Holness’s Policies Runs Protection For Violent Gangsters…


The Jamaican Prime Minister’s insis­tence in the Parliament on Thursday that Zones Of Special Operations have been an effec­tive crime-fight­ing tool is a win­dow into his state of delu­sion on crime.
As he berat­ed the hap­less Political Opposition for what he views as its non-sup­port for the con­tin­u­a­tion of the (ZOSO) mea­sure, Andrew Holness chid­ed the oppo­si­tion; “It is incred­i­bly frus­trat­ing that right when we had applied the right mea­sures, the right tools to show that [we can use the secu­ri­ty forces with­out vio­lence], we can give extra­or­di­nary pow­ers, greater account­abil­i­ty, as we can get results, for polit­i­cal rea­sons, it was oppose, oppose, oppose at every turn.
Holness’s asser­tion that the secu­ri­ty forces were able to oper­ate with­in the Zones of Special Operations to car­ry out their func­tions, makes as much prac­ti­cal sense as say­ing that the police need to have a secu­ri­ty detail pro­tect­ing them, in order for them to do their jobs.
That infer­ence alone speaks to the seri­ous­ness and the lethal­i­ty of the sit­u­a­tion the secu­ri­ty forces face as they try to bring order to the ghet­tos. It is exact­ly for those rea­sons that the Jamaican leader should butt-out of police work and allow the offi­cers to go after the bad guys.
I won’t both­er to address the Prime Minister’s state­ments on the per­ceived reduc­tions in vio­lent crime in areas where the ZOSOs were initiated.
The prac­ti­cal real­i­ty is that, of course, vio­lent crimes went down in the areas in which large groups of police offi­cers and sol­diers were camped out.
The real­i­ty is that vio­lent crimes went up in areas pre­vi­ous­ly untouched by vio­lent crimes.

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Andrew Holness “There is no doubt that our use of the SOEs has worked to reduce mur­ders and shoot­ings wher­ev­er they have been dis­played. I remain proud that this Administration was able to deploy and imple­ment a frame­work to enable our secu­ri­ty forces to use extra­or­di­nary pow­ers and enhanced mea­sures with­out vio­lence to any cit­i­zen or result­ing in the death of any cit­i­zen.
Holness’s pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with “not doing vio­lence to any cit­i­zenlies at the heart of the nation’s crime dilem­ma. Criminals do not care who they kill, but the Jamaican Prime Minister from the crime-infest­ed Spanish Town area is dead set that as long as he occu­pies Jamaica House, he will stand in the way of vio­lent mur­der­ers get­ting their just due.
Mister Prime Minister, when a crim­i­nal decides to mur­der their coun­try­men, they have no right to be referred to as ‘cit­i­zens.”
Why are you intent on sac­ri­fic­ing the Jamaican peo­ple for the blood-thirsty demons, many of whom hail from your area of Spanish Town?
While Andrew Holness con­tin­ues to run pro­tec­tion for the crim­i­nals run­ning around killing and rap­ing, unpro­tect­ed Jamaicans are ask­ing who is look­ing out for us?
To sug­gest that he is proud that crime went down in the areas in which ZOSOSs oper­at­ed is almost retard­ed in its inconsequentiality.
Tell the peo­ple in the peace­ful ham­lets and vil­lages who had their once peace­ful and tran­quil com­mu­ni­ties tak­en over by migrat­ing gang­sters how proud you are.
Tell them just how proud you are that you foist­ed upon them vio­lent killers who are now rob­bing and rap­ing their children.

This image is tak­en from a Mount Salem ZOSO.
Credit Jamaica Gleaner

The Prime Minister is engag­ing in the most trans­par­ent­ly cyn­i­cal form of pol­i­tics when he stands in the peo­ple’s House and berates the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion for with­draw­ing its sup­port from a failed strat­e­gy that burns out mem­bers of the Security Forces, pro­duces no last­ing pos­i­tive results, and trans­plants vio­lent crim­i­nals into once-peace­ful communities.
I urge the Prime Minister to tell the nation from the same par­lia­ment what coun­try he knows of that has police and sol­diers stand­ing around in com­mu­ni­ties as a law enforce­ment mea­sure for extend­ed peri­ods of time.
Holness’s pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with pro­tect­ing the lives of vio­lent mur­der­ers, as you have heard from his own mouth, goes to the heart of the cal­lous­ness and the dar­ing of the men who are tak­ing lives in our country.
They under­stand that they have a pro­tec­tor and a defend­er in the most pow­er­ful office in our country.
Why on God’s green earth would a leader of any coun­try wor­ry more about vio­lent mur­der­ers meet­ing their mak­er than inno­cent, law-abid­ing cit­i­zens being pro­tect­ed from them?

As vio­lent crimes, includ­ing mur­ders, con­tin­ue to over­whelm the Jamaican peo­ple on his watch, the Prime Minister and his team, includ­ing the Medical doc­tor Minister of National Security and [won­der­boy], the army gen­er­al is now a top cop, have no clue. So they revert to the tired old tropes and lies about the poten­tial of zones of spe­cial oper­a­tions and states of emergencies.
Holness’s obses­sion with pleas­ing his han­dlers in Washington DC can­not come at the expense of any more inno­cent Jamaican lives.
Since he can­not be a leader who is unafraid of get­ting his hands dirty, he should lev­el with the peo­ple so that they may choose a leader to lead them out of this quagmire.
This Prime Minister’s world-view is shaped by his upbring­ing and school­ing; it dis­qual­i­fies him from pro­vid­ing the lead­er­ship our coun­try needs at this time.
We can­not have a Prime Minister who loves the lives of mur­der­ers and wor­ries so lit­tle about the lives of the innocent.