Hate Crimes Rose 20% Since Trump Was Elected, Acts Of Terror Gets Little Or No Press Coverage…

Day in day out the news is dom­i­nat­ed with ref­er­ence to Terrorism .
We can’t avoid it ‚Broadcast Networks lead with news of Terrorism regard­less of where ter­ror­ism occur across the Globe.
The only respite is to switch to sports or turn off the damn Television.
Cable News run with ter­ror news 24 – 7 . In many cas­es their broad­cast run the very same ter­ror sto­ry cov­er to cov­er for days.
Newspapers and even social media plat­forms are inun­dat­ed with the grim real­i­ties of ter­ror­ism and it’s evil con­se­quences on mankind.

With that said , it has become clear­er by the day that Terrorism (as far as Americans under­stand ) is con­fined to Muslims com­mit­ting acts of vio­lence .……Period.
There is hard­ly any recog­ni­tion at least from the tele­vi­sion talk­ing heads that Muslim ter­ror­ists kill more Muslims than they do any­one else.
Which negates the well prop­a­gat­ed lie that Muslim trans­late into Terrorist.

Now albeit that I hold no brief for Muslims or car­ry water for them , they are quite capa­ble of artic­u­lat­ing the truth for themselves .
As a Christian how­ev­er, I have a duty to speak truth to the lying pur­vey­ors of hatred and racial and reli­gious big­otry and intol­er­ance under the guise of Christianity.


The use of vio­lent acts to fright­en the peo­ple in an area as a way of try­ing to achieve a polit­i­cal goal.(Merriam)

On the evening of June 17, 2015. During a prayer ser­vice, nine peo­ple (includ­ing the senior pas­tor, state sen­a­torClementa C. Pinckney) were killed by gun­man Dylan Roof, a 21-year-old white suprema­cist. Three oth­er vic­tims sur­vived. The morn­ing after the attack, police arrest­ed Roof in Shelby, North Carolina. Roof con­fessed to com­mit­ting the shoot­ing in hopes of ignit­ing a race war. The shoot­ing tar­get­ed one of the United States’ old­est black church­es, which has long been a site for com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tion around civ­il rights.(wikipedia)

Dylan Roof

Police arrest­ed Dylan Roof with­out inci­dent, he was not rid­dled with bul­lets as the Boston Bomber or many oth­er non-whites who run afoul of the laws have been.
In fact the Police were report­ed to have bought him fast food from McDonalds after he was tak­en into custody.
Dylan Roof con­fessed to the killings and told police he want­ed to start a race war between blacks and whites.
Dylan Roof espoused racial hatred in both a web­site man­i­festo pub­lished before the shoot­ing, and a jour­nal writ­ten from jail after­wards. Photographs post­ed on the web­site showed Roof pos­ing with emblems asso­ci­at­ed with white suprema­cy and with pho­tos of the Confederate bat­tle flag.

Roof was con­vict­ed in Federal court of 33 fed­er­al hate crimes he faces the death penalty.
Yet the Media and politi­cians do not call Roof what he is, a domes­tic chris­t­ian terrorist.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations strug­gled to label this heinous killing by this inbred mon­ster ‚what it was , a text­book  case of domes­tic Terrorism.

Since the com­mence­ment of Donald Trump’s cam­paign for the American Presidency , his vio­lent incen­di­ary and hate­ful speech­es against Blacks , Muslims, Mexicans , Immigrants and any­one not a Caucasian , inci­dents of hate­ful attacks has gone up as well as ter­ror­ist attacks by white men against mem­bers of the afore­men­tioned groups.

According to News One , Hate crimes in nine U.S. met­ro­pol­i­tan areas rose more than 20 per­cent last year — revers­ing a down­ward trend in the last few years — fueled in part due to the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign of Donald Trump, accord­ing to a promi­nent researcher’s new report.
California researcher Brian Levin said that bias crimes appeared to increase in some cities fol­low­ing the Nov. 8 elec­tion of Donald Trump, includ­ing bomb threats to mosques and des­e­cra­tion of Jewish cemeteries.

There were 56 hate crimes report­ed in New York City as of Sunday, Feb. 12, up from just 31 inci­dents over the same time peri­od last year, accord­ing to fig­ures released by the New York Police Department.

