How Much Deeper Will We Allow Our Country To Sink Before We Begin The Process Of Rehabilitation?


Responding to the killing of two police offi­cers as they played a game of domi­noes at Poor-Man’s-Corner St Thomas United States Ambassador to Jamaica said this.

In this sea­son of peace and togeth­er­ness, it is heart­break­ing to see these and oth­er sense­less mur­ders. To the mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force and oth­er law enforce­ment offi­cers across this island who risk your own safe­ty to pro­tect our lives I salute you. “I urge you to con­tin­ue to con­duct your duties hon­or­ably and pro­fes­sion­al­ly with­out fear or favor,” Moreno said in a release. “Too many times this year we have mourned the loss of offi­cers of the law and cit­i­zens mur­dered by vio­lent crim­i­nals. I want to echo the words of Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams: ‘As a nation, we must band togeth­er to pre­serve the rule of law and the safe­ty, secu­ri­ty, and human rights of every Jamaican.’ The United States will stand firm­ly with the police and peo­ple of Jamaica to stem this bloodshed,”.

This is not the first time Moreno has spo­ken out stri­dent­ly at the killing of the Island’s police offi­cers . At the bru­tal slay­ing of con­sta­ble Crystal Thomas Moreno spoke out harsh­ly against the lev­el of crim­i­nal­i­ty and the need to sup­port the efforts of law enforce­ment on the Island.

Marlon ‘Duppy Film' Perry
Marlon ‘Duppy Film’ Perry

One hear­ing of the slaugh­ter of the offi­cers I was gripped with rage, it was the very first time in the 24 years since I left law enforce­ment that I wished I was able to pull on a pair of com­fort­able jeans , lace up my com­bat-boots, dou­ble check my Browning and ensure my two extend­ed clips are in good work­ing order , grab my M16 assault rifle with the retractable stock, my radio and see who was will­ing to come with me.
There is so much to be said about the state of affairs in Jamaica that it makes one feel almost resigned to the fact that our beau­ti­ful coun­try is pret­ty much already a failed state.

I real­ized if you wear a cer­tain fra­grance after a while you don’t smell it any­more . The same is true for many in Jamaica who smile and tell you just how won­der­ful things are, they sim­ply can­not smell the shit anymore.
As is cus­tom­ary the killing of police offices nev­er gets a men­tion from the nations high­est polit­i­cal office, nor from the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the British Monarch.
To some extent men­tion­ing the fact that the Prime Minister have not a sin­gle word of con­dem­na­tion for the bru­tal slay­ing of offi­cers gives the impres­sion that I believe the occu­pant of that office have the men­tal capac­i­ty to under­stand the impli­ca­tions of these acts so I won’s say more about that.

As we speak Police Officers are engaged in pro­tect­ing the life of that imbe­cile and they are doing so over and above that which is required. Many are gophers and in most cas­es yard boys. Irrespective of the slight and dis­re­spect they will duti­ful­ly con­tin­ue to place their lives on the line to pro­tect and defend.
I’ll not speak to that either save and except to say in the strug­gle for jus­tice and equal­i­ty we will nev­er be able to untan­gle some from the degrad­ing con­fines of the slave plantation.

I would be remiss if I did not address the lax men­tal­i­ty of the offi­cers which result­ed in their deaths. Of course every­one should be able to sit in their com­mu­ni­ty with friends and enjoy a friend­ly game of domi­noes with­out fear of dying in a hail of bullets.
On the oth­er hand we can­not wish away the present state of affairs which exist in many parts of the world today , Jamaica being no exception.
A sense of aware­ness and real­ism should be para­mount to all , par­tic­u­lar­ly in Jamaica and more so those whose task it is to deal with those realities.

