Here’s Why Black People Should Think Twice Before Voting For Hillary Clinton

Michelle Alexander has questioned what the Clintons have done to deserve such devotion among black voters. BRAD BARKET VIA GETTY IMAGES
Michelle Alexander has ques­tioned what the Clintons have done to deserve such devo­tion among black vot­ers.

Michelle Alexander, the author Of “The New Jim Crow,” outlines the presidential candidate’s support for some questionable policies.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton has the black vote in her hands.

Eighty per­cent of black Democratic vot­ers intend­ed to cast their bal­lots for the 2016 pres­i­den­tial can­di­date in August 2015 — and not much has changed since then. But with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I‑Vt.) becom­ing a seri­ous oppo­nent for Clinton in the race to the Democratic nom­i­na­tion, many African-Americans are ask­ing if the for­mer Secretary of State real­ly deserves the black vote. Author and legal schol­ar Michelle Alexander doesn’t think so. What have the Clintons done to earn such devo­tion? Did they take extreme polit­i­cal risks to defend the rights of African Americans?” the author of The New Jim Crow asks in a new essay for The Nation. “Did they coura­geous­ly stand up to right-wing dem­a­goguery about black com­mu­ni­ties? Did they help ush­er in a new era of hope and pros­per­i­ty for neigh­bor­hoods dev­as­tat­ed by dein­dus­tri­al­iza­tion, glob­al­iza­tion, and the dis­ap­pear­ance of work?”

Alexander skill­ful­ly pos­es these ques­tions before tak­ing a deep dive into Clinton’s past.

African-American vot­ers con­sis­tent­ly tend to sup­port Democrats, but they also arelike­ly to be old­er. Many black vot­ers are less famil­iar with Sanders, who attracts a lot of young vot­ers, and his val­ues. Clinton also totes cov­et­ed endorse­ments fromfor­mer Attorney General Eric Holder, Trayvon Martin’s moth­er Sybrina Fulton, activist groups, unions and black cler­gy mem­bers. It doesn’t hurt that black peo­ple dote on President Bill Clinton’s time in office either.

What a lot of black vot­ers aren’t aware of, how­ev­er, is how the 1994 Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of his pres­i­den­cy helped mass incar­cer­a­tion become more effi­cient with the “three strikes” imple­men­ta­tion, a pro­vi­sion that imposed life sen­tences on any­one con­vict­ed of a vio­lent felony after two or more pri­ors. Former President Clinton also signed into law the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, which gut­ted wel­fare. He repealed the Glass-Steagall Act in 1996 — a Depression-era bank­ing law that kept dif­fer­ent kinds of bank­ing insti­tu­tions sep­a­rate — which, arguably, led to the 2008 hous­ing cri­sis and dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly affect­ed black homeowners.

Alexander, who touched on mass incar­cer­a­tion and wel­fare in her piece, says Clinton must be judged by her hus­band’s record on this because, in a way, it’s her his­to­ry too.

Some might argue that it’s unfair to judge Hillary Clinton for the poli­cies her hus­band cham­pi­oned years ago. But Hillary wasn’t pick­ing out chi­na while she was first lady. She brave­ly broke the mold and rede­fined that job in ways no woman ever had before. She not only cam­paigned for Bill; she also wield­ed pow­er and sig­nif­i­cant influ­ence once he was elect­ed, lob­by­ing for leg­is­la­tion and oth­er mea­sures. That record, and her state­ments from that era, should be scru­ti­nized. In her sup­port for the 1994 crime bill, for exam­ple, she used racial­ly cod­ed rhetoric to cast black chil­dren as ani­mals. “They are not just gangs of kids any­more,” she said. “They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘super-preda­tors.’ No con­science, no empa­thy. We can talk about why they end­ed up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”

Clinton, who endorsed her husband’s crime poli­cies as recent­ly as 2012, hasdis­tanced her­self from the ide­ol­o­gy, but her Ready for Hillary PAC did receive$133,246 from prison lob­by­ists. See more here:  http://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​e​n​t​r​y​/​h​i​l​l​a​r​y​-​c​l​i​n​t​o​n​-​b​l​a​c​k​-​v​o​t​e​r​s​_​u​s​_​5​6​b​a​7​9​7​f​e​4​b​0​8​f​f​a​c​1​2​3​2​8f0

One thought on “Here’s Why Black People Should Think Twice Before Voting For Hillary Clinton

  1. Well done! If you lis­ten to the wom­an’s speech­es, you know that she’s not a gen­uine per­son. I am in agree­ment with author’s analy­sis of Hillary Clinton. In good con­science I could not vote for her.

    If you notice what she did as Secretary of state with her own pri­vate serv­er to do the peo­ple’s work. She was instru­men­tal with the death of the men in Benghazi, Libya. Remember that they are Gangsters. 

    Well the word is out that Senator Bernie Sanders went to jail dur­ing the Civil rights move­ment because he believes in equal­i­ty. Where was Hillary Clinton?

    The blacks are always tak­en for grant­ed in this coun­try and you must remain under the tent with the oppres­sors. She is from the South. As Bernie Sanders said “it’s not the per­son who is talk­ing about you, but the one that does things that would enhance your life, you must vote for. 

    Black peo­ple days of being “under­stand, ” must be a thing of the past and con­front the pre­tenders with facts!

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