More and more News Organizations are now track­ing inci­dents of hate crimes across the coun­try . One of those sources Think Progress ‚since November 9, 2016, they tracked 261 hate inci­dents across the country.


Richard Collins
Around 3 a.m. on Saturday morn­ing, Richard Collins III, 23, was leav­ing a par­ty with some friends. While wait­ing for an Uber ride on the University of Maryland cam­pus, the group was approached by Sean Christopher Urbanski, 22, accord­ing to reports. He walked toward the group and addressed Collins. “Step left, step left if you know what’s best for you,” he said.
Collins didn’t step left and was stabbed in the chest area. Collins’ friends and the Uber dri­ver called for an ambu­lance but it was too late. Collins died short­ly afterward.

Surveillance cam­eras cap­tured footage, and wit­ness­es have said Urbanski appeared to be intox­i­cat­ed. Urbanski has been charged with first-degree mur­der, and author­i­ties are inves­ti­gat­ing whether to charge him with a hate crime. As The Washington Post report­ed, accord­ing to cam­pus police, Urbanski was was a mem­ber of a white suprema­cist Facebook group called “Alt-Reich Nation.”

Collins, on the oth­er hand, was a sec­ond lieu­tenant in the Army. A senior at Bowie State University, he was set to grad­u­ate on Tuesday with a degree in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion. But an act of vio­lence that may have roots in the hate that is con­stant­ly ignored or down­played by law enforce­ment denied him that oppor­tu­ni­ty and his fam­i­ly the chance to wit­ness it.

The focus con­tin­ue to be sin­gu­lar­ly direct­ed at Muslim Terrorists while local home grow ter­ror­ists con­tin­ue to stock up on high pow­ered weapon­ry here in America .
They train as Militias and spread their mes­sage of ter­ror and hatred with lit­tle atten­tion being paid to them by law enforce­ment at both the fed­er­al and local levels.

The ques­tion which we must answer is whether ter­ror­ism has been re-defined to mean The use of vio­lent acts to fright­en the peo­ple in an area as a way of try­ing to achieve a polit­i­cal goal when com­mit­ted by Muslims?

Two men killed on Portland train while trying to stop anti-Muslim hate speech

A known white suprema­cist alleged­ly mur­dered two men for inter­ven­ing the harass­ment of Muslim women in Portland.

Two men were killed Friday in Portland when they tried to stop an anti-Muslim rant on the MAX train at the Hollywood Transit Station, the Oregonian report­ed. Another man also suf­fered stab wounds, but he is expect­ed to survive.
Police say that the sus­pect fled from the scene, but was even­tu­al­ly arrest­ed in Northeast Portland.

The attack occurred in the mid-after­noon when the sus­pect, lat­er iden­ti­fied to be 35-year-old Jeremy Joseph Christian, began yelling “hate speech or biased lan­guage” direct­ed at two young women, one of whom was wear­ing a hijab, the Oregonian report­ed. Some good samar­i­tans tried to inter­vene, but then the man rant­i­ng turned on them with a knife. One man died on the train, while the oth­er passed away at the hospital.

These were folks just rid­ing the train and unfor­tu­nate­ly got caught up in this,” Portland police spokesman Sgt. Pete Simpson said, accord­ing to the Oregonian.
“He was talk­ing about a lot of dif­fer­ent things, not just specif­i­cal­ly anti-Muslim,” Simpson said. “We don’t know if he’s got men­tal health issues. We don’t know if he’s under the influ­ence of drugs or alco­hol or all of the above.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations con­demned the inci­dent Friday, ref­er­enc­ing President Donald Trump’s anti-immi­grant rhetoric as a pos­si­ble cause.

President Trump must speak out per­son­al­ly against the ris­ing tide of Islamophobia and oth­er forms of big­otry and racism in our nation that he has pro­voked through his numer­ous state­ments, poli­cies and appoint­ments that have neg­a­tive­ly impact­ed minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties,” CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said, Reuters report­ed.

Christian was booked Saturday morn­ing into a Multnomah County jail on sus­pi­cion of aggra­vat­ed mur­der and attempt­ed mur­der, the Oregonian report­ed. A Facebook page under the suspect’s name con­nects him to an alt-right protest in Portland and shows that he was a part of vio­lent online groups, the Oregonian reported.