In my com­mu­ni­ty I don’t hear of many inci­dents of crime, even so I teach and cau­tion my fam­i­ly nev­er to be caught say­ing “I nev­er thought it could hap­pen here”>.
Most crimes are inci­dents of oppor­tu­ni­ty, peo­ple take advan­tage of oppor­tu­ni­ties when they believe they will get away with exploit­ing others.
It’s just com­mon sense not to leave ones’ self open to exploitation.
There are uncon­firmed reports at least one of the mur­dered offi­cers may have been threat­ened. If this is true it means some­one had a pre­med­i­tat­ed desire to elim­i­nate him. Why give some­one an easy oppor­tu­ni­ty to elim­i­nate you?
People have to get on with liv­ing their lives even with threats hang­ing over them I know , but sit­ting at a shop play­ing domi­noes is cer­tain­ly not the best way to pro­tect one’­self from harm.
Many years ago while I was a young offi­cer sta­tioned at the Constant Spring Police Station I received cred­i­ble intel­li­gence that a cer­tain Punk who comes from a fam­i­ly of law break­ers father includ­ed want­ed to elim­i­nate me because of the work I was doing in the Grant’s Pen area.
At that time there was no police sta­tion in Grants Pen .
Dadrick Henry , Parra Campbell myself and oth­ers were the Police sta­tion there.
That very night I strapped up and decid­ed I was going to head out I was nev­er a cop who know­ing­ly allowed crim­i­nals to threat­en me and sit on the intelligence.

It was just me and one , he know who he is I won’t men­tion his name he still lives in Jamaica. I always believed police must cul­ti­vate infor­mants, that was how I sourced the intel­li­gence. Secondly I believed firm­ly in hav­ing local knowl­edge. I will know where to find you at your mother;s house and yes at “yu gyal house”. Police need to know that these scum­bags are fiends so they won’t stay far from the women that enable them, both their moth­ers and those who sleep with them.
I knew where this scum­bag would be and at about mid­night me and One walked along the Shortwood Road gul­ly down to a foot­bridge which bridges both sides of the gully.
I expect­ed him to be in his girl’s lit­tle shack , he was­n’t , he was sit­ting on a log under a sin­gle lamp post , the lone light glowed omi­nous­ly in the warm sum­mer night.
By the time he saw us we were three feet away there was nowhere to run.
He began to blab­ber how he did­n’t want to die and peo­ple hat­ed him and want­ed the police to kill him. He was dressed in a cut-off pair of pants and wife beat­er under­shirt. While he blabbed his blad­der failed and the pissed snaked along as it mixed with the dirt like a mean­der­ing riv­er head­ing nowhere in particular.
My Partner was not par­tic­u­lar­ly as char­i­ta­ble as I was but I pre­vailed , I told the lit­tle punk as he looked down the bar­rel of my M16 Rifle “even if you thing of step­ping to me I will find you and I will kill you , there is no place for you to hide from me”>
We left him stand­ing there piss still stream­ing down his legs.

I nev­er quite got the idea of issu­ing warn­ings to police offi­cers about ele­vat­ed lev­els of threats against their lives. This is the new fan-dan­gled bull-shit UWI polic­ing I guess , every cop in Jamaica is always in mor­tal dan­ger just by virtue of being a police offi­cer. There is no ele­vat­ed threat lev­el Jamaica is a crim­i­nal cod­dling, crim­i­nal sup­port­ing society.
In a soci­ety as ours law enforce­ment is always going to be the ene­my. Every cop good or bad is always in mor­tal danger.
Police Officer Lattibudier was shot and injured , while con­va­lesc­ing at home they went to his home and killed him in his bed . This was almost thirty(30) years ago.
The  pot-bel­lied high com­mand does the depart­ment a dis-ser­vice by talk­ing about ele­vat­ed threat lev­els against cops.
Police offi­cers must be in the lead in under­stand­ing and dis­play­ing a sense of aware­ness. Even if two cops are at a local joint hav­ing a friend­ly game of domi­noes both offi­cer can­not be play­ing at the same time one per­son must be fac­ing out ready to act. These are sim­ple things which every offi­cer under­stood to the best of my recollection.
Twenty four years after leav­ing law enforce­ment when­ev­er I am seat­ed in a restau­rant, church or wher­ev­er I try as best as I can to be in a posi­tion in which I can best react to threats so I may pro­tect my life and that of my fam­i­ly. Yes 24 years lat­er, I’m old enough to know how to do it and young enough to get it done.

