How Horace Levy Plays The System For His Own Benefit.…


When Criminals break the law they ought to know they will be pun­ished . They ought to know they will be caught, not may be caught . They ought to know it’s not a mat­ter of if , but a mat­ter of when.

That was the atti­tude I brought to law-enforce­ment back in my day , it ought to be the atti­tude of police today and going forward.
When the Commissioner of Police said that no stones will be left unturned until Duppy Film is brought to jus­tice for killing two police offi­cers he ought to have meant it.
He ought not only mean it but he should only say it if he has the means to deliv­er on his promise.
Almost a year lat­er the name Duppy Film is a dis­tant mem­o­ry . Neither the Commissioner of Police nor his band of over­weight kha­ki wear­ing paper tigers both­er to talk about this assas­sin who sum­mar­i­ly exe­cut­ed two law-enforce­ment offi­cers with­out consequence.

As for me I would not have promised what the Commissioner of Police promised. Not only because I under­stood from the get go that the Commissioner was speak­ing from the side of his mouth to appease the offi­cer’s fam­i­lies . I would most cer­tain­ly have pref­ered bring­ing jus­tice to him period.
Those who like to pon­tif­i­cate and pre­tend that Jamaica is a place in which Policing can be done as it is in Scandinavia are free to exist in that utopi­an bub­ble, I share no such belief.

I am going to haz­ard a guess that cop killers would cer­tain­ly not be on the loose dur­ing the days of Anthony Hewitt , Isiah Laing , Cornwall (big­ga) Ford, OC Hare, Altamoth (par­ra )Campbell  and the long list of valiant crime fight­ers who kept the streets safe and crim­i­nals in their place.
The self appoint­ed moral­ists can argue all they want. It does not change the fact that crime was kept to a min­i­mum and they ben­e­fit­ted from the low­er mur­der numbers.

Jamaica has got to be the only place on Earth which looks for polic­ing solu­tions and strate­gies from talk­ing heads rather than those who are actu­al­ly trained in the dis­ci­pline and have lived the experience.
It’s lit­tle won­der that they passed a law sup­pos­ed­ly to catch crim­i­nal cops , throw­ing out con­cerns from good cops and hav­ing the law increase crime expo­nen­tial­ly as a result..
If the polit­i­cal class want­ed a lid on crime as they con­tem­plat­ed a sec­ond polic­ing agency, they would cer­tain­ly have empow­ered that agency to go after all crim­i­nals , like the FBI is empowered.

As many aver­age Jamaicans have allud­ed, the laws are designed to oppress the poor­er class while ren­der­ing the upper class untouchable.
Today that upper class char­ac­ter­i­za­tion has been reduced to any two-bit lawyer or polit­i­cal thug.
If you know some­one who know some­one who know some­one in pow­er you are untouch­able. Our coun­try is no dif­fer­ent than a sub-Saharan tin-pan dictatorship.

Horace Levy
Horace Levy

Murder is the top­ic of dis­cus­sion once again as was in 2010 when it reached a crescen­do lead­ing up to the Tivoli Gardens annex­a­tion to Jamaica . Front and cen­ter in the con­ver­sa­tion are the same cheap hus­tlers who play both sides of the conversation.\
Hustlers like Horace Levy has long been seen as a rel­e­vant voice in the dis­cus­sion as it relates to the Island’s impov­er­ished neigh­bor­hoods , crime and gangs.
Levy once head­ed a NGO called the Peace Management Initiative.

As head of that NGO Levy found a seat at the table on the nation­al dis­course on crime, it also gave him a pow­er­ful mega­phone much like JFJ and oth­er hus­tlers have been allowed to dom­i­nate the con­ver­sa­tion to the detri­ment of the Island.
As a con­se­quence of hav­ing that mega­phone Horace Levy joined the long line of anti-police antag­o­nists who use their perch to demo­nize the police and ele­vate criminals.
Levy has led a vis­cer­al cam­paign against the Jamaica Constabulary Force, bur­nish­ing his image as a sav­ior of sorts for the down­trod­den while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly ensur­ing his rel­e­vance with­in the con­text of what exist on the Island.‑2/

Horace Levy vis­cer­al­ly exco­ri­at­ed the Police’ assess­ment of what con­sti­tut­ed Gangs in many of the Island’s depressed com­mu­ni­ties back in 2013. In a delib­er­a­tive push­back Levy said much of what the police count­ed as active gangs were what he char­ac­ter­ized as Corner Crews.
In a let­ter to then Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington, Levy said the following.

