Jacksonville Sheriff Releases New Details Behind Brutal Beating

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Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters released the body cam­era footage from the viral arrest of Le’Keian Woods, argu­ing the bru­tal beat­ing was jus­ti­fied. However, Woods’ fam­i­ly is demand­ing a probe from the DOJ into what they see as anoth­er injus­tice. According to the arrest and book­ing report, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office took the 24-year-old into cus­tody on var­i­ous drug charges Friday. The police report says the JSO’s Gang Unit fol­lowed a gray Dodge Durango to a gas sta­tion where a man wear­ing all black with a hood pulled over his head exit­ed the car. The offi­cer lat­er iden­ti­fied the man as Woods and spec­u­lat­ed that he was facil­i­tat­ing a drug deal.

Sheriff TK Waters

According to [Chief of Professional Standards Mike Shell], the detec­tive warned Woods that he would be tased if he did not stop run­ning. The offi­cer tases Woods with a stun gun for the first time to which Woods stum­bles but con­tin­ues to run. Then the offi­cer tases him a sec­ond time, caus­ing Woods to fall face-first onto the pave­ment. The video catch­es Woods vis­i­bly bleed­ing, but it is unclear where he was injured.

Because Woods was hold­ing on to the front of his waist­line dur­ing the chase the pur­su­ing detec­tive believed that meant he had a gun. When the detec­tive attempt­ed to place hand­cuffs on Woods, accord­ing to police, he con­tin­ued to resist arrest. That’s when oth­er offi­cers come to assist the detec­tive. The report said it took three detec­tives and a patrol offi­cer to get Woods into handcuffs.

Woods was struck a total of 17 times suf­fer­ing punch­es and “unin­ten­tion­al” knee strikes to the face as well as elbows to the eye and punch­es to the ribs, the police report said. In the video, you can hear him groan­ing in pain and pant­i­ng as if he’s strug­gling to breathe. After all of those swings, they even­tu­al­ly got Woods’ arms behind his back and into hand­cuffs. However, the viral moment of Woods being slammed onto the ground wasn’t includ­ed in the footage shown at the press con­fer­ence. Now, Woods’ fam­i­ly along with attor­neys Harry Daniels and Marwan Porter are ques­tion­ing the offi­cers’ use of force and the lev­el of “trans­paren­cy” demon­strat­ed by the department.

If you’re going to preach trans­paren­cy, prac­tice trans­paren­cy, full trans­paren­cy. By them only play­ing a part of the body cam video, it caus­es more ques­tions. It rais­es more ques­tions than what it answers,” said Porter. The attor­neys said since Woods was trans­ferred to jail, his face is still swollen lim­it­ing his eye­sight and he’s been suf­fer­ing dizzy spells and pain from a rup­tured kid­ney with noth­ing but ibupro­fen and Vaseline to treat it.