Israel Continue Genocide While The World Is Silent, Afraid Of Being Branded Anti-semitic…

The evan­gel­i­cal move­ment in America (so-called white Christians) sup­ports Israel’s state 🇮🇱 sup­pos­ed­ly on reli­gious grounds, even though Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah from whom the Christian faith is derived.
Here is a more plau­si­ble expla­na­tion, Israel came into exis­tence much the same way America did.
Forced upon the indige­nous peo­ple, sub­ju­ga­tion and dom­i­na­tion of every­one that does not have white skin.
Israel’s Jewish pop­u­la­tion are white Germans who escaped Hitler because of the Jewish faith they adopt­ed around the 4th cen­tu­ry. Therefore, they have no basis for their claim to the land of Palestine.
Zero!!!!!! On a point of note, Israel and Palestine are on the same land; to the peo­ple occu­py­ing it is Israel, to the real peo­ple of the land, it is Palestine.
Have you ever won­dered why the white Europeans who call them­selves Jews in Palestine refer to them­selves as Israelis instead of Israelites? Israelites would, of course, be more in line with reli­gios­i­ty? But what they are prac­tic­ing in Israel is Zionism, which is anoth­er name for racism, it is a form of fas­cism, so they don’t dare refer to them­selves as Israelites.
White evan­gel­i­cals in the United States sup­port that sys­tem, much like they sup­port­ed the apartheid sys­tem in Southern Africa.
Anyplace out­side the European con­ti­nent that whites dom­i­nate oth­er races is a‑okay with white evan­gel­i­cals in the United States, a‑la Israel, Australia, New Zealand, and as I said pre­vi­ous­ly, on the African continent.


Unfortunately, the lie that they per­pet­u­at­ed has tak­en hold in Black Christians too; many hold the fun­da­men­tal belief that Yeshua (Jesus Christ) will return to earth and that the place he will come to is the land of Israel.
Forgive me, but my under­stand­ing of the Bible’s teach­ings on God’s sup­posed ref­er­ence to his peo­ple Israel is not about a piece of land but his Hebrew peo­ple, his orig­i­nal cre­ation. My bad, maybe I got it wrong .……any­way.
But if you lis­ten to apos­tates like John Hagee, you may emp­ty your bank account and send the mon­ey to Israel, and God will be quite hap­py with you.
Black Pastors, too, have fall­en for the lie; many have tak­en their con­gre­ga­tions to the sup­posed Holy Land, only to run up into the apartheid sys­tem that is very much what Israel practices.

In the minds of the Israelis, the land we now call Israel/​Palestine is con­sid­ered the holy land, despite the unde­ni­able fact that the nation of Israel was cre­at­ed in Palestine in 1948 by the United States and Great Britain. The white cit­i­zens of Israel are Germans who fled Adolph Hitler’s reign of ter­ror. Now in case, you are won­der­ing why I wrote Palestine/​Israel? Remember that I said the two coun­tries are one and the same?
So log­i­cal­ly for them, God will return and scoop up [his cho­sen peo­ple], they, who took lands 73-years ago from the peo­ple who lived on them. Chased them out of their homes and con­fis­cat­ed their prop­er­ty. Since then, they have con­tin­ued to steal more of those lands against inter­na­tion­al laws. Uses dev­as­tat­ing pow­ers of war­fare to oblit­er­ate the peo­ple when they com­plain. Force the con­quered Palestinians to mere­ly exist under their bootheels. Slaughters men, women, and chil­dren with airstrikes in air­planes sup­plied to them by west­ern pow­ers, even though mil­i­taries are not sup­posed to bomb civil­ian targets.
Yes, God will be com­ing back to claim those pow­er­ful jews because they are his cho­sen people.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.