Whoa Wait Just A Minute There !!!!

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Justice Lennox Campbell, pre­sid­ing judge in the mur­der tri­al of Vybz Kartel, a short while ago declared that the meet­ing between a juror and a defence lawyer will not affect the case.“It was an inno­cent meet­ing and it is most unlike­ly that it will in any way affect the pro­ceed­ings before the court,” Justice Campbell said after a meet­ing Tuesday morn­ing in cham­bers with the offend­ing juror.The juror is alleged to have vis­it­ed the offices of a defence attor­ney over the Christmas hol­i­days seek­ing audi­ence with the lawyer. The mat­ter was report­ed­ly brought to the atten­tion of Justice Campbell and pre­vi­ous­ly dis­cussed in a meet­ing that includ­ed attor­neys for the Crown and the defen­dants in the case. The tri­al con­tin­ues on Thursday.http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​U​P​D​ATE – Meeting-between-juror-and-defence-lawyer-will-not-affect-tri­al — judge

Whoa wait just a minute, how can Lennox Campbell , the tri­al judge make such defin­i­tive state­ments with­out being there dur­ing the vis­it. Why would a juror hear­ing the case, with a view to impar­tial­ly decide innocence/​guilt of the accused go to the Defense Counsel for sup­posed audi­ence? Why not seek audi­ence with the Judge? ( even though these Jamaican judges are no dif­fer­ent than defense coun­sel) What would be the posi­tion of the Defense team if a sit­ting juror had gone to seek audi­ence with the pros­e­cu­tor? What would be the posi­tion of the sit­ting Judge (Lennox Campbell) had the juror gone to seek audi­ence with the Prosecutor? And by the way where is the Prosecutor in this matter?

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Paula Llewellyn (DPP)

Who looks out for the peo­ple’s inter­est? Under this Director of Public pros­e­cu­tion the lines seem vis­i­bly blurred. There nev­er seem to be any evi­dence of wrong doing on the part of any­one real­ly except if you are a poor cop. What was said in that meet­ing between the defense lawyer and juror? Is there an audio/​video tran­script of the meet­ing, oth­er­wise how could the Judge con­clude as he did? Why is the rea­son for the meet­ing not made pub­lic, at least to remove the impres­sion of impro­pri­ety by the defense? Did defense coun­sel inform the court about the vis­it, If not why? If defense coun­sel did not inform the court , who did? If defense coun­sel did not inform the court about the vis­it, what was defense think­ing why it did not believe it appro­pri­ate or pru­dent to do so? Why is this judge in such hur­ry to brush this aside and move on? This is a mur­der case for God’s sake, where is the judi­cial fideli­ty to the law?


Lennox Campbell in red:

Justice must not only be done , it must also appear to be done. who speaks for the fam­i­lies of the deceased? It is shock­ing, the decid­ed nature of the Judges com­ments in this, what appears to be a seri­ous breach of pro­ce­dure, which may have far reach­ing impli­ca­tions for inno­cence or guilt? Here is why nei­ther Lennox Campbell nor any oth­er Jamaican judge should be tak­en at face val­ue, the pub­lic need to know more.




We can­not accept, should not accept the word of a Jamaican Judge any­more, they long gave up that con­fi­dence the pub­lic placed in them. Not all are ques­tion­able, yet enough are, we should all be wary.
