Jury Hearing Kartel Murder Case Should Be Dismissed And The Case Restarted .

Vybz-Kartel-TrialYesterday, I brought to your atten­tion the issue of a juror hear­ing the mur­der case against Adidja Palmer, o/​c Vybz Kartel, dance-hall DJ, vis­it­ing a defense lawyer employed by Palmer.https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​m​y​w​p​b​l​o​g​/​?​p​=​6​093. I wrote an arti­cle on the sto­ry because I was shocked at the defin­i­tive way the tri­al judge, Lennox Campbell, sought to brush the issue aside, seem­ing­ly impa­tient and want­i­ng to move on. I wrote about it because the fideli­ty of the jus­tice sys­tem is of para­mount impor­tance if Jamaica’s fledg­ling democ­ra­cy is to sur­vive. I was also shocked that there did not seem to be any oth­er voic­es of dis­sent on the issue. I thought it was impor­tant that the juror, in fact, the entire jury, be dis­missed from hear­ing the case, even if the stri­dent dec­la­ra­tion of Lennox Campbell was ver­i­fi­able true. The judge had this to say about the juror’s vis­it. Quote: “We are firm­ly of the view that what tran­spired was an inno­cent inter­ac­tion. It is most unlike­ly to affect what we are going on with,”.

How can a judge under­stand how the jus­tice process is sup­posed to work and make such a state­ment in light of those devel­op­ments? How can he make those state­ments, par­tic­u­lar­ly when the rea­son for the vis­it was not made pub­lic? One of the cor­ner­stones of any jus­tice sys­tem is the belief that jus­tice must not only be done, it must also seem to be done. I point­ed to this yes­ter­day. Jamaica’s crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem is in cri­sis. Dirty cops, incom­pe­tent pros­e­cu­tors, lack of resources. Defense lawyers who are noth­ing more than Consiglieres to their crim­i­nal clients. Judges who sup­plant deco­rum and prece­dent with their own views and a com­plete break­down in the sys­tem that feeds the Don culture.

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Today, how­ev­er, oth­ers are lend­ing their voice to this issue, the Jamaica Observer reports:Some legal experts have said that the juror or the entire pan­el of 12 jurors should have been dis­missed. The case, which start­ed in November, restart­ed. According to the experts, this should have been done to dis­pel any per­cep­tion of under-hand­ed­ness that may be in the mind of the pub­lic and to pro­tect the integri­ty of the jus­tice sys­tem. According to them, had it been any oth­er juris­dic­tion, the pan­el would have been dis­missed, even if it was found that noth­ing wrong had tak­en place.http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​J​u​d​g​e​-​s​a​y​s​-​v​i​s​i​t​-of – Kartel-juror – to-lawyer-s-office-innocent-_15748954

I am heart­ened that some peo­ple under­stand the impor­tance of judi­cial fideli­ty in this exis­ten­tial strug­gle in which our coun­try is engaged. I will once again use this medi­um to call for judi­cial reform as we work toward a bet­ter way for­ward for Jamaica.