One gets the sense the Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams is a good man and one of integri­ty. It seem he means well but he is not the kind of leader who can get mem­bers of the JCF to where they should be in terms of being a com­pe­tent force which will be able to pro­tect their own lives much less pro­tect the public.
Let’s be rea­son­able a lot of peo­ple deserve the shit the killers deal out, cops can do noth­ing right for them. Notwithstanding there are still good peo­ple liv­ing in Jamaica who deserve a Government which is not a crime syn­di­cate and a com­pe­tent police force they can trust and support.

The rain falls on the just and on the unjust. When the day comes in which our Country has good prin­ci­pled lead­er­ship and good com­pe­tent law enforce­ment the police-hat­ing ass-wipes will also ben­e­fit but such is life.
The Commissioner of Police says and does all of the right things in terms of step­ping up and vis­it­ing with the fam­i­lies of slain police offi­cers but the Commissioner lacks that which in my mind is the first order of busi­ness, the strate­gic storm troop­er men­tal­i­ty of blan­ket­ing every com­mu­ni­ty until the killers are exterminated.
Hell yes I said exter­mi­nat­ed , they should nev­er be allowed to be set free by the crim­i­nal cod­dling left­ist courts sys­tem and yes FUCK (inde­com) they bet­ter not get in the way. Since the courts can­not be trust­ed to apply jus­tice police offi­cers must bring jus­tice to these killers.
Carl Williams does not have the know-how to do it.
The crim­i­nals who run the coun­try sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly destroyed the police depart­ment begin­ning with Percival Patterson the colos­sal can­cer which destroyed our coun­try passed it down to POOR-SHA , and more POOR-SHA.
This is the way the PNP par­ty want­ed it so when they steal there would not be a com­pe­tent 21st cen­tu­ry police agency to inves­ti­gate and pros­e­cute them.
Today most of the Administration’s top sup­port­ers and func­tionar­ies are orga­nized crime fig­ures who are involved in all kinds of trans nation­al crimes.

Some time ago I wrote an Article in which I sug­gest­ed that the Police be more proac­tive in the way it car­ries out it’s func­tion tak­ing into account the con­straints placed against it’s effec­tive­ness by the Government.
I argued then that Jamaica as a soci­ety grav­i­tat­ed to and lit­er­al­ly required hard nosed name brand cops. Like in every­thing else Jamaicans rec­og­nize and revere the best and they have scant regard for the rest.
They want name brand clothes, shoes and yes they demand name brand cops. If offi­cers do not com­mand their respect they are toast, those of us who served in a mean­ing­ful way know that the peo­ple test you them­selves, if you pass their test you are in for life with them and no one can harm you. If you are soft and inef­fec­tu­al you are a laugh­ing stock to be ridiculed and reviled.

Even the most hard­ened crim­i­nals fear name-brand cops. Their ways of polic­ing reaped immense ben­e­fits, that which can be seen and that which many are unable to see, name­ly in crimes not committed.
There has always been an under­val­ued ele­ment to what those offi­cers brought to cer­tain police areas sim­ply by being present in those localities.
Some of the meth­ods employed were not text-book meth­ods but they bore results.
I will not argue for breach­ing of civ­il rights under any cir­cum­stances but I will also say if you are dead there’s hard­ly any argu­ment to be made for rights is there?

Being fal­li­ble the police made mis­takes and the pop­u­la­tion made mis­takes too.
None as egre­gious than allow­ing Carolyn Gomes a pedi­atric Doctor with grand designs as cham­pi­on of social change in a Utopian sys­tem of rights secu­ri­ty be damned to dic­tate how polic­ing is done.
Out went cops who got the job done , in came the chair-warm­ers and the quotas.
Crime sky­rock­ets and every­one cow­ers in fear includ­ing the police.

