, then they should insist that the indi­vid­ual be released. “If we can weed out some of this abuse of pow­er, you would be sur­prised at how much bet­ter the young men in our com­mu­ni­ty would respect the jus­tice sys­tem,” stat­ed the jus­tice min­is­ter.anastasia.​cunningham@​gleanerjm.​com

If we can weed out some of you filthy politi­cians do you real­ize just how much bet­ter our coun­try will be? Who is the guy try­ing to impress with his dirty hands , I won’t even speak on Ellington , many think this guy is actu­al­ly a good chief con­sta­ble, in my esti­ma­tion he is a spine­less yes-man.

What a hyp­ocrite ! Was it the police who refused to sign the extra­di­tion order allow­ing Dudus to get his just due? or was it Bruce Golding who inject­ed him­self into what clear­ly was a judi­cial mat­ter sand­bag­ging, and obstruct­ing all the way until pub­lic pres­sure forced him to capit­u­late. Did Delroy Chuck take Golding to task for destroy­ing the Justice sys­tem? No Chuck did no such thing , con­verse­ly what he did was to join his cronies in reject­ing Goldings sup­posed let­ter of res­ig­na­tion in their smoke filled back room .The Justice sys­tem of which you speak was destroyed long ago and cops had very lit­tle to do with it , it was Lawyers like you and lib­er­al judges who keep putting your crim­i­nal polit­i­cal cohorts back onto the streets, but most of all med­dling dirty politi­cians like you who attend the funer­al of com­mon crim­i­nal dons that destroyed it.

Tell me Delroy Chuck was it the Police who forced you to have a trib­ute read on your behalf at the funer­al of Andrew Phang Stephens of your North East Saint Andrew con­stituen­cy ?Shot by Police no less , Is that the rea­son you have it out for our cops? You should not have clear­ance to enter a pub­lic library, much less to talk about you are a min­is­ter of Justice,who do you think you are fooling?

Lets get things straight here, you politi­cians will not run Jamaica as your pri­vate play­ground any longer , we will stand up and we will call you out. I am con­ver­sant of the uphill strug­gle in edu­cat­ing a pop­u­la­tion that have been schooled into beleiv­ing in the green and orange, we will how­ev­er con­tin­ue to chip away at your lies , and we will expose you , you can count on it.

Your Boss Bruce Golding once claimed if any­one messed with Laborites it would be ban­garang, I chid­ed Golding in a let­ter in the Gleaner, of course you took me to task about my patri­o­tism and point­ed to Portia’s reck­less rhetoric, as if Portia is rel­e­vant , or that her per­ceived reck­less­ness made Golding’s reck­less­ness legit­i­mate. You Delroy Chuck accused me of being unpa­tri­ot­ic because I left Jamaica, then I chal­lenged you, I asked you to tell me what was your con­tri­bu­tion to nation build­ing com­pared to mine? Like the cow­ard you are, you slith­ered away not to heard from again.

Now elec­tion is com­ing, you are out talk­ing about police abuse it’s time you morons be called to account . You present your­selves as pure , with clean hands to the illit­er­ate mass­es of the peo­ple who are impressed with you , not all peo­ple are fooled by your dis­guis­es, . You, like Golding , and Portia and all the rest are sim­ply oppor­tunis­tic bas­tards who con­tin­ue to pit poor Jamaican peo­ple against their broth­ers because too many are too stu­pid to see you for what you real­ly are . Only in Jamaica would any Justice Minister say those things about the police and not be kicked the hell out of office . You are a damn dis­grace, and should fol­low your boss out the door.

mike beck­les:

have your say:
