Judges Wreaking Havoc And Enhancing Murders By Releasing Murderers On Bail As Soon As Cops Arrest Them.……

As part of the sen­tence reduc­tion pro­gram insti­tut­ed by the Government of Jamaica killers of all stripes are being turned back onto the streets in alarm­ing numbers.
One would think that with the tiny Island near the top of the list of coun­tries with the dubi­ous dis­tinc­tion of being called the world’s mur­der cap­i­tals Jamaica would be tak­ing decid­ed steps to ensure that crim­i­nals and in par­tic­u­lar mur­der­ers are locked away and kept locked away.

Not so, the Government is active­ly giv­ing away at zero cost to mur­der­ers, the abil­i­ty to sim­ply plead guilty to the mur­der they are charged with and receive a whop­ping 50% reduc­tion in their sentences.
Naturally, some crim­i­nals who dou­ble as defense Lawyers have already found ways to fur­ther manip­u­late this atro­cious sys­tem through the use of what is called social inquiries.
So nat­u­ral­ly, every­one who ever com­mits a mur­der has a psy­cho­log­i­cal prob­lem. On that social inquiry report, mur­der­ers can pin their get out of jail hopes, and they do.


Just recent­ly head of the St Ann Police Superintendent Wayne Cameron spoke about judges releas­ing crim­i­nals back onto the streets as soon as his offi­cers arrest them under the guise that they are enti­tled to bail.
He point­ed to the fact that for the most part most of the crim­i­nals who are arrest­ed for bur­glary and house­break­ing in his area of com­mand are indeed out on bail after hav­ing being arrest­ed for the very same crime.

I would like to inform Superintendent that it’s not just home inva­sions and break-ins, the vast major­i­ty of the mur­ders being com­mit­ted across the entire Island are being com­mit­ted by peo­ple out on bail hav­ing com­mit­ted .…. you guessed it, murders.

SP Wayne Cameron

Phillip Brown who killed his preg­nant ex-girl­friend wrapped her body in a tar­pau­lin and was about to dump her in a gul­ly before he was scared off was giv­en a slap on the wrist. Fifteen years with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of release after 10 years.
“Welcome to Jamaica where lives are good for noth­ing, kill at will, every­thing Irie mon”.

Meanwhile, 10 of the 14 peo­ple who had plead­ed guilty in October dur­ing sen­tence reduc­tion day were also sen­tenced yes­ter­day. Among them, the labor­er who admit­ted to killing a woman in December 2014 and hid­ing her body under his bed, after invit­ing her to his home for sex, was sen­tenced to sev­en years’ impris­on­ment with psy­chi­atric eval­u­a­tion, treat­ment, and counseling.

Terrence Williams
Commissioner of INDECOM

Kino Gilzene of New Haven in St Andrew had plead­ed guilty to manslaugh­ter and not mur­der, as a psy­chi­atric eval­u­a­tion in October under the sen­tence reduc­tion ini­tia­tive showed that he suf­fers from schiz­o­phre­nia. The deceased, Sudeen Jackson, a 22-year-old res­i­dent of Braeton Portmore, St Catherine was killed after she went to Gilzene’s home, alleged­ly for a sex­u­al encounter in exchange for $3,000.

Following the sex­u­al encounter, she asked to leave but Gilzene got angry and stabbed her in her chest and neck before using a stone to bash in her face. Gilzene then hid the wom­an’s body under his bed and cleaned up the scene. When his sis­ter Alicia came home, he told her a sto­ry about being held up by three men who raped and killed Jackson. The sib­ling buried Jackson’s body in a shal­low grave the fol­low­ing morn­ing but informed their moth­er of the inci­dent, and she sum­moned the police. Both were arrest­ed. His sis­ter Alicia Gilzene was charged with mis­pri­sion of a felony. Meanwhile, med­ical assis­tant Lorna Williamson, who plead­ed guilty to snatch­ing a day-old baby from the University Hospital of the West Indies in St Andrew last December, escaped a prison sen­tence. Williamson, 47, was sen­tenced to three years’ pro­ba­tion with psy­chi­atric counseling.

Harrison Henry

In hand­ing down the sen­tence, Justice Martin Gayle said the 47-year-old woman needs treat­ment. The wom­an’s attor­ney had ear­li­er request­ed a non-cus­to­di­al sen­tence. Williamson was charged with child steal­ing last year after the baby was found in her pos­ses­sion in Rollington Town on the same day the new­born dis­ap­peared. The baby girl was tak­en from a cot that was adja­cent to her moth­er’s bed on Ward 11 at the hos­pi­tal. Sentencing for the man who admit­ted to killing the Moncrieffe’s Patio Shop own­er ear­li­er this year was post­poned. Omar Graham, oth­er­wise called “Brown Man” of Alexander Road in Kingston, plead­ed guilty to the mur­der of 76-year-old Barbara Moncrieffe and the injur­ing of her hus­band and two oth­ers. His sen­tenc­ing was post­poned until January 30, 2018.

When the mat­ter was called up, the court was told that the social inquiry report was not ready. The elder­ly woman died after receiv­ing sev­er­al blows to her body from a piece of iron, which was also used to inflict injuries on the oth­er vic­tims. Graham plead­ed guilty in October as part of the sen­tence reduc­tion ini­tia­tive, which pro­vides the plat­form for indi­vid­u­als to enter a guilty plea and ben­e­fit from up to a 50 per­cent reduc­tion on their sen­tence, accord­ing to the pro­vi­sions of the Criminal Justice Administration Amendment Act 2015.

Andrew Holness PM

This is an unmit­i­gat­ed trav­es­ty and an affront to the dig­ni­ty of crime vic­tims and their fam­i­lies all for polit­i­cal purposes.
The idea that a dou­ble mur­der­er can get 10 years is a clar­i­on call to all mur­der­ers and would be mur­der­ers to kill because first of all they will not be killed in return, in fact, worse case all they can expect is a slap on the wrist.
This is just one more of the bright crim­i­nal sup­port­ing ideas of Delroy Chuck which will con­tin­ue to make Jamaica the mur­der cap­i­tal of the world under the guise of clean­ing up court dockets.

“If a per­son is to be detained, the police will have to con­vince the JPs that this per­son is sus­pect­ed (of com­mit­ting a crime), and if the JPs dis­agree, the man must be released. If the JPs agree, with­in 24 hours that per­son must be tak­en before a parish judge.”

It is now time for manda­to­ry min­i­mum sen­tences to be applied leg­isla­tive­ly to ensure that this cav­al­cade of mur­der is stopped.
One way to do that is to remove from the hands of the Islands Judges the deci­sion to sen­tence sus­pects who com­mit cap­i­tal murder.
We sim­ply have to be res­olute about stop­ping the bleed­ing fig­u­ra­tive­ly and literally.
The job of doing so can­not sim­ply be left up to the over­worked, under­paid, unap­pre­ci­at­ed, poor­ly trained police.
This requires all hands on deck.
At the moment Government is busy reor­ga­niz­ing the deck chairs on the sink­ing Titanic for bet­ter optics while the major­i­ty of the deck­hands are busy drilling more holes into the hull of the sink­ing vessel.
