On the 13th of July 2011 The Daily Gleaner Editorial Titled, SSP BAILEY’S MOUTHFUL OF MADNESS AND MISCHIEF.
On July 18th 2011 the Gleaner Editorial was Titled,JCF IN SHADOW OF SSP BAILEY.
The com­mon thread tying these two Editorials togeth­er ‚was the unadul­ter­at­ed sup­port for Gays in Jamaica, their lifestyle, and their Right to com­mit crimes with­out being held to account.
One thing was obvi­ous ‚was the desire of the Editor to see SSP Bailey dis­ci­plined for his free speech, which from threads allowed on the Gleaner’s own web­site, indi­cate that SSP Bailey made a more than ade­quate expla­na­tion of, and sup­plied the con­text in which he made the assertions.

Last time we checked the Editor of the Gleaner was not a Police Senior Officer, not privy to sen­si­tive Police Data, and as such is speak­ing from a posi­tion of big­otry toward SSP Bailey or, is him or her­self a clos­et­ed mem­ber of the Gay community.

Lets deal with the vit­ri­olic Bile spewed out of the mouth of this Editor :

Jamaica’s rigid caste sys­tem has always dic­tat­ed that dark­er skinned peo­ple not from upper Saint Andrew , who make up the mid­dle class, should be seen but not heard, that group includes Teachers ‚Firemen ‚Nurses, Police . it has always been obvi­ous they were more both­ered by the Police ‚than they were of the oth­er cat­e­go­ry of work­ers aforementioned.

While I served in the JCF we often joked that the ran­cor was as a result of the pow­er of arrest vest­ed in us, oth­er work­ers posed no threat to them.The Colonial pic­ture of the Night Watchman, dressed in short pants , walk­ing around with a heavy spiked hel­met, sym­bols of a time some in Jamaica are yearn­ing for , is far divorced from the real­ties of Police Officers with Masters in Busssiness Administration and oth­er dis­ci­plines, the trans­for­ma­tion has not yet trans­formed from the Caterpillar to the Butterfly in the heads or psy­che of Jamaica’s Élite, to include the Gleaner Editor.

How else could any­one view this ran­cid cor­ro­sive bile of an attack on a ded­i­cat­ed Public Servant, this cow­ard­ly attack using space usu­al­ly reserved for impor­tant Editorial mus­ings, has now being reduced to a tool of het­ero­sex­u­al bashing.

This brings us to the sec­ond pos­si­ble conclusion:

Is the Gleaner Editor a clos­et Homosexual ? This writer has no judge­ment call to make regard­ing those of my broth­ers and sis­ters who prac­tice this lifestyle,I will not say I have gay friends, I don’t have gay peo­ple com­ing to my house , not because I try not to have them , but because I do not apply a lit­mus test on peo­ple with whom I asso­ciate , the truth is what some­one does in the pri­va­cy of his or her home is their busi­ness, as a small busi­ness own­er I deal with peo­ple dai­ly ‚gay and straight , they are equal to me , as a Christian God charged us to love the sin­ner, but hate the sin,I am a sin­ner, who come short of the glo­ry of God dai­ly, this dis­qual­i­fies me to deter­mine who is going to Heaven or Hell.

What SSP Bailey did was not to deter­mine who goes to hell or heav­en , he was speak­ing to the ques­tion of peo­ple whom are known homo­sex­u­al that are dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly involved in a cer­tain kind of criminality.There is a false argu­ment being made about pro­fil­ing, as a Police Officer it is your duty to profile,determining in an effec­tive and sur­gi­cal way who is doing what.

Most of the Village Lawyers (some trained) in Jamaica who would open their mouths about Policing have no clue what they are talk­ing about, and these Editorials fall with­in that category.

