Judge Denies Motion To Rearrest Kyle Rittenhouse And Raise Bond Over False Address Filed In Court

By Zack Linly

Kyle Rittenhouse is await­ing tri­al for fatal­ly shoot­ing two peo­ple and seri­ous­ly injur­ing a third with a rifle he couldn’t legal­ly car­ry. His mul­ti­ple charges include two felony counts of inten­tion­al homi­cide. Regardless of how one feels about the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the Aug. 25 shoot­ing in Kenosha, Wis., there’s no deny­ing that, on paper, he appears to be the kind of crim­i­nal Americans would have no prob­lem con­demn­ing even before he’s found guilty. Except, Rittenhouse is white, looks like the kid next door (to white peo­ple), and is an American’s American — mean­ing he loves cops, guns, vig­i­lante “jus­tice,” and, well, America.

This is why Rittenhouse quick­ly raised funds to pay his $2 mil­lion bail and why he thought noth­ing of hit­ting a bar fresh off his release and hang­ing out with local white suprema­cists. It’s why Rittenhouse was like­ly con­fi­dent that vio­lat­ing court orders by leav­ing the court with a false address would be no big deal — and it’s why he was absolute­ly right about that.
The Washington Post reports that dur­ing a vir­tu­al hear­ing on Thursday, Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder denied the motion by pros­e­cu­tors to have Rittenhouse rear­rest­ed for vio­lat­ing the terms of his release and raise his bond by $200,000.
From the Post:

Schroeder acknowl­edged that the 18-year old had failed to keep the court apprised of his res­i­dence but dis­agreed with Assistant District Attorney Thomas C. Binger’s argu­ments, not­ing that Rittenhouse’s release con­di­tions require only that the defen­dant pro­vide the court with his address, not that he actu­al­ly reside there.

To issue a war­rant now for a defen­dant that has appeared at every hear­ing would be break­ing the law, and I’m not going to do it,” Schroeder said, adding that he lacked the author­i­ty to issue the kind of war­rant Binger requested.
“Rittenhouse’s release con­di­tions require only that the defen­dant pro­vide the court with his address, not that he actu­al­ly resides there.”

Bruh, WHAT?

What kind of “whites only” bail con­di­tions are these that allow some­one charged in mul­ti­ple homi­cides to give the court any old address while the defen­dant lives wher­ev­er the hell he pleases?

You know what? Never mind; I’ve been writ­ing about “two Americas” since Rittenhouse first became news. According to the Post, dur­ing the Thursday hear­ing — which includ­ed state­ments by Gaige Grosskreutz, the man who sur­vived being shot by Rittenhouse; and John Huber, the father of Anthony Huber, one of the vic­tims who died — Schroeder did order Rittenhouse’s attor­neys to pro­vide the court with a cur­rent address, say­ing it would be kept secret from every­one except the judge, court clerk, and sher­iff. His attor­neys pre­vi­ous­ly argued their client left the address the court had on file because of “numer­ous death and oth­er threats based on the events of August 25, 2020, in the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin,” accord­ing to CNN.

https://​www​.kenoshanews​.com/​j​u​d​g​e​-​n​o​-​d​i​s​m​i​s​s​a​l​-​f​o​r​-​m​a​n​-​a​c​c​u​s​e​d​-​o​f​-​f​i​r​i​n​g​-​g​u​n​-​a​f​t​e​r​-​f​i​g​h​t​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​_​2​4​b​c​4​a​f​a​-​6​370 – 5683-a1a3-f4246e4c1302.html

More from the Post:

During the hour-long hear­ing, which was at times con­tentious, Schroeder attempt­ed to head off sev­er­al argu­ments that veered too close to the polit­i­cal back-and-forth that has gripped the case. He stressed that he was try­ing to be as fair as pos­si­ble to every­one involved.

This case is not going to be decid­ed by demon­stra­tors of one type or anoth­er,” he said.

Yeah, let’s hope America’s blind­ness doesn’t actu­al­ly decide this case to white crim­i­nal­i­ty. If the han­dling of Rittenhouse up until now is any indi­ca­tion of how he’ll be treat­ed when tried, I won’t be hold­ing my breath that his sto­ry ends in con­se­quences for his actions.