Here We Go Again, Rochester NY Police Abuse, This Time It’s A 9‑year-old-girl…

On what plan­et would this be allowed to hap­pen with­out the sever­est con­se­quences pos­si­ble to these mon­sters, one and all?
Here is a sit­u­a­tion in which a 9‑year-old child is dis­traught and asks for her dad, and a cop tells his col­league to quote, “at this point, just spray her.”
America, what you wit­nessed here are cops who want to esca­late to force lev­el, and would use any pre­tense to get to that escalation.
In the first instance, there is absolute­ly no need to place a 9‑year-old child in hand­cuffs. None whatsoever.
Secondly, the female cop speak­ing to the lit­tle girl is not deesca­lat­ing the sit­u­a­tion by demand­ing that she sit back; the child is already in the cruis­er; where was she going to go?
American Police con­tin­ue to use these pre­tens­es to trig­ger force, then revert to them to jus­ti­fy using force.
A car­ing trained police offi­cer would gen­tly ask the lit­tle girl her name, rather than con­tin­u­al­ly demand­ing that she sits back.
The next step is to ask her her father’s name and find out from the child how they may con­tact her daddy.
Contrary to these sim­ple steps, the mon­sters used pep­per spray on the child instead. If you do that to my child, it becomes per­son­al; it is no longer between me and the sys­tem; it becomes between you and me.

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In Rochester, police released two body-cam­era videos Sunday of offi­cers restrain­ing a dis­traught 9‑year-old girl who was hand­cuffed and sprayed with what police called a chem­i­cal “irri­tant.”
The Democrat and Chronicle report­ed that before the video release, Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren expressed her con­cern for the “child that was harmed dur­ing this inci­dent that hap­pened on Friday.”
“I have a 10-year-old child, so she’s a child, she’s a baby. This video, as a moth­er, is not any­thing you want to see,” Warren went on to say. A total of nine offi­cers and super­vi­sors respond­ed to the report of “fam­i­ly trou­ble” on Friday. The girl can be heard in the body-cam­era videos from offi­cers at the scene scream­ing fran­ti­cal­ly for her father as the offi­cers try to restrain her.
At a news con­fer­ence Sunday, Deputy Police Chief Andre Anderson described the girl as suicidal“She indi­cat­ed she want­ed to kill her­self and she want­ed to kill her mom,” he said.
Officers tried to force the girl into a patrol car, but she pulled away and kicked at them. In a state­ment Saturday, the police depart­ment said this action “required” an offi­cer to take the girl down to the ground. Then, the depart­ment said, “for the minor’s safe­ty and at the request of the cus­to­di­al par­ent on the scene,” the child was hand­cuffed and put in the back of a police car as they wait­ed for an ambu­lance to arrive.

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Police said the girl dis­obeyed com­mands to put her feet in the car. An offi­cer was then “required” to spray an “irri­tant” in the hand­cuffed girl’s face, the depart­ment said Saturday.
At Sunday’s news con­fer­ence, Police Chief Cynthia Herriott-Sullivan described the irri­tant as pep­per spray. She declined to defend the offi­cers’ actions.
“I’m not going to stand here and tell you that for a 9‑year-old to have to be pep­per-sprayed is OK. It’s not,” Herriott-Sullivan said. “I don’t see that as who we are as a depart­ment, and we’re going to do the work we have to do to ensure that these kinds of things don’t happen.”
Police said the girl was even­tu­al­ly tak­en to Rochester General Hospital, “where she received the ser­vices and care that she need­ed,” and was lat­er released to her family.
The Rochester Police Department has faced scruti­ny since Daniel Prude’s death last year after offi­cers from the depart­ment put a hood over his head and pressed his face into the pavement.

Again I ask,” Why do African-Americans con­tin­ue to call the police to their homes, know­ing that the mon­sters are trained to hate and kill them”?