Some ques­tions for the police, the com­mis­sion­er of police, the min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty, and the peo­ple of Jamaica: Does every police encounter with crim­i­nals have to involve a shoot-out? Must every police encounter with crim­i­nals require the use of lethal force? Are our crim­i­nals real­ly so more vicious than crim­i­nals in oth­er coun­tries that they can only be dealt with by lethal force? How come our more vicious crim­i­nals man­age to shoot so few police? How much longer will Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington go on sup­port­ing, even encour­ag­ing, the killings car­ried out by his men? How much longer will Minister of National Security Peter Bunting go on endors­ing the behav­ior of Commissioner of Police Ellington? How much longer will our cit­i­zens go on tol­er­at­ing this kind of wan­ton killing of fel­low cit­i­zens? Is the blood of only a few of us boil­ing? If this can hap­pen in the first two weeks of the year, what will the oth­er 50 be like?

At the time Horace Levy berat­ed the Jamaican Police for bat­tling the Island’s urban killers in which he out­right said not enough cops are being killed in their encoun­ters with criminals.
These were some of the crime num­bers which exist­ed between the years 2001 to 2008, 2001 – 2008.
Reported Cases of Murder : 10, 836
Shootings : 11,229
Rape and Carnal Abuse: 9119
Public defender Earl Witter

At the time Levy wrote that let­ter no one chal­lenged Levy on the insan­i­ty that more police offi­cers should be get­ting shot if the num­ber of armed men they were elim­i­nat­ing were actu­al­ly tru­ly engag­ing them in shoot-outs.
Without one scin­til­la of evi­dence this line of ghast­ly rea­son­ing was allowed to pre­vail with­out the prop­er lev­el of out­rage which should have been attached to it.
I can­not think of any oth­er coun­try in which this line of argu­ment would have been allowed to con­tin­ue , much less com­ing from agen­cies of Government which are tax­pay­er sup­port­ed as the Public defend­er’s office is.
No one except this hum­ble writer both­ered to chal­lenge that notion because it was the pre­vail­ing belief of lit­er­al­ly all who hat­ed police, includ­ing the head of the tax­pay­er fund­ed office of pub­lic defend­er at the time Earl Witter and the long list of peo­ple who gained rel­e­vance by say­ing they were for human rights.

Today crime is out of con­trol, the Island is awash in guns, the Police is effec­tive­ly hol­lowed out to a shell of its for­mer effec­tive­ness , and lord knows it was far from perfect.
The Island’s killers don’t both­er to hide their faces when they parade their weapons, or when they kill .Why should they ‚who is going to go get them?
There are effec­tive tax­pay­er fund­ed safe­guards against them being pur­sued , pros­e­cut­ed much less tak­en out.
The American Federal Bureau Of Investigations(FBI) and the Drug Enforcement Agency(DEA) will now be oper­at­ing sup­pos­ed­ly out of the American Embassy in Kingston.
There has been next to no dis­cus­sion on the Sovereignty issue inher­ent in this revelation .
The mut­ed whim­pers I have heard all seem to sug­gest well we’ll take any help we can get.

In Tuesday’s Edition of the Jamaica Gleaner Horace Levy’s nar­ra­tive has seem­ing­ly come full cir­cle . In a ram­bling dia­tribe titled: Containment Not Good Enough.
Levy said quote:

Minister Bobby Montague’s pre­sen­ta­tion in Parliament last week on the mea­sures tak­en to stem the vio­lence in west­ern Jamaica was detailed and com­pre­hen­sive. It seems to have sat­is­fied most peo­ple that the min­is­ter, the police, the Government are on top of the prob­lem. The real­ly sad thing is that sat­is­fac­tion. It is because the vio­lence, grim as it is, 100 mur­ders a month and climb­ing is treat­ed as intractable. It has been with us for so long that it has become a fix­ture in our envi­ron­ment, a grin-and-bear-it unease. So the counter-vio­lence pre­scrip­tions, which focus sole­ly on repres­sion and con­tain­ment, are tak­en as suf­fi­cient. It is not even noticed that con­tain­ing for a time is all they are doing.

In brief ‚Horace Levy demand­ed to know why was­n’t the slip­pery slide into anar­chy prevented.
Ha for the free­dom to chat shit and not be held accountable .…
Horace Levy sim­ply believe that as always no one notices that he is play­ing both sides for his per­son­al ben­e­fit. In the end Horace Levy’s com­ments not only showed his polit­i­cal stripes it reveals for the coun­try the hypocrisy of these leech­es who play the sys­tem for all it’s worth for their own use and benefit .
Sorry Horace Levy not every Jamaican is igno­rant or blind to what you are doing. You can­not have it both ways.
I see you.….….….….…..