How The Beautiful Face Of Ilhan Omar Triggers Racist Cretins…

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Many peo­ple who know Kevin McCarthy have long argued that the new­ly mint­ed speak­er of the US house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives is a cheap emp­ty suit. Harsh? I have no way of know­ing; I do not know the guy. But it darn sure seems like McCarthy will do any­thing to get what­ev­er it is that he wants. Some see his embrace of Marjorie Green and Paul Gosar, two racist clowns in his con­fer­ence, as a sign McCarthy will sell his soul as long as he can attain his polit­i­cal ambitions.
It is hard to argue with after what we wit­nessed in the US House in an almost unprece­dent­ed fash­ion, as it took fif­teen bal­lots for the Californian to be elect­ed speak­er and only after much horse trad­ing and the use of loopholes.
Audio Article below.

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D‑Minn.) attends a press con­fer­ence on com­mit­tee assign­ments for the 118th U.S. Congress, at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 25, 2023, in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/​Getty Images)

Raw polit­i­cal ambi­tions may be com­pa­ra­ble to a drug-addict­ed pros­ti­tute who will do any­thing for the fix they need. And so it should come as no sur­prise that Kevin McCarthy would sched­ule a vote as he did to deny Minnesota rep­re­sen­ta­tive Ilhan Omar a seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, using the fraud­u­lent argu­ment that she has made anti-Semitic com­ments against Jews.
It was a base­less tit-for-tat against the Democrats because the vile cretins Marjorie Green and Paul Gosar were removed from their com­mit­tee assign­ments by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi for mak­ing Violent threats against their Democratic colleagues.
But it was worse; though con­gress­woman Omar apol­o­gized for com­ments deemed anti-Semitic (which she should not have done), it was not enough for the weak and feck­less Kevin McCarthy; he need­ed a scape­goat, and Ms. Omar a for­mer refugee, a black woman, and an immi­grant made a rich tar­get for McCarthy to use as appease­ment fod­der to his racist right-wing cabal in the insur­rec­tion­ist con­fer­ence. Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries moved imme­di­ate­ly to seat her on the House Budget Committee.

Two crushed-suit­ed cheap suits parad­ing as leaders.

McCarthy also tar­get­ed two of his California Democratic col­leagues, Representatives Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, whom he gra­tu­itous­ly removed from their Intelligence com­mit­tee assignments.
Kevin McCarthy’s move to oust the three Democrats is the lat­est exam­ple of a man will­ing to appease the racist gut­ter-rats in his conference.
We all remem­bered Kevin Mccarthy stand­ing in the well of the US House of Representatives, denounc­ing Donald Trump for weaponiz­ing the racist white horde and unleash­ing them on Congress with the express to kill speak­er Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence, his own vice pres­i­dent, failed to uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly stop the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of Joe Biden’s vic­to­ry in 2021.
Days lat­er, the same McCarthy was at Mara Lago lick­ing Donald Trump’s shoes with his tongue and singing a dif­fer­ent tune.
The sad real­i­ty is that America will have to trudge along with the equiv­a­lent of a crack-addict­ed pros­ti­tute who will do any­thing to remain speak­er of the house.
Made pos­si­ble because of ger­ry­man­der­ing in Places like California and New York that allowed Republicans to do as they pleased in redraw­ing Congressional districts.
Oh, by the way… It is not anti-Semitic to crit­i­cize peo­ple who claim to be Jews. No one is above crit­i­cism; I do not care who you are, and no one is untouchable.
No one should allow them­selves to be cowed into silence by any group, that includes those who would ratio­nal­ly and rea­son­ably crit­i­cize black people.
No one is above crit­i­cism. It is not racist or anti- Semetic to pos­i­tive­ly crit­i­cize any group or individual.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.