Here’s How Expunging The Records Of Murderers Will Impact You…

Delroy Chuck

The Jamaican Justice Minister told the Nation’s Parliament that he is ask­ing the Parliament to amend laws to allow con­victs who have aban­doned crim­i­nal­i­ty [for an extend­ed peri­od of time](sic) to have their records expunged.
In seek­ing to make his case, Chuck told Parliament of a man who was charged with mur­der, con­vict­ed of manslaugh­ter, but turned his life around and has been preach­ing for the last 25 years. 

Now I do get the need to clean up the back­log of cas­es on the court’s dock­ets, anoth­er issue Delroy Chuck spoke to in his address to the Parliament last Tuesday. What I find offen­sive is Chuck’s strat­e­gy, which is to toss cas­es which have been on the dock­ets for five(5) years or longer.
Even Murder cas­es.
I do under­stand that per­sons charged under the penal code have a con­sti­tu­tion­al right to a speedy tri­al. Notwithstanding, it is impor­tant to acknowl­edge that in some cas­es the rea­sons cas­es are delayed inor­di­nate­ly are based on (a)some sus­pects inabil­i­ty to pay their lawyers, (b) Deliberate stalling-tac­tics by defense lawyers, © defense wit­ness­es can­not be found, etc.
In fair­ness, it is also true that for every rea­son those cas­es are delayed by the defense’s side, there is a pros­e­cu­tion delay as well.

Nevertheless, as I have point­ed out in pre­vi­ous arti­cles on this sub­ject, allow­ing Chuck to attach an arti­fi­cial time­line to the dis­po­si­tion of cas­es there­after cre­at­ing an excuse to toss cas­es and allow­ing vio­lent crim­i­nals to walk free, spits in the faces of crime vic­tims and does a grave injus­tice to the sys­tem of jus­tice in our coun­try.
It is anti­thet­i­cal to the rule of law and is by nature anoth­er accel­er­ant to the cul­ture of crime which has infect­ed the coun­try.
Simply put, this prac­tice is an encour­age­ment for crim­i­nals and their criminal/​lawyers to usurp the sys­tem of jus­tice even fur­ther with­out consequences.

In mak­ing his case, Delroy Chuck ref­er­enced a man who com­mit­ted mur­der but got con­vict­ed on manslaugh­ter. He argued that the man is now a Minister who wants his record expunged.
But the argu­ments he raised in sup­port of expung­ing that mur­der­er’s vio­lent past, quote; “This pas­tor, how­ev­er, can­not get his records expunged because the act does not cur­rent­ly allow for it, “and that is the sort of per­son we’d want to be expunged.
Seems to me this man is doing just fine. He has found God, he is a Minister, his vic­tim is gone and has no sec­ond chance.
In what is a mul­ti-pronged approach by the JLP Administration, Jamaicans not engaged in crim­i­nal con­duct must be awake to these facts.

On the front end, the Administration has all but ren­dered the police inef­fec­tive based on its dis­re­spect and regres­sive poli­cies and pos­tures.
In the mid­dle, it is engaged in toss­ing cas­es that have been stalled in the sys­tem, some­times through no fault of the state as I have shown above, while open­ing up a broad chan­nel for more abus­es of the right to adjourn­ments all aimed at run­ning out the clock by way of Chucks arti­fi­cial five-year time­line.
And on the back end, despite the myr­i­ad dif­fi­cul­ties in secur­ing con­vic­tions for vio­lent felons, they are active­ly cre­at­ing the impres­sion that these mur­ders nev­er hap­pened by wip­ing clean the crim­i­nal records of vio­lent mur­ders, all on anoth­er Delroy Chuck cre­at­ed Timeline. 

It is impor­tant that every Jamaican who cheer for this, do under­stand that I am not opposed to peo­ple with non-vio­lent infrac­tions hav­ing a fresh start. For exam­ple with the loos­en­ing of the mar­i­jua­na laws, there is no rea­son that one could rea­son­ably oppose some­one who was arrest­ed on a mar­i­jua­na offense receiv­ing a sec­ond chance.
However, vio­lent offens­es, up to, but not con­fined to, mur­der can­not sim­ply be swept under the car­pet as if they nev­er occurred.


These are the kinds of half-ass mea­sures which are designed by politi­cians to cur­ry favor and secure votes.
They are bad poli­cies which seem rea­son­able at face val­ue. In a coun­try like Jamaica which has such high tol­er­ance for crim­i­nal con­duct, these poli­cies are bound to find favor.
The fact is that the Island’s polit­i­cal lead­ers do not care about the inor­di­nate­ly out­ra­geous mur­der sta­tis­tics as long as they hold onto state pow­er and retain the abil­i­ty to feed at the slop trough.
But to the Jamaican peo­ple who are not out killing, rap­ing, shoot­ing and stab­bing oth­ers, these poli­cies will have dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for them.


I hate to be the bear­er of bad news, or to say ‘I told you so.“Nevertheless, far too many of the things I warn about are hap­pen­ing in front of our eyes.
Law-abid­ing Jamaicans must be pre­pared for the fol­low­ing.
As soon as word gets out, (and get out it will), because we will con­tin­ue to report on this, oth­er coun­tries, a‑la the US Canada and the United Kingdom will pull up the wel­come mat.
These coun­tries are purg­ing them­selves of peo­ple for minor drug infrac­tions and ille­gal entry.
I am dead cer­tain they will not be look­ing to import con­vict­ed mur­der­ers from Jamaica who has had their crim­i­nal records expunged polit­i­cal­ly.
Every poten­tial employ­er has a right to know the his­to­ry of a poten­tial employ­ee.
Every per­son who works in a com­pa­ny deserves to know that his or her co-work­ers are not mur­der­ers who have had the past cleaned up by cor­rupt politi­cians.
Every fam­i­ly with chil­dren has a right to know that the per­son who moved in next door is a sex offend­er. When Delroy Chuck, a crim­i­nal enhance­ment tool, push­es those poli­cies, he is endan­ger­ing your chil­dren.
Why would we cre­ate poli­cies which fur­ther puts inno­cent chil­dren in harms way?
The Delroy Chuck JLP plan takes away all of those (right-to-know) from every decent law abid­ing Jamaican.
One of the rea­sons that the United States, for exam­ple, have declared some nation states, failed states, is exact­ly because their gov­ern­ments can­not be trust­ed to account for their cit­i­zen’s past behav­ior. I won­der how these west­ern pow­ers will react to Jamaica wip­ing away mur­der and oth­er vio­lent felony con­vic­tions?
If these nations can­not deter­mine the his­to­ry of Jamaican cit­i­zens will they real­ly trust that man or woman, those visa appli­cants, aren’t san­i­tized, mur­der­ers?
You decide!!!


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