Where The Hell Was Portia : Where Is Holness Now That He’s In Charge ?

Fifty four (54)-year-old Judith Williams had just left her home in East Kingston for work Thursday morning when two men rode up on a motorcycle, the pillion rider pumped six bullets into her body.
According to media reports the 54 year old was looking forward to retiring from her job. Ms Williams was rushed to the hospital where Doctors made an urgent plea for blood to save her life.
Colleagues and ordinary citizens alike responded to the call , they rushed to show their humanity by giving the life-giving liquid but no amount of blood would save her life, the trauma to her body was too much and she succumbed to her wounds.

Judith Williams was a police offi­cer who served her coun­try well. There is no expla­na­tion why she had to walk or take a bus to work , was it that she nev­er learned to dri­ve, was it that she was unable to afford a car, some con­cerned observers have even asked why she still lived in the grit­ty east Kingston neigh­bor­hood she did?
Though impor­tant none of these ques­tions mat­ter now Judith Williams most like­ly died because she dared to be a police offi­cer in a coun­try in which empha­sis is placed on pro­tect­ing crim­i­nals over pro­tect­ing the innocent.

Portia Quick On Athletes Bandwagon But Mute On Murders…

Corporal Williams worked at the com­mis­sion­er of police’s offices, she even shared her boss’s last name yet though she was near­ing retire­ment she had only made the rank of cor­po­ral. I doubt whether Commissioner Carl Williams even knew her?
The Commissioner as was to be expect­ed issued the fol­low­ing statement.…

Constable Crystal Thomas murdered on a bus as she heads home from work.. Not a single word from Portia Simpson Miller..
Constable Crystal Thomas mur­dered on a bus as she heads home from work..
Not a sin­gle word from Portia Simpson Miller..

My heart goes out to the fam­i­ly mem­bers and col­leagues of Ms. Williams who has passed under very trag­ic cir­cum­stances. I too mourn with you as she was a mem­ber of my imme­di­ate staff,” Williams said. “To her killers, the Jamaica Constabulary Force remains undaunt­ed by this evil act. We will stop at noth­ing until her killers are brought to justice.”

Last December two police offi­cers were mur­dered as they engaged in a friend­ly game of domi­noes at poor-man’s cor­ner in the parish of Saint Thomas. On that occa­sion the Commissioner of Police issued much the same state­ment even as he and his depart­ment named Marlon (dup­py film) Perry as the shoot­er. Five months lat­er Marlon Perry is not sit­ting in a jail cell nei­ther is he lying on a con­crete slab at Madden’s funer­al home or rot­ting in a hole somewhere.
On that basis I will treat the Commissioner’s state­ment the way I treat oth­er refuse , I throw it in the garbage bin where it belongs.……

More despi­ca­ble than the Commissioner of Police’s form-state­ment is a state­ment com­ing from Portia Simpson Miller the for­mer Prime Minister who is now rel­e­gat­ed to the posi­tion of oppo­si­tion leader.
In a cyn­i­cal , trans­par­ent, cal­cu­la­tive self-serv­ing state­ment Miller issued a state­ment quote: “The wors­en­ing mur­der sit­u­a­tion in the coun­try is alarm­ing and requires deci­sive action and the full coöper­a­tion of all Jamaicans,”.

No s**t ? where were you when con­sta­ble Crystal Thomas was slaugh­tered on a bus head­ing home after her tour of duty ? Condolences poured in from far and near includ­ing from the American Government , yet you the Prime Minister was deaf­en­ing­ly silent?
Where were you when Constable Lynden Barrett was killed in west Kingston as he attempt­ed to appre­hend two gun-men?
Where were you when Constable Curtis Lewis Of the Westmoreland Division was mowed down by a motor­cy­clist who ignored his com­mand to stop .
Where were you when the litany of cops were mur­dered on your damn watch?
Silent.….…Because it was not polit­i­cal­ly expe­di­ent for you to lead from the front, shar­ing in the pain and hurt of the fam­i­lies of the deceased, because every­thing for you and your damn cronies is about polit­i­cal power.
Do your­self a favor and just shut the hell up.


The list of police offi­cers killed under this new­ly rel­e­gat­ed Opposition leader is long yet she nev­er had a word of com­fort for their fam­i­lies. Her focus was on salut­ing sports stars and reg­gae artiste. How dare this oppor­tunis­tic polit­i­cal hus­tler dis­hon­or this slain offi­cers mem­o­ry and her fam­i­ly with polit­i­cal pandering?

In soci­ety police offi­cers do a job many do not want , it’s not too far removed from those who sign up to go die in for­eign wars in defense of oth­ers who would not step up to defend themselves.
For most in soci­ety we are more tol­er­ant of sol­diers because we are so far removed from the wars we are de-sen­si­tized to the car­nage ‚its as if they occur in the abstract. Real though they are we get to live out our self award­ed moral supe­ri­or­i­ty about the pros and cons of it as if we all do not play a part in their creation.
Police offi­cers on the oth­er hand inter­face with us on a more per­son­al lev­el in many cas­es they are asked to save us from ourselves.
Police offi­cers like oth­er humans make mis­takes and they betray our trust. Regardless they run toward the dan­ger when we seek cov­er for our­selves. Most of their mis­takes are made in crit­i­cal high-pres­sure sit­u­a­tions of life and death ., Situations most of us are not faced with in our jobs.

 Portia Simpson Miller.
Portia Simpson Miller.