So let me say Yes SSP Bailey you are indeed a Police Officer wor­thy of your pay , you do under­stand the val­ue of pro­fil­ing., it is an effec­tive tool in the tool box that shows that you know whom you are tar­get­ing , rather than be feel­ing around in the dark.When Police use large drag­net to coral large groups of peo­ple ‚then sift out the peo­ple of inter­est and those want­ed to answer to crim­i­nal charges , those now talk­ing out of the side of their mouths are the first to cry foul, they are th first to argue for a more intel­li­gence based type of Policing, now they get that type of Policing they have a problem.

I would argue that what they want is a Criminal Empire, a safe haven for crim­i­nals, this seem to be the desire of these talk­ing head hyp­ocrites, damned if you do , damned if you don’t .I sug­gest the Police enforce the exist­ing laws, archa­ic and use­less as they are,criminals break them wil­ful­ly , know­ing obey­ing the laws are more often than not more detri­men­tal to them than break­ing them.(see the alleged shoot­er of kha­jeel Mais refus­ing to turn over his weapon to the police,and the poten­tial penalty.

If SSP Bailey has data to back up his claim, which I am sure he does have, since he is the per­son on the ground, trained , and charged with those respon­si­bil­i­ties, and not the Elitist Editor, then he should not be detered by cheap ‚cow­ard­ly attacks from those who are too chick­en to face him , but rather throw stones and hides behind an Editorial.

Commissioner Ellington on this issue is as wrong as wrong can be, there comes a time when one has to draw a line in the sand , stand up and say I will back up no fur­ther. Lions, Tigers, and count­less oth­er species do this, they find a tree uri­nate on it, and define their ter­ri­to­ry, inter­lop­ers beware.

On his ascen­sion to the Office of Chief Constable I wrote a let­ter ‚which the Gleaner was gra­cious enough to publish.

In the let­ter I charged Ellington to be wary of those on the cock­tail cir­cuit who would invite him to their functions,I remind­ed him that they mere­ly tol­er­at­ed him .(see com­ments on Jamaica’s caste system)

As a police Officer I was acute­ly aware of the fact that some peo­ple were hap­py to be around me because of my val­ue to them , no more,no less, this is true of an offi­cer, irre­spec­tive of Rank,the Chief Constable being no exception.

The Chief Constable by step­ping in to give an expla­na­tion of what SSP Bailey meant, was as gaso­line to fire to this Bigoted Editor, rather than serv­ing as water. The truth is, no amount of truth in what SSP Bailey said will be allowed to get in the way, if this Editor has his/​her way, as I have indi­cat­ed Gays do not seek par­i­ty or equal­i­tyy, what they seek is to forcibly shove their way of life down our throats ‚mak­ing us crim­i­nals for dar­ing to speak out against homosexuality.

In the unit­ed States they real­ized they would not be able to get to mar­ry, or receive ben­e­fits that are accord­ed to mar­ried het­ero­sex­u­al peo­ple in one fell swoop , what they did was splin­ter and attacked State leg­is­la­tures , tar­get­ing indi­vid­ual leg­is­la­tors who cow­ard­ly capit­u­lat­ed , going against their moral beliefs, sac­ri­fic­ing their morals on the altar of job security.The result? more and more States are rolling over to the Gay lob­by , there­by enact­ing the Gay Agenda.

Jamaica is no dif­fer­ent, there are Gays in posi­tions of pow­er , and as can be seen from these two piles of garbage of July 13th and 18th on the Gleaner’s Editorial pages they have immense power.

What they want is for SSP Bailey to be put in his place , any­one who dare speak out against them, wrong or right, they adopt a scorched earth pol­i­cy of destruction.

What the Gay Lobby in Jamaica is say­ing we are above scruti­ny, we are are the new untouch­ables, so far they seem to be get­ting away with it.

If the writer(s) of the two Articles is/​are homo­sex­u­als the Gleaner, and Editorial board, owes the Jamaican peo­ple an expla­na­tion , not because they are gay and should under­go a lit­mus test, but the Nation needs to know that the garbage being spewed from that Editorial page is not an objec­tive assess­ment of facts, but rather a bla­tant unmit­i­gat­ed attempt at Gay Rights Advocacy.

Mike beck­les:

Have your say.
