Just When You Thought The Cops Cannot Get Any Lower, How Pathetic Is This?

Cops thanked Kyle Rittenhouse, who trav­eled across state lines from Illinois to Wisconsin with an assault weapon, and gave him water.
Kyle Rittenhouse would go on to mur­der two pro­tes­tors in Kenosha, Wisconsin; that same night last sum­mer, protests erupt­ed when a cop, Rusten Sheskey, fired seven(7) bul­lets into the back of Jacob Blake at point-blank range, par­a­lyz­ing him from the waist down.
New infor­ma­tion due to a data breach shows that cops are also donat­ing to Rittenhouse’s crowd­fund­ing effort.
One Virginia cop who works in inter­nal affairs must have for­got­ten the mean­ing of ‘anony­mous, he donat­ed to Rittenhouse’s effort using his email address, but that was not all; he offered words of com­fort to Rittenhouse.
The Guardian reports that a data breach at a Christian crowd­fund­ing web­site has revealed that serv­ing police offi­cers and pub­lic offi­cials have donat­ed mon­ey to fundrais­ers for accused vig­i­lante mur­der­ers, far-right activists, and fel­low offi­cers accused of shoot­ing black Americans.

Kyle Rittenhouse and oth­ers trav­eled from oth­er states to Wisconsin armed with weapons they should not car­ry across state lines. He mur­dered two peo­ple after the police in Kenosha thanked them and gave them water, then went back home to Illinois. He was only arrest­ed the next day. Thereafter a (judge) prompt­ly grant­ed the dou­ble mur­der­er bail. Imagine if a black kid did that? Would he have got­ten bail or would he be long dead? Now police and oth­er right-wing sep­a­ratists have flood­ed his crowd­fund­ing effort with cash.

One dona­tion for $25, made on the 3rd of September last year, was made anony­mous­ly but asso­ci­at­ed with the offi­cial email address of Sgt William Kelly, who cur­rent­ly serves as the exec­u­tive offi­cer of inter­nal affairs in the Norfolk police depart­ment in Virginia. That dona­tion also car­ried a com­ment, read­ing: “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done noth­ing wrong.” The com­ment con­tin­ued: “Every rank and file police offi­cer sup­ports you. Don’t be dis­cour­aged by actions of the polit­i­cal class of law enforce­ment lead­er­ship.”
If noth­ing else comes of these rev­e­la­tions, the FBI’s report­ing that a size­able num­ber of those iden­ti­fied com­mit­ting crimes on January 6th, 2021 were police offi­cers, active duty, and for­mer mil­i­tary mem­bers demol­ish­es the con­stant lie about only a few bad apples exists in police departments.


There is new evi­dence that Qanon sup­port­ers are among the élite units with­in the United States Military. But that should come as no sur­prise; that white suprema­cy has once again reared its ugly head in the mil­i­tary; it nev­er left; it was always there.
Donald Trump’s lega­cy of racism and divi­sion gave strength to the imbe­cil­ic weak­lings whose default option for their fail­ures is racism. Like Trump, who squan­dered his father’s for­tune and built a moun­tain of debt, his fol­low­ers have not found a way to cash in on white priv­i­lege, so hatred is all they are left with.
This is how low the right has become; vio­lent mass mur­der­ers are sup­port­ed by those who wear the uni­form of police officers.
It makes my stom­ach turn; as a police offi­cer, regard­less of your polit­i­cal beliefs, crim­i­nals are crim­i­nals, your sup­port for them fur­ther demon­strates to the world that you are Nazis in police uni­form. It fur­ther reveals the lie that there are only a few bad cops. At this point, it seems that there [may] be a few decent cops left in the over 18,000 police depart­ments across America.
You deserve no respect, no def­er­ence; you are com­mon thugs.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