Jamaican police are not expect­ed to make mis­takes, every Tom, “DICK” and Harry has an opin­ion on how every sit­u­a­tion should have been han­dled , even though they were nev­er called on to act in sim­i­lar situations.
Those who wield pow­er con­tin­u­al­ly place the police in unten­able sit­u­a­tions in which there are no win­ners except they who cre­at­ed the sce­nar­ios in the first place.
Less than ade­quate pay, lack of resources, lack of sup­port, polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence, open sup­port for pow­er­ful crim­i­nals are just a few of the hur­dles being placed in the way of effec­tive polic­ing on the Island.
Nevertheless noth­ing has been more detri­men­tal to polic­ing or more dan­ger­ous to the lives and secu­ri­ty of police offi­cers than the (inde­com) Act . This mis­guid­ed poor­ly thought-out law has been a crim­i­nal empow­er­ing tool which has seen crime explode and the lives of police offi­cers worth absolute­ly nothing.
Neither the oppor­tunis­tic Portia Simpson Miller’s pathet­ic and dis­gust­ing polit­i­cal play on the lives of police offi­cers, nor Andrew Holness’ less than ade­quate recog­ni­tion that crime must be dealt with as a mat­ter of urgency gives the nation hope that there will be any end in sight to the blood-shed.

Where is a Bustamante or a Hugh Lawson Shearer when they are needed ?
Gone are the days when the Jamaica Labor Party was the Conservative par­ty of law and order. Those Leaders under­stood that any sup­posed plan aimed at bring­ing pros­per­i­ty to the peo­ple must be twinned with seri­ous crime pre­ven­tion components.
Those who believe they can kow-tow to the lib­er­al elites at the University (intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to) of the West Indies or load up the police force with it’s func­tionar­ies and crime will vol­un­tar­i­ly dis­s­a­pear are in for a rude awakening.

In the mean­time the fam­i­lies of the Island’s police offi­cers must be pre­pared to bury their loved ones who have stepped for­ward to offer them­selves as liv­ing sac­ri­fices for the good of an ungrate­ful nation ruled by a bunch of self ‑serv­ing charlatans.
Every par­ent whose son or daugh­ter steps for­ward to serve in the Island’s secu­ri­ty forces must under­stand before they give their bless­ings that their Government has laws which active­ly empow­ers criminals .
If they are sat­is­fied about that they may then offer up their chil­dren as sac­ri­fi­cial lambs to the slaugh­ter, know­ing that nei­ther Holness nor Miller nor any of their under­lings are in dan­ger because they have police offi­cers pro­tect­ing them with their lives.

2 thoughts on “Where The Hell Was Portia : Where Is Holness Now That He’s In Charge ?

  1. The Jamaican peo­ple know that the (jus­tice) sys­tem is designed to favored the crim­i­nals, so what we are see­ing is what to expect in future: jun­gle jus­tice, vig­i­lante killings, revenge killings, wan­ton killings of the police offi­cers and there are no repercussions. 

    I am go to digress a lit­tle. There’s a typ­i­cal case in St. James where a young girl wit­nessed her father and broth­er been mur­dered. Today, she was to go to court and give evi­dence and she was mur­dered in her own com­mu­ni­ty where she was born, grow, and lived. 

    This is the seed of the late Michael Manley’s and P.J. Patterson’s philoso­phies and the for­mer crime min­is­ter Bruce Golding and the JLP par­ty make sure that the crim­i­nals have pro­tec­tion and the police is maligned, den­i­grate, and vil­i­fied by them (the politi­cians) and the pop­u­lace embrace, pro­mote, and sup­port it. 

    When the boasie slaves in Jamaica real­ize what is hap­pen­ing, the horse has grown up and start to ride the jockey. 

    The dis­re­spect of the police force and its mem­bers wors­en under the for­mer Commissioner of police Owen Ellington whose job was to treat police offi­cer killings as a reg­u­lar cit­i­zens “When a police offi­cer is mur­dered, we the police treat the crimes the same way we treat the mur­der of some­one who lives at Riverton City,” he said.

    When the leader of the police force and the polit­i­cal direc­torate are not sup­port­ing the police pub­licly, the crim­i­nals know that they’re win­ning the pro­pa­gan­da war against the state and police force. 

    When the crim­i­nals from Kingston 13 mur­dered the late Woman Constable Crystal Thomas, the for­mer Prime min­is­ter’s mouth was sealed like a vir­gin! She knows that if she shows her sup­port for the police, it is going to be sui­cide on her path. . Jamaica is a crim­i­nal’s par­adise in the Caribbean Sea.

  2. First i must say how sad­den i am to learn of the mur­der of the police offi­cer sec­ond­ly is and this is for her supe­ri­or why is she a cor­po­ral at age 54 Mr com­mis­sion­er her blood is on your hand my hon­est belief if a police not per­form­ing send him home police have no rep­re­sen­ta­tion the most pathet­ic union in the world is the Jamaica police union why was she liv­ing in Kirk ever since a child that area was a mess and still is while i was SO i/​c crime Franklin Town i was shot at i mean in my home town when i join the force i lived a Malvern ave a big yard as i left train­ing school i left because i was aware of the dan­ger that lies ahead as for the for­mer prime min­is­ter and her out burst should not be tak­en seri­ous­ly just this February she was jamaica worst prime min­is­ter peo­ple died left right and cen­ter includ­ing police and she nev­er open what she call mouth PNP has nev­er like police because their sup­port­ers are most­ly thugs In the 80s a woman police was going to work at the at the com­mis­sion­ers office the bus she was on was held up and robbed when the gun men found her uni­form in her bag they killed he my ques­tion why the sub offi­cers are reluc­tant to use the patrol cars to pick up the work­ers this is shame­ful i hope for now for­ward the police will be protected

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