Jamaica’s Mad Liberal Judges:

A third per­son is now being sought in the dou­ble mur­der of Neville and Norma Lyn-Hall of Discovery Bay Saint Anne. Steve Sylvester Stewart,20 year-old oth­er­wise called ‘High Top’ of Fortland Road, Discovery Bay, St Ann, is want­ed for ques­tion­ing in con­nec­tion with the mur­ders of senior lec­tur­er Norma Lyn-Hall of the Brown’s Town Community College and her hus­band, busi­ness­man Neville Hall, were dis­cov­ered, two per­sons were detained. We are still not aware what kind of infor­ma­tion St Ann Detectives have regard­ing this sus­pect. We would how­ev­er ven­ture to say that they have gleaned valu­able intel­li­gence from the oth­er sus­pects in their cus­tody. Here is some­thing I would like read­ers to note, this sus­pect Steve Sylvester Hall was out on bail, after he was arrest­ed and charged with shop-break­ing and lar­ce­ny. There are those who berate us when we talk about the lib­er­al­ism that obtains in the joke of a jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica. We are not argu­ing that a judge could pos­si­ble know that this sus­pect would have gone out and joined with oth­ers in killing this unfor­tu­nate cou­ple. We are not argu­ing that a judge should keep all per­sons who break into shops locked away. images (40)What we are say­ing is that the per­va­sive lib­er­al agen­da of Jamaica judges lit­er­al­ly give crim­i­nals carte ‑blanche to con­tin­ue, and even grad­u­ate to more seri­ous crimes, because of the lack of puni­tive com­po­nent in the penal­ty for crimes.Criminals know they will be back on the streets in no time. It was com­mon fare for sus­pects arrest­ed to tell me they would be back on the streets in no time, true to form their high-priced lawyers would have them out in a mat­ter of hours.We will be watch­ing this case, and we will as always con­tin­ue to shine the spot­light on this case , prob­lem is the police may not be able to keep them locked up as at their first entrance into a court room they will be released back onto the streets.