Harvard Cuts Ties With Upstate NY Rep. Stefanik Over Voter Fraud Claims

Good to see civil society standing up to these Fascists

A Republican mem­ber of Congress has been removed from a pan­el at Harvard University for mak­ing com­ments that per­pet­u­at­ed President Donald Trump’s base­less claims of wide­spread vot­er fraud, the school announced Tuesday.
U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York was removed from a senior advi­so­ry com­mit­tee at Harvard’s school of gov­ern­ment after she declined to resign vol­un­tar­i­ly, accord­ing to a state­ment from Douglas Elmendorf, dean of the Harvard Kennedy School

Hundreds of stu­dents and alum­ni called on Harvard to cut ties with Stefanik, a 2006 Harvard grad­u­ate, after last week’s vio­lent insur­rec­tion at the U.S. Capitol. Stefanik was one of rough­ly a dozen cur­rent and for­mer pub­lic ser­vants on a senior advi­so­ry com­mit­tee for Harvard’s Institute of Politics, a pro­gram intend­ed to get under­grad­u­ates inter­est­ed in pub­lic ser­vice careers.

Elmendorf said the deci­sion was not based on polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy. “Rather, in my assess­ment, Elise has made pub­lic asser­tions about vot­er fraud in November’s pres­i­den­tial elec­tion that have no basis in evi­dence, and she has made pub­lic state­ments about court actions relat­ed to the elec­tion that are incorrect,”his state­ment said.
Read the full sto­ry at the link below.