I Am Not Going To Stop In Traffic For Two Black People’: White Man Pulled Gun On Two Black Women And 1‑Year-Old After Car Accident

Every day peo­ple of the col­or redact­ed per­sua­sion argue that racism in America is a thing of the past or, at the very least, a thing large­ly exag­ger­at­ed by the media and by us dis­grun­tled blacks. Yet every oth­er day it seems we see record­ed reports of unsus­pect­ing black peo­ple walk­ing into instances of bla­tant racism while in the process of mind­ing our own damn business.

WSB-TV report­ed that in Cobb County, Ga., last Monday, a white man pulled a gun on two black women and their 1‑year-old god­son after caus­ing a minor acci­dent and being asked by the women to pull over and deal with what he had done.

It all start­ed when 59-year-old Stephen Abbot report­ed­ly clipped the side mir­ror of Asia Lewis and Kimberly Carter’s car as they were rid­ing with their god­son. After Abbot didn’t imme­di­ate­ly pull over, the women caught up with him and called out for him to do so, at which point he reached for his gun, the women told officers.

He grabbed his gun and just put it on his dash like he was try­ing to scare us or some­thing,” said Lewis. 

According to Carter, the two of them made an attempt at de-esca­lat­ing the sit­u­a­tion telling offi­cers, “I yelled out, ‘You don’t have to do all that, we’re not point­ing a gun at you, or doing any­thing to you, we’re just try­ing to let you know that you hit my car.’”

And just in case any of our melanin defi­cient read­ers were think­ing, “Oh come on, the guy was prob­a­bly just real­ly in a hur­ry. I’m sure it was an emer­gency. You’ve seen the movie Changing Lanes, peo­ple get car­ried away some­timesHow do we know this had any­thing to do with race at all?” WSB-TV got ahold of a 911 record­ing from a call made by Abbot prov­ing that the only emer­gency he faced was fear of black peo­ple in traffic.

I don’t know who these peo­ple are. I have no idea what they’re doing, but I am not going to stop in traf­fic for two black peo­ple in a beat-up old car,” Abbot told 911 dispatch.

Later on in the record­ing, Abbot can report­ed­ly be heard say­ing the two women insult­ed his “fam­i­ly her­itage.” (Likely trans­la­tion: “Those dark­ies want­ed me to pull over my car like their ances­tors want­ed mine to pull over white power!”)

Abbot was arrest­ed about nine miles from the scene and charged with mis­de­meanor hit-and-run and point­ing a gun, accord­ing to WSB-TV.

Abbot will like­ly not be charged with any hate crimes, but Lewis and Carter know that hate is what informed Abbot’s every action that day.

We shouldn’t be treat­ed dif­fer­ent­ly because we’re black,” Lewis said.

Both women say they nev­er men­tioned race (because, hon­est­ly, we nev­er have to), all they spoke of was the dam­age to their car which they’re still hop­ing to have repaired. Abbot is now out on bond. Originated @the rt​.com
