Jamaica’s crime prob­lem is get­ting more seri­ous by the day, yet it seem the Authorities have no inter­est in solv­ing this press­ing issue.We could dis­cuss Jamaican’s his­tor­i­cal love affair with criminals,we may also dis­cuss that it’s no longer cute or fun­ny any­more. The sta­tis­tics are stun­ning yet it seem that the Government is tone-deaf. The Prime Minister, when she hap­pens to touch down on the Island, refus­es to dis­cuss the spate of killings in the coun­try. She was forced to answer the Opposition’s queries about her exten­sive trav­els in the Parliament today February 11th. Miller respond­ing to Opposition Leader Andrew Holness argued that no one ques­tioned trips until she was elect­ed Prime Minister. Miller’s trips have been esti­mat­ed to cost a whop­ping J$162 million.

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I nev­er asked to be invit­ed, I attend in the inter­est of my coun­try and my peo­ple. I have a respon­si­bil­i­ty as Prime Minister,” she told Parliament, adding that she is proud to have been invit­ed to Africa, the land of her ancestors. 

All of this pos­tur­ing and Continent hop­ping while Rome burns. No one begrudge the PM her trip to the moth­er-land, but clear­ly this can­not be the best time and the best way to spend the Country’s mea­ger resources. To vis­it the land of her ances­tors is quite fine but she needs to do it on her own dime. The Minister under whose port­fo­lio crime falls, Peter Bunting, is await­ing divine inter­ven­tion. Now let me has­ten to say I pray for divine inter­ven­tion into my life dai­ly. I just don’t sit around wait­ing, I get up and make things hap­pen. God is divine­ly capa­ble of inter­ven­ing , we just have to do some things for our­selves .. he’ ll help then. The coun­try’s Attorney General who pals around with Carolyn Gomes of (JFJ) bad mouths the police is ask­ing the Clergy to help with fix­ing crime .What all of this shows is that the Government is either unwill­ing or unable to stop this bleed­ing. My incli­na­tion is they are unwill­ing. The entire PNP Party in Opposition did not lift a fin­ger to help the JLP Government in 2010. All then Prime Minister Bruce Golding asked was that the already lim­it­ed state of emer­gency be extend­ed. The PNP vot­ed “no”, there were no dis­sen­sion among them . In real terms the People’s National Party was not about to autho­rize the secu­ri­ty forces to root out crim­i­nals who were entrenched in their gar­risons. They weren’t even will­ing to allow them access to remove those who fled the wrath of the state. The PNP said then they were not about to autho­rize an exten­sion to the Limited State of Emergency out of fear the Security Forces would abuse the rights of cit­i­zens. They made those state­ments as spous­es and fam­i­ly mem­bers of dead cops con­tem­plat­ed bury­ing their dead. That was the posi­tion of Portia Simpson Miller and her Party as Police Stations were in flames. Eleven Garrisons to every one for the JLP is sig­nif­i­cant. They were not about to inter­fere with their pow­er-base. This is the recent his­to­ry of the PNP , it is no dif­fer­ent from the ear­li­er his­to­ry of the par­ty. Jamaicans get what they vote for. Ineptitude , Graft, Nepotism, Corruption, Criminality, Poverty. When it becomes unbear­able they blame every­one but them­selves. Wonder if they are going to blame the CIA this time