At this stage it would bet­ter in my esti­ma­tion if the depart­ment is dis­band­ed and a fresh start attempt­ed focus­ing heav­i­ly on train­ing. The entire depart­ment needs reori­ent­ing to a state of pre­pared­ness. Policing is not the boy’s scouts.
There is no point in hav­ing police who are unable to arrest crim­i­nals, I hate to break it to them but that is what police do, they arrest crim­i­nals and some­times it’s not pretty.
A woman in a skirt and heels on her shoes with cell phone in hand is no damn use to her male coun­ter­part wrestling with a vio­lent offend­er who wants to do him harm and refus­es to sub­mit to arrest . Lets cut to the chase and deal with the facts we have all seen these cases.
Police offi­cers do not step back from and cow­er in fear crim­i­nals do . Police in Jamaica now endure being punched and the assailant sim­ply walk away.
On what plan­et I ask is that tolerable,?

With the Government starv­ing the depart­ment of resources the pot-bel­lied crew at the top of the force should use the few vehi­cles they have as mobile police sta­tions. This means plac­ing them strate­gi­cal­ly in grids with­ing their police areas each with two or more offi­cers capa­ble of deal­ing with urgent situations.
This will severe­ly impact the abil­i­ty of crim­i­nals to com­mit crimes and use high pow­ered motor­cy­cles and cars to quick­ly tra­verse the coun­try and avoid detec­tion what with new high­ways and all.

Each minute a cop killer is on the loose is anoth­er minute for him to do more harm or leave the coun­try. Jamaica is no stranger to cop killers being aid­ed and abet­ted by the sit­ting Government to leave the country.
This is some­thing People’s National Party Administrations are know for , they have done it before they will do it again . For all we know this scum­bag may already have been shut­tled out of the country.
The Police brass must devel­op grids which can eas­i­ly be col­lapsed in instances such as the killing of the two officers.
Search par­ties can­not be had-hock run in knock on a few doors and leave .
Officers must be brought into the col­laps­ing grid and the search done in sweeps leav­ing no stone un-turned. Anyone found har­bor­ing or found to have aid­ed the sus­pect must be sub­ject to the same fate as the prin­ci­pal offender.
Once offi­cers are tired they should be rotat­ed out of the search grid only after they are replaced with fresh offi­cers there should be no let up until jus­tice is brought to bear on these killers and whomev­er gives them aid and comfort.

By all accounts this guy Marlon Perry is a con­tract killer who has mur­dered sev­er­al peo­ple before alleged­ly killing the two cops.
He is alleged to have strong ties to …
You guessed it the sit­ting Government in Kingston.
In all of this the bloat­ed incom­pe­tent Police hier­ar­chy must take blame . In the same way they allowed the likes of Duddus Coke and oth­ers to metas­ta­size while they sat on their ass­es and did noth­ing it’s exact­ly what it is here.
There is no sys­tem of report­ing. No sys­tem of account­abil­i­ty. No sys­tem of mak­ing sure when you say “we will leave no stone un-turned “peo­ple know it’s not emp­ty rhetoric.

This is the envi­ron­ment in which crime grows and flour­ish. Despite polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence and strong arm­ing of law enforce­ment by the cor­rupt Government in Kingston the police still can do a bet­ter job than they are doing presently.
All of the real cops are gone now, what’s left is a bunch of demor­al­ized street cops who no longer see the need to risk any­thing> After all why should they at the top is a cadre of nin­com­poop who left the University of the West Indies and are reward­ed with senior positions.
Those are there for the paycheck.
Officers who once went the extra mile are side­lined and dis­re­spect­ed. Throw the cop-killing (inde­com) law into the mix and there is no rea­son for cops to do any­thing but col­lect the cou­ple of bucks they dole out each month and keep their heads real low.

If any­one expect any­thing inso­far as a strate­gic approach is con­cerned they are delud­ed, the ban-gut offi­cer corp are in it for the pay­check, they are paper cops.
Policing in Jamaica is sim­ply a mod­el­ing job , every­one is aware of it, none more-so than the hard­ened crim­i­nals who the very laws support.
When an area is known as a point for drugs and gun-run­ning yet it is allowed to con­tin­ue what’s the point of hav­ing a police department?
The price is many more dead civil­ians and .…
Aaah yes many more dead cops as well.